**Stone Gauntlets**

Barb under Wrath of the Berserker won’t see the slow down but will still get the benefits of damage reduction.

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I was thinking that these would be good for a pet build, such as Zunimasa. eg. Just stand there like a Super Mario Brothers 3 statue while your pets kill stuff. Does this affect your pets’ attack speed? My WW-Rend barb (who dies a lot above GR90) found a primal pair and I’m about to test them (without rerolling anything yet because I might want to reroll Str to Int and try them on my WD).

Band of Might in cube keeps you alive with Wrath in those lower rifts

You can negate the movement speed debuff with ice climbers or Illusory Boots, but the crappy part is the attack speed. But if you are not concerned with that than they are awesome.

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Wrath of the Berserker prevents the negative side effects of the stone gauntlets for us barbs if we decide to use them.


Does the Pain Enhancer gem negate some of the effects of the Stone Gauntlets?

If you want to negate the effect of the gauntlets with a gem, use invigorating gemstone.

PE can diminish Stone Gauntlets effect, but it won’t be reliable or constant as it relies on getting surrounded and how many enemy at a time around you taking bleed damage.

You can use Ice Climbers as well.


Don’t the Ice Climber boots negate the slow?

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Is there a skill/form for intel based classes to negate, like Veng/WoTB/Epip/Akarats?

Digging up bones. WD does not, guessing maybe archon form in wizard? Necro does not but I know very little about necros so not sure.

I haven’t played the game for a while but our intel based classes are Wizard, Witch Doctor and Necromancer. In case of Wizard they have Archon form which Provides CC immunity and therefore negates the negative effects of these gloves. I do not know any cc immunity skills for WD or Necromancer but If used in a LOD/LON spec AKA Rat spec Necro or LON dart Doc you can use ice climbers or invigorating gem.

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You create a Barbarian (think it works the same with Crusader) get him to 31 and craft a few rare gloves at Haedrig. Then go upgrade those in the cube, at level 31 it is the only legendary they can get.

I can’t remember if you can also just use a level 1 and gamble for gloves, not sure about that.

But either way, getting the character to 31 by the point your main character really needs the gloves won’t take long and if you use gem of ease its no time at all. You should get it quite reliably within a few upgrades so the cost isn’t bad at all. Then transfer to your inventory and cube it. If the gamble way works you got a 70 and just roll of the strenght

Run a rift or GR on your main, get the loot and gamble gloves. Stick rare gloves in your stash. Do this until you have about 10-20 pairs of rare gloves. Log out and make a level 1 Barb or Crusader. Take the gloves and upgrade them to legendary. You should get a pair then.

The easier way would be to just use the level 1 to craft level 70 rare gloves and upgrade them. Then you are using more resources though.

The first way conserves you’re resources a little, the second uses more.

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