Start a 70 for seasonal if you want to

Allow seasonal players to start new seasonal characters at 70, if they already have a 70 that season.

Every player asking for a “power level” wants to be 70 already. Let them be 70.
When making anew character, where you select seasonal and hardcore by putting a checkmark in a box, have an option that says “Start at 70” where you can put a check in that box too.

Because they’re just going to power level and not PLAY the game until they are 70…let them skip that when they want to.

So you don’t have to ask anyone else to do something for you, you just start already at 70, instead of asking someone to level you and wait for an hour while it levels you…just skip all that, if they WANT TO. :slight_smile: They don’t have to chek the “start at 70” box if they don’t want to.

When playing a new character, I’ll always level myself to 70 to learn how to play that character. But after that it’s just waiting for an hour to do something you already know how to do IF you find someone to do it for you :slight_smile:

Just cut all that out


I mean… If it was hard to find people to PL I would agree with this, but if you join a PL community and ask for PL you will get it really quick (unless it is the first few days of the season).

Also, by “really quick” I mean 5-10 minutes on T6. Shouldn’t take more than 2 (max 3) rifts to get it, even without leveling equipments.

Nothing is faster than already happened :smile:

I didn’t say it was hard, it’s unimportant and it just makes us wait. Someone will help us always, and then you have to wait an for it to get to 70 and you had to ask someone else first :slight_smile:

It’s not that I can’t be power leveled, it’s that it’s faster to already be 70. You aren’t going to learn anything about the game, you aren’t playing it, you are just waiting to get to 70.

If I have something to learn, I’ll learn it by leveling myself to 70. But everyone whoasks for a power level already wishes to be 70. Sure it can be done easily…why make them?

Maybe instead of starting already with level 70 just get 1 random ancient 2h melee and ranged weapon (2h Sword or Axe and a 2h Bow or Crossbow) from Haedrig in mailbox with level reduced to 1 and a socket in it. This ancient would be without any legendary power.

You could only get one box with a 2h melee and ranged ancient weapon per region (one for America, Europe and Asia servers) and one box for season hardcore per region…

This means you only get that box on your very first season char created. If you create more season chars you won’t get anything.

This way you could start leveling at T6 and slowly lower the difficulty if it gets too hard, yet you should level up to 70 a lot faster than it is right now with your first season char…

No. Start at level 70.

Your suggestion takes time and effort. It doesn’t matter that it’s “short time” or “easy”. Just start at 70 with the same starter gear, but all of the class’s abilities unlocked.

The fun would be in getting better gear, Just like it is now. Just like it always has been :slight_smile:

The game isn’t fun until you are 70, so just start us at 70 so we can start having fun. It’s fast an easy to get power leveled, takes about an hour. And it’s one hour that is an annoying waste of time :slight_smile:

If you already have a 70 of that class, you don’t need to learn anything else. You are ready to start the rifts and greater rifts and get gear. That’s where the fun is, that’s the fun part :slight_smile:

I have a level 25 gem of ease that makes level 70 weapons only require level 1. I only play hardcore, so I use it a lot. Started a new character today, but that gem in the 70, put it on T5 and it only takes you about 70 minutes, that you wouldn’t have to spend :slight_smile:

Why is it better that you have to?


because that is the penalty for hc
you lose the gear your wearing and have to level again .
If that is a problem you shouldn’t play hc.

As it is you keep all items in chest and paragon so not very hc


A “penalty” is something officially enacted for punishment. That’s like banning someone from the game or forums. It’s not having to play the game a certain way again. They aren’t punishing me for playing HC :slight_smile:

Losing the gear is enough of a loss. I want to get started getting more gear right away.

Why would anybody have anything against it?

What about making the leveling progress any meaningful by alternate systems?

I agree, I think when you rebirth you should start at 70, Still lose all your items but be 70. It would make all those useless plans we get useful.

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With the new LoD gem, combined with the GoE you can powelevel yourself to 70 in less than 10 mins.

