Squirts necklace will need a nerf if

Wow you really have reading comprehension issues… I said that thanks to those 2 legendary gems (wreath of lightning and Mirinae) equipped on their followers players COULD do 150 GRs…

No i don’t have, even with wreath of lightining and mirinae at level 150 your follower will still do zero damage is just a matter of maths (if you don’t trust me, just equip 2 pieces of shadow set and use mirinae and wrath of lightining and attack with grenades or something like that… you will see that the damage is just to low and useless… (the part of using 2 pieces of shadow set it’s because of the generic 6k damage increased, which followers don’t have…)

I’m not saying your math is wrong, just saying that high paragon levels and caldesans have a big impact on how far you can get in GRs. Some players can complete 110 GR with 1000-1100 while others need 1500-1800 paragon to achieve it. You can complete GR 110 and highier even with 900 only paragon if you are using shadow impale for example.

110 with multishot at 900 paragon is not hard is just matter of using the right skills and gems…

Those who complete GR 100-110 with lower paragons must have their optimized (15-20% elemental damage on bracers, amulets or in some builds pants and gloves, same with extra damage for your main attack skill on helm, boots etc.).

the difference between an amulet with elemental damage instead of dex it’s like 1 GR level, the gap of 15-20 in bracers it’s even less, and the main skill damage on all pieces of gear it’s just common sense.

Those with much highier paragons and caldesans in gear don’t really need elemental damage on every single item or extra damage, they can skip one or two.

No one should skip elemental damage or extra damage, it’s common sense…

The only way to lower the gap is to buff all the other weaker sets, not nerf anything.

if somehow you buff all builds to the level of vyr chantodo, people will not use vyr chantodo anymore (because of the build mechanics…) and probably vyr chantodo will be in a bad spot again… (that is why sightly nerfs are way better than buff everything else, thanks to the constant buffs to some classes or builds barb ended in this bad spot atm, not because of nerfs).

I finally completed GR 100 with just one lame 60 level caldesan, 20% extra physical damage (used Full Broadside rune on multishot) 13% extra multishot damage on helm and boots, and a crappy ancient Yangs with 3100-3200 damage only. It felt like doing inferno in vanilla D3…

Full broadside rune is good but only if you hoard entire screens of mobs, otherwise arsenal beats full broadside, GR 100 with arsenal multishot it’s really easy.

Maybe for some people pushing the limits of their builds is fun for them no matter what paragon or caldesans they have, for me it’s just exhausting, so have fun if you like it…

D3 it’s balanced about that since greater rifts were introduced.

I guess you just couldn’t stop yourselft and had to reply -.-, ok I’ll bite…

As for doing GR 150 with followers when both of these gems worked on them I admitted that it might not be 150, but maybe 90-120…

Btw. followers proced wreath of lightning and Mirinae 100% of the time on that PTR, unlike what we have now if we use it on our class…

Please show me a video on youtube where someone does 110 GR with multishot and just 900 paragon. I mean a video of actual 900-950 paragon with no cadesans or only ONE in their build (only ONE, cause by your own words :point_right: just matter of using the right skills and gems and using only 90-100 legendary gems.

Checked Amercas leaderboards and noticed one Multishot (arsenal rune) player with 849 paragon and NO caldesans at all, but a primal Yangs, Squirt’s Necklace and 102-105 that had done GR 107 located at 987 place…

Feel free to check the whole leaderboard to find out if there really is anyone who did GR 110 with just 900 or below like the guy above…

If you do I’ll agree with you until now it’s just assume things out of thin air…

Maybe you’re right on that one, would have to check that out…

I stop playing the game because of Squirt update in 2.6.6.

Slow day at the office, so thought I’d catch up on all the nonsense here.

Man, this Gasnick dude plays the forum more than the actual game.

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I only play 3-4h a day lately and getting slowly bored with this season. After completing season journey and grinding endless GRs game is getting boring for me.

Only did few public bounty runs and made a new LoD build with an alt and got with it to GR 70…

So yeah lately I play the forum more often…

Please show me a video on youtube where someone does 110 GR with multishot and just 900 paragon. I mean a video of actual 900-950 paragon with no cadesans or only ONE in their build (only ONE, cause by your own words :point_right: just matter of using the right skills and gems and using only 90-100 legendary gems.

