Start a 70 for seasonal if you want to

We already have enough gold and there’s no trade available.

Yes, please, by all means, add more instant gratification.

I honestly think Power Level should be removed (as in, estabilish a minimum level range to actually get exp out of leeching). Why even have the level system if all characters can get to the level cap in 10 minutes?

“But leveling is boring”
Yeah? This is a grinding game. All you ever do the entire game is to grind. Leveling up to 70 as fast as possible without power leveling can be actually a pretty neat challenge and it’s one of my favourite parts of the beginning of the season. What really makes it pointless is knowing that basically in a few hours everyone will be able to skip it so I’m “wasting my time”.

Like @Meteorblade said, I have an almost identical setup to the one he has shown. You can literally level within one rift. I also have used a level 100+ GoE in my weapon to achieve this, and of course. . Paragon doesn’t hurt either.

Also, while the 1-70 journey may take 5 mins on a perfect rift, setting this up takes hours. I’ve gone to the extent of making all the gear usable at level 1 as well. Though, half the Cain/Born items can be worn after you kill a single monster.

My WD called WDitems is wearing the setup if you wanted to see it.

EDIT: The armoury is bugged, the cube slots for Armour and Jewellery show as empty, but it should show Leoric’s Crown and RoRG. The weapon slot doesn’t matter, use something that boosts your power significantly. Azurewrath is only good until about level 50.

For powerleveling my DHs I use this build:

  • Ancient weapon with rank 80 Gem of Ease (+4500 Exp)
  • Custerian Wristguards lvl 1 (reduced req with Gem of Ease 25 Rank in cube)
  • Leoric’s Signet (30% extra Exp) ring lvl 1 (Ring + Gem of Ease Rank 25 in cube)
  • Hellfire Ring (45% Exp)
  • Shoulders and Chest Armor from Born’s Defiance set (20% Exp) - (cubed both with Gem of Ease Rank 25 gem)
  • Gloves and Helm from Cain’s Destiny set (50% Exp) - (cubed both with Gem of Ease Rank 25 gem)
  • Leoric’s Crown cubed
  • Flawless Royal Ruby in Helm (41% Exp)

If you want to know more about powerleveling alts check:

Use gem of ease + legacy of dreams equiped in hellfire ring, craft some low level legendaries and you can autopowerlevel you 1-70 in about 20 mins doing masacre bonus, i do this thing when i die in hardcore.

The setup you described is almost exactly like mine. Only difference is I use the low level Borns/Cains sets as well as they stack.

I’m sure you have noticed the difficulty spike approaching 60, which is where your weapons come in.

My record of 4:56, was in fact with a DH. I used a Yang’s/DML on top of the general xp build which helped cruise all the way to 70 without slowing down on T6.

Should be even quicker now if you add Echoing Fury in the cubes weapon slot.

Actually… might have to test this out after work tonight.

If you checked the thread I posted you should noticed that after opening 40 T16 Horadric Caches and using my leveling or your build you INSTANTLY get to level 58…

Might check this out later in game thanks for the tip :wink:

True, I only read the visible part from this thread. I did get what it was saying, and even though I use them, I didn’t realise Custerian Wristguards were THAT effective. Though, 40 bounty caches? Ouch! I do have a pet hate for bounties though so I’m quite biased there, would never have even considered this. :sweat_smile:

This would be great if you were trying to get the Avarice conquest too (when we have it). Another reason to hoard caches to open at once. Get Avarice, and level a new character all at once!

But of course, the setup time would be huge between the lvl25 GoE’s and bounty farming.

Either way, can’t beat that time. Neat trick!

I wonder how many it would take to go straight to 70?

Post written by Alexismad in the thread I posted above. You would notice it if you read it :roll_eyes:
On previous seasons, I have done this with T13 caches. I do not have necro dlc and this was before the 5th stash tab earned through seasons, so I had 10 stash tabs. I filled all of them with T13 bags plus had the character inventory with 30 bags, so 380 T13 cache bags. I had a level 1 Custerians, opened all 380 bags, and went from level 1 to 68.9.

Sure not 70, but close enough…

I’m still a fan of the one-time per season level boost. The 1-70 grind is unnecessary for everyone other than a new player. It’s also flexible in comparison to the community who moved on from leveling after a few weeks.

I did read it the next visit, this was done on T13. It shouldn’t be as much now with T16 caches. Probably a decent amount less too.

As you state yourself, 40 caches got you to 58, so it seems that the number is going to be less than 100 now.

Apologies, my post did not reflect this.

Yeah, might as well start with 1000 paragon too, since it takes as long as getting to 70…

Again wrong :stuck_out_tongue:


but who would notice :roll_eyes:

I guess you must be tired or didn’t get much sleep…


Feel free to correct me if I make any similar mistakes :wink:

Yes, working 10 hours after only 4 hours sleep can do that.

But no, that’s not my excuse, I just got mixed up with your numbers from this thread, and your comments in the one you linked earlier.

Either way, my point still stands. Just means it’s even less.

PS: I have no issue with being corrected when warranted. Misinformation or general trolling is not “usually” my thing. Anyway… fixed :wink:

Great idea! Don’t mind the ones saying otherwise…they are just mega frustrated! All of them play in groups and benefit from power leveling! NOOOONE of them lvl normally to lvl 70 but they like eating lots of shi* and their stomach is very tolerant with shi*!

If you rebirth you can start at lvl70 5 days after season starts.

I never ask for power level when season starts and I level from 1 to 70 either on my own or I join public games on hard-master difficulty with other players in my level range…

The only thing I like about leveling from 1 to 70 is that almost every item is an upgrade and rares actually mean something…

What I hate about leveling from 1 to 70 is how much time it takes for me even if I complete the challenge rift on season start…

I leveled my alt today from 1 to 70 in arround 6-8 minutes…

Or be given the option to start at 70. When I’m playing class that I haven’t played in a while, or working towards a set I haven’t used, it’s nice to learn the ropes. But for the most part, I’d rather just be level 70 and figure it all out. Sure Blizzard might need to change a couple of the seasonal chapter steps, or not. It’s not like it’s that big of a deal to clear that first chapter. I usually wait until I’m 70 though, just so I can make my first rift run meaningful.

It would require no coding. You already progress to 70. Every time you play the game, you are still 70 after got to 70. You don’t have to code anything. The game is already set. It can make you any level from 1 to 70. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter how easy it is to get to 70. Anything you do is LONGER than having it already done :slight_smile: Don’t care if it only takes you 5 minutes, it’s faster if it’s already done.

And the fact that anyone can get to 70 in 5 minutes is a good reason to just iliminate leveling altogether. What the point if you are only going to spend 5 minutes getting to 70? Just make it 70 at start if you push a button that says “start at 70”.


And there IS coding required to make the game DO this. You think its going to just magically work by itself? THAT TAKES CODING TO IMPLEMENT. They aren’t going to do it.

But sure, continue spouting about it. I’m out.

Game on.