Even within 5 mins with a full xp leveling setup.

Having said that, this doesn’t sound like a bad idea, it just makes a bunch of items already built for this purpose redundant.


Not to mention HF ammy and ring as well.

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So does the code work to make this sort of change. I honestly can’t see this happening. Ever. And not something I feel the game needs. There are more pressing things that are more likely to be added than a wish list of things like this.

But hey, may as well as to see if they can get you some WiFi or Cell service on the moon while you are at it. That actually might be easier.

Game on.

Unless you have gold wrap and boon of hoarder with custerian wristguards along with your EXP gear I have no idea how can you level up to 70 in 10 or 5 minutes…

Unless you complete 2 full sets of act 1-5 T16 bounties and open them on your level 1 char with custerian wrostguards on + your EXP leveling gear, to get to 54 level in few seconds and level the rest in a Vault for example, but still no way you can level up to 70 in 5 minutes, even 10…

This could only be possible if by some kind of miracle you get a T6 cow rift on your char that you want to level up or if someone power levels you…

You might be surprised how much bonus XP is possible…

Wearing this gear, killing my first mob at T1 pretty much takes me straight to 50-55 but, I agree, it’s tough to get the other 15 levels anywhere near that quick without a power level.

Of course, I have a sneaking suspicion that if I dropped the Cains and Borns stuff, and just put in some ancients / primals with a LoD gem, the fact that I’d have a 9750% damage boost might mean I could just set it straight to T6 and the extra XP from the difficulty might completely off-set the lack of experience bonus percentages from the sets.

That’s a back-burner thing for me to work towards and test.

you want to have an option to start with gear too? you know gearing a new char is time consuming and you dont want to do that

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ROFL the best part of the season is the 1-70 leveling process


I have done this by GOE’ing an UE set, F/R, yangs, dml, goldwrap, custerians, cubed dawn, leorics (ruby in the hat), and avarice, and for leg gems ran trapped, zei’s and boon of the hoarder. Ran this on T6, got 1-70 in just under 8 min. I also did this 4 or 5 seasons ago, so with all the buffs we have gotten, it should be able to go faster.

I have an even better suggestion especially for you. Why stop at starting with level 70 from season start.

Think bigger :sunglasses:

Why not make each year a special 1 month season of powercreep :roll_eyes:

How would it work?