Do you think people cares about 110 enough to upload a video to youtube xD? (110 is not hard to reach nowadays, also i still don’t understand why you have that obsession with under 1k paragon and no augments, it’s not like add augments it’s hard, also getting paragon +1.3k it’s pretty easy… some people even got it at the third day of season xD… it’s just dumb limitations).
Anyway my DH it’s pretty close to 110 (i was just doing a 106 leveling gems and got a DC when i spawned the RG (had like 3 mins remain), the fun part of this story is that the follower saved my life because he probably chainstuned the RG, yes… my character was able to survive a DC in front of a GR 106 RG, my templar is a real MVP). and i only have 10k mainstat and my gear it’s really garbage (yes i have 2 potato augments, a level 80 one and a 70 one, but that means nothing because i still have pleb 10k mainstat, using only 2 offensive gems, and i’m playing hardcore, on softcore with 3 offensive gems and playing aggresive enough it’s pretty easy to reach, i avoid fight 3 elites at the same time beacuse i play hardcore, on sc i would fight against +2 elites because if you die you don’t lose all gear xD)

Checked Amercas leaderboards and noticed one Multishot (arsenal rune) player with 849 paragon and NO caldesans at all, but a primal Yangs, Squirt’s Necklace and 102-105 that had done GR 107 located at 987 place…

Feel free to check the whole leaderboard to find out if there really is anyone who did GR 110 with just 900 or below like the guy above…

Hardcore laderboards were plagued with UE6 and M6 multishot builds doing +110 the first week of the season, and guess what, most of these players already did better with multishot, and some of the others are just pushing with rapid fire, so all the records of doing 110 with multishot were deleted…
Also after my post about the mainstat thing i thought you already were aware that primals offer very little in terms of damage (yes you have an obsession with primals lmao)
Just for fun i did the experiment of change my potato yang with a “mighty” primal one to show you how much damage it actually increased… and the results are :
18% damage increased, which means 1 GR level lmao (and considering that my yang it’s really bad the difference between a decent ancient one vs a primal one is almost nothing).

As for doing GR 150 with followers when both of these gems worked on them I admitted that it might not be 150, but maybe 90-120…

Btw. followers proced wreath of lightning and Mirinae 100% of the time on that PTR, unlike what we have now if we use it on our class…

Again i went to d3 planner to show you the exact math, so you can see how weak is mirinae gem xD, in my simulation i used my multishot character (a character that has no generic bonus that affect mirinae, to try keep the follower situation similar… (which is still not that similar, because my character has way more critical damage and critical hit chance than any follower would have) )

My character does :
2.427.342.486.057 DPS per second (with vengeance and wolf active)

Mirinae gem level 150 does :
2.386.761.034 damage every time it procs … (with vengeance and wolf active)

100 procs of mirinae does 238.676.103.400… which it’s nothing compared to the damage i do in 1 second with multishot xDD

LMAO as you can see even a 150 mirinae does nothing compared to the damage characters are able to do nowadays, so that part of people clearing +120 thanks to the follower damage is just a lie, 2.386.761.034 is even low for things like torment 13 xD, i just tested mirinae because wrath of lightining gem does way less damage than mirinae, so the damage would be even less…

edit :
check this amazing topic that created a guy, maybe after reading it you will understand why powercreep is bad

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Not sure that its amazing, but its an obvious point out of Squirt making a difference. In the hands of a better player, could probably even go higher than I have already.

Game on.

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Suuuure they were :roll_eyes:

Once again I checked leaderboards (this time hardcore NA) and all DHs that reached GR 110 had legendary gems above 100 rank with min four or five at least 90 level caldesans in their items (most have 100+ level)… No DH was below 1000 paragon.

Yeah leveling legendary gems to 90 even 100 for caldesans isn’t that hard that’s true, BUT no UE Multishot DH reached GR 110 with less than 900 paragon, with only 2 90-100 caldesans and legendary gems below rank 95…

If you don’t have any proof besides your word then you might as well say that when you repeat Candyman 3 times in front of the mirror he will appear or that you were on the moon yesterday…

At least Meteorblade had some sort of proof (screenshots) you only have your word…

I never tried followers when mirinae and wreath of lightning was working on them and you probably are right on this one with your math.

I admit it I was wrong about the that… Doesn’t mean I was wrong with everything else I said…

Unfortunately everyone else besides me on this forum must have amnesia and don’t even remeber legendary gems worked on followers even if only on PTR for a short time. I guess these two gems only worked quite well on max T6 difficulty only…

Here’s proof:

Wish I found this video earilier. Wouldn’t have to write all these walls of text -.-

I’ve seen this thread before. As unhomie noticed I “play the forum” more than the game lately.

Anyway this thread only proves that Squirt’s Necklace might make a difference in the hands of a good player.

I already mentioned I’m NO PRO. Yes I can level gems to at least 90 rank pretty easily even 95, but anything past that feels just too exhausting for me as I don’t play in any public GR games, but solo all my GRs… Haven’t played any 90+ GR in a party for years. Only run public rifts from time to time… Max rank on legendary gem I got in this season is 100 (used it to make lvl 100 caldesan). Maybe if I make more 90-95 caldesans it might get easier reaching highier than 100 GRs…

OMG, stop it with the nerfs. I am using squirts and there is not any significant OP damage as compared to Endless walk set. The advantage with squirts necklace is that it enables one to use COE which is the true Damage creator. The game is a strategic game in where all items have a different purpose and where ones may have a lot of power for damage, others have different purpose such as damage control. Those that are constantly asking for nerfs do not understand the games mechanics and really should look at playing candy crush or a game with less mechanics. Game designers are the creators, and we are the users. Sending these bogus messages requesting stupid nerfs is really doing nothing but making it difficult for the designers to give us what we want. Look at it as giving a false 911 call. Please stop it with the nerf requests. The intent and rational for this is to make one look like they have design intellect, where in reality it only makes one look like a wannabe that knows nothing . The game designers have tested their items before release and would not have released it if it is not their intent.


