Stone gauntlet on follower

at least we would have balance, every main stream build would be doing speed 150s. :slight_smile:

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Every build that has enough defenses to survive a GR150 (and get’s a Conduit in that run) would be doing speed 150s :smiley:

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I run both sage and cains on my follower (2 pieces each, rorg equipped).

gloves of worship don’t work in GRs.

rather than a few builds and the rest are unbalanced and lucky to hit GR140 at 4k paragon…GR150 shouldn’t be limited to only a few character classes and a few builds…

The Gloves Of Worship work very well in GR.
Bonuses provided by the Father potion last 10 minutes, not 2 minutes (As long as you don’t die or exit the rift and re-enter).


this is not my understanding, but I am happy to be wrong. So the father potion casts these shrines randomly and they last 10 minutes, not 2, correct?

  • Enlightened: You gain 25% increased experience from monster kills. This bonus is multiplicative with items giving a +% bonus to EXP
  • Frenzied: Your attack speed increases by 25%.
  • Blessed: You reduce all incoming damage by 25%.
  • Fortune: You gain 25% increased magic and gold find rate.

as an aside, since Blizzard’s documentation is very poor imho, with the 3 potions - do they last for the rest of the GR upon casting, or do they have a time limit, or do they replace a prior potion casting (say for example, you use a potion, and mortal is randomly chosen, and 2 mins later, you drink another potion and say, mother is cast, mortal stops and is replaced by mother). I rarely use these potions deliberately and yes, I realise it affects my clear times. I’ve never paid them much thought.

  • Empowered: You have 100% increased resource gain, and 50% reduced cooldown time.
  • Fleeting: You gain 25% increased movement speed and increase your pickup radius by 20 yards.

You’re correct.

When you use the potion, all unlocked bonuses (Father, Mother & Mortal) are triggered at the same time.

Concerning Father, if the potion triggers an already existing effect, then it’s done again for 10 mins, otherwise the effect will be added to the others

The effects that Father can trigger:

  • Enlightened: +25% Experience from monster kills.
  • Frenzied: +25% Attack Speed.
  • Blessed: 25% damage reduction.
  • Fleeting: +25% Movement Speed and +20 Pickup Radius.

On top of getting the shrine powers you also get the triune circles and the reduced damage from monsters in a 25 yard radius (Mother and Mortal) plus the effect from the actual potion in your slot (like 20% more armor for two seconds)… and all this even at full health. I hit “Q” as often as possible (possibly too often maybe).


so the 3 potions are cumulative? So I cast them in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd minutes (allowing for potion cooldown) and I get all 3 potion effects, and the shrine effects for 10 minutes if using the gloves of worship? Am I really understanding things right?


Isn’t the potion cooldown 30 seconds?
On PC one can hold the pointer over the effect icons and see the duration etc. Don’t know how it works on console.

And yes to the questions.


maybe it is, I’ve never really paid attention to it LOL. I rarely use the potion unless pushing to the maximum where monster DPS/damage is higher than normal. I usually use the mobility of my DH build to evade (caveat - ranged attacks are harder to evade, especially if you have a crap load of shaman all firing on screen!).

I guess I will keep the next gloves of worship that I find and start using them in GRs and activating the 3 potions at 30s, 1 min and 1.5m (and avoid dying!) to take advantage of the altar.

Many thanks mate.


The last 3 nodes on the Altar are pretty sweet. They all require you to drink a health potion but you get a bunch of different affects every 30 secs. Not only the random shrine affects you can stack up to three of them, but you also the 25% less damage from enemies within 25 yards and also get one of the three runic circles. So yeah spam that potion as soon as it becomes available. Even if you die, start spamming it again. It’s worth it.

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i equipped gloves of worship on my follower and i’m spamming potions in grs, should i also remove cord of sherma?

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If your necro is killing stuff at a reasonable pace everything should be okay.
You can read about the ideal way to play the death nova on maxroll. How to do max damage by setting things up with a stun from Dislocation just before the physical cycle of the CoE ring.
Another good belt for the templar could be Vigilante which has cooldown. I got one by crafting sovereign belts at the blacksmith and upgrading them in the cube with a level 1 crusader. Took a lot of tries… don’t how if your barb can get the vigilante belt that way? Don’t gamble the belt on Kadala with a level 1 hero. She’ll give you a low level Vigilante belt if you get one.


I hadn’t seen that the Templar was recommended for a necro Nova…

Okay, let’s get to work Strix :joy: :sob:

A lot of times I don’t use the right follower because I’m too lazy to roll the correct main power stat on his items and I don’t have the extra character slot to start another class. I almost never roll a scoundrel. When I need him I almost never have a Dexterity toon available.


I got a 148 with the enchantress, I think I won’t bother stuffing the templar, I’ll see depending on the mood.

(Sometimes I like stupid things to do, it’s a change from visions, rifts and GR)


If you have the toughness (and skill :smile:) to stay alive fine, Enchantress will provide more damage.
I can see that you use Guardian’s and Aquila with Trag’Oul’s giving a good deal of toughness.


Not try to push with the LoD build…

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