  1. Like I mentioned before in my previous post you get the ancient items with reduced level to 1.
  2. Your first Rift completed on each difficulty Normal-T16 gives you 100x more EXP and 100X Gold and for GR 1-150 you get 10x more Exp and Gold award for completing rift/greater rift.
  3. The first elite pack you kill on season drops 1,000,000 Death Breaths (in stacks of course :stuck_out_tongue:)
  4. The first Rift Guardian (difficulty doesn’t matter) you kill drops (all in stacks): 100,000 Greater Rift Keys, 100,000 Forgotten Souls and 500 Blood Shards :sunglasses:
  5. Kadala now sells only Primals with perfect rolls each :sunglasses:
  6. Each Greater Rift Guardian now drops instead of a rank 0 legendary a 150 rank Legendary Gem (until you have all) :sunglasses:
  7. The first Greater Rift Guardian killed by you drops 2000 Blood Shards :sunglasses:
  8. Your Blood Shards cap is increased by 200 per completed Greater Rift :sunglasses:
  9. Urshi now upgrades your legendary gem by 20 per click and you have 3 chances to upgrade if you die, 4 if you don’t and 5 if you pay :sunglasses:
  10. After completing Chapter 1-4 you get your Full Primal 6 pieces set from Haedrig via mail (of course all with perfect rolls oh and you get 3 150 rank legendary gems that works best with that set) :sunglasses:
  11. Greed drops 1,00,000,000,000 gold when killed for the first time in vault :sunglasses:
  12. All legendary powers and set bonuses are doubled :sunglasses:
  13. All legendary gems damage, duration or cooldown reduction is doubled:sunglasses:
  14. Each Keywarden drops 10,000 Infernal Machnes (stacks) when killed for the first time :sunglasses:
  15. Ubers killed for the first time drop 70,000 each (why 70,000, so you can make 5k hellfire amulets or rings per class) :sunglasses:
  16. You get 4x times more per each stat in paragon exept main stat or vitality (instead of max 5% CHC you get 20% same with the rest) :sunglasses:
  17. You get 5 extra stash tabs after completing season journey :sunglasses:
  18. Each Greater Rift completed on Hardcore grants you Extra Life. If you complete 10 GRs you get 10 lifes, if you die in Hardcore 9 times you’ll have one last life :rofl:
  19. Legendary and normal set items don’t drop - only ancients and you have 25% chance to get a primal set or legendary item :sunglasses:
  20. Myriam can now reroll 4 affixes on ancients and 6 :rofl: on primals :sunglasses:
  21. Ramaladni’s Gift now also adds a socket in amulets, rings, shoulders, bracers, gloves and boots :sunglasses:
  22. Odious Goblin drops 100,000 of each crafting materials (reusable parts, arcane dust, veiled crystal, death breath, forgotten souls when killed for the 1st time :sunglasses:
  23. All Horadric Caches now drop Primal Only bounty specific items (perfect rolls) :sunglasses:
  24. Each Act Horadric Cache drops 100,000 of bounty specific crafting materials when opened for the first time and 500 Blood Shards (each) :sunglasses:
  25. Salvaging Normal quality item gives 250 Reusable Parts, 200 Arcane Dusts for Magic item, 150 Veiled Crystals for Rare items, 30 Forgotten Souls for Ancient legendaries, 150 for Primal Ancient Legendaries :sunglasses:
  26. Gem Hoarder goblin drops 5000 Marquise Gems of each type and 2500 Imperial Gems of each type (all in stacks) when killed for the first time :sunglasses:
  27. Menageris Gobln now drops ALL pets on first kill :sunglasses:
  28. You get all new crafting recipes (both from blacksmith and Jeweler) after opening your first Horadric Cache (difficulty does not matter) :sunglasses:
  29. All weapons now have max 3 sockets (2 for normal gems and 1 for legendary) and Ramaladni’s Gift always adds 2 sockets in weapons :sunglasses:
  30. You can enter a Cow Rift (not level) by transmuting an ancient Bovine Bardiche :sunglasses:
  31. All your skills damage is doubled :sunglasses:
  32. All your skills have their cooldown and resource cost reduced by 25% (which means a skill that had a 120 seconds cooldown now has a 90 seconds etc.) :sunglasses:
  33. The bonus from extracted powers in Kanai’s Cube is doubled :sunglasses:
  34. Augmenting an item now also gives you also 150 All Resistance :sunglasses:
  35. Augmenting a Legendary Gem Rank 100 gives you 1000 mainstat + 150 All Res (1500 for 150 rank gem) :sunglasses:

Now tell me isn’t it better than just focus on such a minor thing like starting at 70 level… :roll_eyes:

No effort or hard work just instant win :roll_eyes:

With these changes you can just shout that someone power levels you to paragon 10000 in chat :thinking:


Creating this post was almost as exhausting as completing a GR 100 solo…:upside_down_face:


Leveling to 70 really isn’t that hard. It’s finding the best items which is. I find it toxic that I have to repeatedly hunt for the best items every season that I just stopped playing this season when I found out this is the game (Just started playing D3 last season). Sure, I could play non-seasonal, but how would I get the extra stash tab rewards? So rather than play a game I don’t enjoy, I just switched to another game.
I tried playing today to see if it was still fun. But I just got bored to tears. There’s nothing new. It’s just grinding. I’m not even experimenting with builds as there’s too few builds I could try. D3 is only fun on your first season. There’s the thrill of discover and new play. That quickly wears off once you’ve done pretty much everything the game has to offer.

I think powerlevelers should be able to earn ectos or something for their service.
Or gold.