Stop claiming changes to D2R = D3 or D4

It was unplayable at launch due to error 37. Too many people logged in to and overloaded Blizzard’s surveys. It was nothing to do with the gameplay per se.

Actually, Blizzard gave in to the elites who wanted more items to grind for. It was first ancients and then primals. This ultimately led to increased drop rates that occurred in D3:RoS.

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Highly subjective what is an improvement and what is not.

Just saying “stop saying this” is not a point.

A game follows a design. If the major design of the game is not what the player wants, then they should play a different game. It’s not the game which should change, except for a few QoL changes, which D2:R do address mostly (like character expiration, the worst thing ever).

That D3 is suggested so often is just 'cause it’s the successor to D2 which has most of the requested changes.

People suggesting changes over and over again really have to think about if they really like the game. It’s just a matter of personal judging if the pros overweight the cons. For me, they do, so I’m going to play it. As for D3, I just played the story and that was it. Horrible game in every aspect.

And just for the record: Personally I would like to see some changes as well. But there is a difference in people where those who have fun with the game as it is could see a point where it could be more fun rather than tieing all fun to the ONE thing which isn’t like they want it to be.

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oh i also forgot the most recent one in which he makes clear its not happening.

The poll literally shows more people preferring/accepting ploot. And that is despite the question making it sound like they talk D3 loot.

Timed Allocation loot would win that poll in a landslide.

Also, wauw, there is an overwhelming majority for massive changes in that poll. With 99% D2 players.
Not that it is surprising (and not that I agree with them).

that poll shows nothing actually but keep believing what ever u want there

If you mean it says nothing (or rather, very little) about what the whole playerbase want, then yeah, I have made that argument a lot. It is a random internet poll. They are bad.

I only commented on what the poll itself shows.

Noone wants bots however your conflating bot free to Ploot. Not the same.

I agree. I didnt participate so its not legit :slight_smile:

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Lol I didn’t voted in the 2020 elections… so Biden isn’t president? Lol

Now that is not the reason it is not legit :smiley:


Its called a joke. Dont be so serious all the time.

Hehe, problem is, people say so many wrong things in these threads, that it really is hard to be sure. People have outright said the “I wasn’t invited!” thing for the surveys.

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I understand what it is fine. Doesn’t mean it can’t be altered or changed.

If everyone had your attitude, we probably wouldn’t have video games at all.

The goal isn’t to affect the bots, the goal is to stop the bots from affecting my games.

Yeah, it’s on Blizzard to stop them. But if we can also do a simple change that keeps them from yoinking loot, then why not?

Stops pickit. Reason enough, really.

Opinion. Besides, if you need to be constantly clicking the ground in D2 to not be bored… I’d say you are pretty bored either way.

Which is why we’re asking for options and changes instead of a redesign from the ground up.

I think if D2 does nothing but sit where the original D2 is right now in terms of players and popularity, then it would be regarded as a colossal failure. And rightfully so.

The fact that you keep using “children, child,” etc means you’re the one not presenting correct arguments.

The developers have said they still talk about making changes.

Not personal loot specifically, but there is absolutely reason for Blizzard to continue to develop D2 as a game.

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone said they won’t buy D2 because of it. Heck, everyone here preordered it. I’ve only seen people from your camp threaten to quit.

Wanting changes to the game doesn’t mean someone doesn’t love the game.

If you think changing D3 to FFA right at this moment would do much of anything, I have bridges to sell you.

People don’t use public games in PoE because a) it’s poorly optimized for multiplayer, and b) the endgame is based entirely around solo play. It’s got very, very little to do with the loot system.

Grim Dawn is actually quite a good spiritual successor to D2. That you’re unaware of that doesn’t do much for your argument.

I don’t know about others, but I haven’t made any claims about “gief us free” - whatever “gief” means - or the game taking too much, or increasing drop rates.

The point is the game has changed before and there’s no reason it can’t have changes again. Other than your fanatical adherence to the current definition of a gaming term, anyway.

Given that personal loot would actually make things more equal in terms of loot, how can that be a silver platter situation?

Uh huh. So now we’re going to have the same game with good graphics and lots of bots. Quite an improvement.

So, what, if I requested a change that wasn’t in D3, you’d be in favor of it?

I’m not requesting a personal loot option because it’s in D3. I’m requesting it because it’s simply a better and more equal loot system.

Beside the point. Wanting changes doesn’t mean you don’t like a game.

It’s suggested because the people suggesting it don’t know what they’re talking about. They fundamentally misunderstand what the problems in D3 are and what caused them.

I posted for changes in WoW for a decade, doesn’t mean I didn’t like WoW.

When I stopped liking WoW, I stopped playing it.

No he isn’t. He’s calling Inspireone out for his silliness regarding bots.

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It’s also a joke, don’t be so serious all the time

Thought it was D2R not D2R+ lol seems like you are trying to do the same thing you are complaining about.

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The president election gets a lot more publicity than some pub forum in a rabbit hole on reddit…

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Yeah because it’s not already D2R+ with shared stash, cow king, extra stash…

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Well, then you know what I’m talking about in the paragraphs you didn’t quoted.

You like WoW? You play it. You may suggest changes but you play it anyway. Thats totally fine.

But in this case, some people try to convince us that D2:R is basically dead on arrival if it won’t change to get us supporting their changes. This is a false claim, and IF they really think that way, saying they should play something different 'cause they obviously dislike D2 (for what it is at it’s core) is a valid point (what this thread is about).

If more people had my attitude people like you wouldn’t spam forums with things with a misunderstanding what a remaster and what a game is going to be. Shhh it’s ok. 3 weeks til your dreams are shattered and a month or so til you and others stop playing

I know what a remaster is and that not what a lot of us dont want

but my stance on what the game should be doesnt make me think you should have it your way

you claim to have the right attitude… where are you asking for Split Versions? the best alternative to make as many people happy with little to no effort

My dreams wont shatter, why would they shatter on launch, everybody knows that launch is a strict remaster, hell they dont even have enough time to make ladder working

But then, changes will roll out and if you dont advocate now for split versions, you might be left out when changes come

judging by the weakness of your arguments, you are called “Shots” because that what your mother liked when she was pregnant with you lol

Do you honestly think D2 was growing its player base significantly? And even if you do think it was creeping upward, how much of that was due to the mods like Median XL that won’t be there in D2:R?

It won’t be dead on arrival - what they’ve done is fine for that. I predict it’ll be dead later, though, if nothing is done. That’s not because I don’t like D2, but because I believe a stagnant ARPG in an age where ARPGs are expected to be actively developed won’t last long. And this is the game that largely started that tradition.

I know what a remaster is. I’m just not willing to sit quietly and let that be the end of it.

Someday you’ll grow up and realize that knowing what the situation is and wanting to change it are two different things.