Stone Gauntlets

This item needs a redesign. No one will use it in its current implementation. Its current design is geared towards World of Warcraft or other games it feels like. It’s clearly designed to make someone a serious tank, however, giving up the amount of speed and DPS you have to give up for it is far too punishing. No one will make this trade. D3 is built around speed and dishing out damage. We don’t use Tanks like in WoW either.

I suggest removing the movement speed penalty. Reduce the armor increase per stack. Leave the attack speed penalty as is. And instead have SG now increase damage. The philosophy should be you attack slower but each punch deals a much larger number of damage. This could make it a very beneficial item for something like LeapQuake, Boulder Toss, Condemn, Heaven’s Fury (beam), and other similar builds that don’t revolve around attack speed.


Good ideas. I wondered if it was a joke.


I guess someone like a eq barb could wear it because leap doesnt take into consoderation move speed and i dont think eq is calculated on as but theyd have to give up aquilas or some other piece of dr and it wouldnt stack.

LeapQuake would still give be giving up damage in its current form. LeapQuake also already receives a massive armor bonus and can use BoM if needed.

I play hardcore, could be useful there.

Which build(s) would you use it for? What items would you give up for it?

this items is perfectly designed for cooldown abilities such as condemn (sader) as well as builds that dont rely on atk speed specficially such as thorns solo pet necro. nuff said it works for only certain builds which is fine and probably the intention. Saders no longer need esoteric allowing for more damage from another gem.

Which item are you giving up for Condemn to use this? Why would you sacrifice movement speed to use it?

im using stone gaunlets in cube, crimsons and aughild with akkhans amulet for total 6 pc bonus. wings of angels (law of hope) covers the move speed issue btw and also gives move through enemies.

Ya that sounds horrible lol…

aughild gives a total of roughly 70% damage boost to elites 1.3 x 1.3 + .30, CoE gives 50% on average so that 70% and 50% is greater than F/R which is 50% and 50%. on top of that u use flavor of time in cube.

You need to factor in that Aughild and Crimson are additive with your skill rolls, and that Aughild is also additive with Furnace, and you no longer are wearing Strongarms.

Standard Condemn
F&R: 2.25x
CoE: 1.5x
Additive DIBS: 1.45 (Skill %) + 1.3 (Strongarms) = 1.75x
Additive Elite: 1.5x (Furnace)
Total vs Reg = 5.9x
Total vs Elite = 8.9x

Crim / Aughild Condemn
F&R: 2.25x
Additive DIBS: 1.45 (Skill %) + 1.3 (Aughild) + 1.56 (Crimson) = 2.31x
Additive Elite: 1.5 (Furnace) + 1.3 (Aughild) = 1.8x
Total vs Reg = 5.2x
Total vs Elite = 9.36x

Crimson Condemn
F&R: 2.25x
Additive DIBS: 1.45 (Skill %) + 1.3 (Strongarms) + 1.56 (Crimson) = 2.31x
Additive Elite: 1.5x (Furnace)
Total vs Reg = 5.2x
Total vs Elite = 7.8x

Aughild Condemn
F&R: 2.25x
Additive DIBS: 1.45 (Skill %) + 1.3 (Strongarms) + 1.3 (Aughild) = 2.05x
Additive Elite: 1.5 (Furnace) + 1.3 (Aughild) = 1.8x
Total vs Reg = ‭4.6x
Total vs Elite = 8.3x

I have greatly discounted the value of CoE.

Yeah these are not doing so great =P

Would be a really nice addition if it wasn’t the massive movement speed reduction

Akarats Champion gives u immunity to control imparing effects so stone gaunlets movement speed impairment doesnt effect sader on the condemn build should u have 100% up time.

After extensively testing the entirety of the mechanics of each new Legendary Affix yesterday night, I come to a very different conclusion. In prior to playing the Patch I was sure that Stone Gauntlets would have a very nice niche viability for non-self-attacking reflect builds; or in other words generic Thorns variants or Ivory Tower builds. Here are the testing results taking from my overall feedback thread: Full Mechanics of new Legendary Affixes incl. Bugs and a QoL changes

Stone Gauntlets:

  • Affix description is a flavor text.
    • Change: Adapt text description to incorporate mechanics.
  • If you gain the stacks, while being CC IMMUNE and afterwards dropping CC IMMUNITY, you don’t get the movement speed debuff.
    • Change: I consider this a bug. Debuff should be dynamic to CC IMMUNITY. When the IMMUNITY drops all penalties should apply.
  • The attack speed debuff pierces CC IMMUNITY.
    • Change: I consider this a bug. APS debuff is soft-CC (reads so in gameguide) and hence should’nt pierce CC IMMUNITY. Worthwhile noting that this bug has an XOR-relation to the previous bug. You either fix this one or the previous one, not both. It has to be consistent one way.
  • Actually gives 50% Armor per stack up to 250%.
  • Note: If properly fixed, Sone Gauntlets are actually a VERY NICE mitigation choice and will beat St. Archew’s by a large margin once the CC IMMUNITY inconsistences are fixed.

Turns out Stone Gauntlets are pretty nice, and if fixed up properly (IAS not piercing CC immunity) they will actually be a default swap in for St. Archew’s for int-based DPS classes as long as CC-Immunity is granted via a different source. It’s also already worthwhile playing Stone Gauntlets with three 40% CCR rolls on gear, since both penalties actually go through CCR.

Stone Gauntlets are mad strong.


Thorns Crusader is already one of the tankiest builds in the game and instead of addressing its lack of AoE damage you want to make it tankier and do less damage?

That is a Thorns Crusader specific problem; not a Stone Gauntlet specific problem. The viability of one item is not determined by it’s usage in a single niche build.

I’m pointing out Thorns Crusader because you brought it up. I’m saying in its current form, it won’t be used by Thorns Crusaders because the attack speed penalty makes it less desirable. You want as high as an aps as possible.

LeapQuake won’t use it. Not for optimal builds anyways.

Condemn won’t use it for optimal build either imo.

None of the builds you all are mentioning would realistically use Stone Gauntlets without sacrificing your damage. That’s why it needs a redesign.

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You didn’t, because Strongarms can proc on monsters, even Juggernauts, as long as they are hit by knockbacks. Therefore it’s pretty easy to maintain 100% Strongarms uptime on RG.

I never noticed, thanks HK.