Stone gauntlet on follower

i thought about giving my templar stone gauntlet, not for his toughness because i’m quite sure the secondary effect (Getting hit increases your armor by 50%, but reduces your movement speed by 15% and attack speed by 20%. This effect stacks up to 5 times.) do not work but for the chance to immobilize which is quite high, is it a good idea?

Can’t say specifically about Stone Gauntlets but some players avoid having hard CC effects from followers - even chosing not to activate all of the follower skills - in order to not have the monster immunity happen too quickly or at undesirable moments.


i also use cord of sherma and it helps proc my krysbin, why i should not use hard cc on follower?

I just thought about the cord of sherma because it covers a greater area than a single affected monster.
The negative effects of unwanted CC effects on monsters can be read here from about halfway down on the page: “Crowd Control Resistance” (I’m no expert myself):

There is also a good topic here:

Myself, I just play solo and spam everything much too often…


i didnt understand a damn thing xD
anyway i’m ssf (so i’m never in a party) and i’m interested in pushing grs
my main build is lod death nova

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If you gonna use Stone Gauntlets just for that occurance chance to Immobilize, then just toss him an Azurewrath. It comes packed with a constant aura effect that knock away a good portion of enemy types and Freeze chance is really high, I think up to 25%.
You exactly don’t need to give away Gloves of Worship just so your Follower can pin down one monster at a time. Only gloves you should consider on them are; Gloves of Worship or Cain’s Set gloves for farming and that’s it. That ten minutes long Shrine effect really a life saver in the Seasonal play.

Although I remember St. Archew’s Gage also working on them as well, it’s not really worth an attempt to lose GoW over their survival when they recover or can be given Invulnerability token if that’s ever a concern. When they equip Archew’s, you see the word “Absorbed” on top of their head whenever they take damage from an elite pack, but there are no visual cues about it being active or not.

Monsters gain resistance over hard crowd control effects longer they are exposed to them. After a point they become completely immune if you over stack without any pacing.
Simply you want to have a grasp on the resistance that monsters stack against crowd control effects, all by yourself. Your Follower chipping in their deal of crowd control might throw your cast cycle off, by making monsters immune to such effects earlier and cause you to miss some burst damage opportunities due to that.


The “ideal” build then has Stone Gauntlets equipped, mainly for toughness.
I looked at your Shadow hero. Right now you seem to use a modified version of LoD Nova.

on my profile now you can see my lod mage build, i use this for visions and speed 90s

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It looks great :+1:
(Of course one is always on the lookout for the item with the perfect rolls)

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I always like Gloves of Worship on my followers. That 10 minutes duration on up to three shrine powers from Altar of Rites “Father” node are too sweet to pass up. On speed 90 GR runs and Visions maybe not so much, but they help on pushing GR’s.

Edit: Clarification on Shrine Powers.

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Except the Gloves of Worship do not work on Pylons, only Shrines. It’s the Flavor of Time Amulet that doubles the Pylons’ uptime. (30-second Pylons become 60-second Pylons. 60-second Pylons last for 2 minutes).


Sorry, meant shrines.

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Ya, that would be slightly OP.

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There are no Shrines in Greater Rifts. Only Pylons. (Unless you’ve unlocked the Altar of Rites Father Potion Power).

Edit: There are Shrines in:

  • Bounties
  • Nephalem Rifts
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I believe Argos was referring to the Shrine powers granted by the Father Potion in the Altar.


Shrines do not appear in Visions, but you can carry shrine effects acquired from outside Visions in to the Vision.

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You’re right. My bad. I’ll edit my previous post.


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imagine 10 Min power or conduit lol

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This is what I meant. Thank you yessquire. I assumed everyone was aware that when you hit your health potion you get a random shrine affect after you choose the “Father” node on your Altar of Rites.

I will edit my post to clarify a little better. I assumed everyone had completed the Altar of Rites. My bad.


I haven’t. But the Father node was the last thing I unlocked before I called it “good enough”.