**Stone Gauntlets**

  • New Legendary Power: Getting attacked will slowly turn you to stone… (You gain 50% more armor, but your movement speed is reduced by 15% and attack speed is reduced by 20%. This effect stacks up to 5 times)

What build would use this? Has anyone tested this, do you visually turn to stone?

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For Harcore. 4 example
Not kill in mele enemys
For like stone and not speed
Tank. Pancer.
Wen play only is good or not got but stone five

those gloves are useless for all classes less one, wizzards, im 100% secure that gloves were desingned for lon bazooka wizzards
edit: im a sader and i can use it, so i believe every class can use it

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Hmm did they need the help then?

Well the blog nevalistis told us about should explain the thoughts behind the item changes I guess.

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I don’t even think Bazooka would use them. The trade off is simply too much. If it were 50% damage reduction then maybe, but Armor is not worth it.


Armor is a generic damage reduction. Having +250% of Armor means ~3.5x Toughness or ~71% damage reduction.

Has anyone considered if on gear reduction in crowd control or invigorating gemstone reduce or remove the penalty?! That would change how it works.

Haven’t tested these myself, but just wondering…

Do the builds with perma cc immune (Epiphany/Vengeance/WotB etc…) negate the slow?

Could be quite powerful if it works like this.

nope, and no, i tested it with Akkhan set and even with my Akarat’s Champion is active with immunity to cc my atk speed was prett slow, so i dont think those stuff matters when you wear those gloves, that item is for builds that doesn’t need attack speed, (im not a wizzard expert) but i think the bazoka wizzard would use those gloves since they use a combo and uses one big shoot to kill everything

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Had a feeling this was the case, thanks for the reply.

The attack speed is sooo slow with Furnace in hand it is actually amusing. It works very well on Akkhan Condemn, but i think the attack speed debuff is making it too exclusive…

This item should force the player to stay and fight. Perhaps the legendary effect should only reduce movement speed, with the condition that it pierces CC immunity. If players want to save their mobility, they counteract it by equipping run speed buffs, (wings of hope, tactical advantage, etc)

I made a post asking basically the same thing and the more I mess with them the more useless they seem. I don’t see them being used in anything ever. A big waste of a leg affix IMO :pensive:

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If anyone is still interested in these gloves i found a great use for them. I am currently building a crusader shield bash character. I have 2 peices of the akarat set reducing skill costs 50% when in form. While also using the shield bash set which boosts 13,000% dmg. This set also increases attack speed 75% and def 8% per hit stacking 5 times. Shield bash also charges the enemy when attacking. So using stone is very beneficial because losing 100% attack speed when you are boosting to 375% attack speed after 5 hits is fairly insignificant. Also charging an enemy with shield bash is not affected by the walk run reduction and if you hold shift and left click you will charge whatever enemy is under your curser without multiple clicks. With only 3 ancient items currently on i max at about 2 million toughness. I am focusing on cooldown reduction to get that akarat resource reduction. Then i am gearing for some resource reduction and life per hit. Currently my life per hit is about 90,000 with buffs (not including potion life on hit). The idea behind this build is to emulate the zeal paladin. Decent damage paired with great life regeneration from attacking to offset the damage taken.

Isn’t the zeal paladin Rolands sweep crusader?

I beg the differ. I think these gloves are the best thing that has ever happened to any LON/LOD builds. They provide you with 250% armor virtually for free when are used correctly.

The penalty can be negated by any means that immune your character from any form of crowd control effect AKA Archon, Akarat, Wrath of the Berserker, Epiphany, Vengence or even invigorating gem stone. As i mentioned Any form of crowd control immunity not necessarily all forms of CC reduction is required meaning even wearing a pair of Ice climbers (Yes the boots) will give you immunity to the movement speed and attack speed penalty these gloves provide. I’ll leave a link down below to one of many LOD builds in which I am utilizing these gloves. I hope this was somewhat informative.


There is just one thing wrong with the gloves, not all chars can get it. That is just terrible.

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I just created a barb, got some and am good to go with my other builds.

The gloves are godlike for IK Hota Barbs. :slight_smile: No penalties in berserker form.

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Some bazooka wiz do. And armor is damage mitigation. Just try gold wrap for a few rifts. A very large amount of armor basically makes you invincible.

I looked more into the usee for stone gauntlets and found my ik hota build was unaffected when in berserker mode so i moved it over to my wizard and paired it with the invigorating gem. Invigorating gem does counter the negative affects and i experience no reduction in attack speed or run speed but my toughness does boost when attacked. So it seems to me they are meant to be paired in order to allow an armor boost on your character.