Unfortunately, the forums can be more fun and has more end game options than the actual game.

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Honestly Squirts was just a giant buff to fast farming builds, sure the uptime on it is great for the push meta with zdps but yah solo high push it’s not great at all since like others have said you’re getting damaged too much.

Farming builds EW was never that great since you’re flying through the rift, the uptime for 100% damage was maybe 5-10% of the rift (mainly RG) so Squirts being up nearly 100% of that time was a gigantic boost that most underrate.

That being said, I’m sure the whines of nerf Squirts will subside once they start buffing the other dozens of legendaries they said they are going to buff.


Nah, next season they’ll whine about a different item with new power…


I don’t know. I think it depends on the build, playstyle, and overall purpose. If I’m pushing GRs and getting hit less than 5 times the entire rift, then the amulet is working at 100% for well over 90% of the rift for me.

But as people have pointed out, this will not work for all builds or playstyles. Not sure why people can’t get that in their head.

Game on.

100% hence proving my point :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yah it’s really strong for Vyr’s/Chant because of shielding right off the top of my head (and because I main wiz), but my point is it gives farming builds more of a boost than anything else. Sub para 1k and absolutely flying through 80-85 speeds is nice, where as before Squirts (depending on gear luck the season) it would be 75 speeds at those para levels.


Jealous of others highier that them in leaderboards…

You should be higher on the leader boards because of skill, not because your build is capable of doing 4x more damage then the next build.

I guess if GRs didn’t have a timer you would be happy to complete a GR 135-140 in an hour or 2 than instead of 10-13 minutes. I don’t get why are there so many masochists on this forum…

There was once a guy that killed Malthael on T6 with his fresh level 1 char. It took him hours, but he did it. Is this what you want this game to look like?

I played this game from day 1 of D3, sure took breaks in playing, sometimes a year or two, but just because some players are better at the game than others doesn’t mean that you have to make the life of the lesser skilled much worse.

Some players can clear a GR 120 with 1500 paragon while others with 1800 or 2000. Doesn’t mean you have to make life for those who did it with 2000 paragon worse just, cause you’re better at the game…

OP and a tourists :slight_smile:

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Suuuure they were

Seems like you still don’t understand that most dh players use multishot build early season to farm gear and after that they switch to builds like impale or rapidfire, mostly because they are easier to play on high grs than multishot (this is not a thing of damage, is just a thing of mechanics, in order to be very eficient with multishot you have to hoard mobs and use your masive AOE, if you keep buffing things like multishot builds impale or rapidfire will never be used, unlike multishot that will always be the strongest dh build for speedfarm (impale and rapidfire are just bad builds to speedfarm) )

Once again I checked leaderboards (this time hardcore NA) and all DHs that reached GR 110 had legendary gems above 100 rank with min four or five at least 90 level caldesans in their items (most have 100+ level)… No DH was below 1000 paragon.

Dumb limitations, you just add arbitrary limitations in a desesperate try to defend your weak argument, why in the hell if you are doing a 110 your gems should be under 100… , anyway i played your game a bit and did a bit of research in the ladderboards, and found a guy in the asian server that did a 111 with 1029 paragon and only 2 augments (this guy is the rank 780 in the seasonal dh laderboard)

If you don’t have any proof besides your word then you might as well say that when you repeat Candyman 3 times in front of the mirror he will appear or that you were on the moon yesterday…

You said that there was a guy that did it, and i posted another example, 2 people doing it is just enough to prove that it’s possible (and this is fun because you added arbitrary limitations like the paragon level, is not like being paragon 1.3k is hard… i’m close to paragon 1k and i play less than 2 hours daily nowadays, and i just play solo, the only moment i group with people is for bounties).

Anyway this thread only proves that Squirt’s Necklace might make a difference in the hands of a good player.

The guy in that topic was playing without ancient weapon, without socket in weapon and with really bad gear… that only shows how strong is squirt necklace.

I already mentioned I’m NO PRO. Yes I can level gems to at least 90 rank pretty easily even 95, but anything past that feels just too exhausting for me

Maybe if I make more 90-95 caldesans it might get easier reaching highier than 100 GRs…

Seems like finally you get the point, the problem is that you refuse to play the correct builds, also gr 110 is not t16, in order to play higher content you have to change your way to play (hoarding, gear with right stats, etc). If you don’t like it, it’s ok, but game will not be balanced on your whims.

Nah, next season they’ll whine about a different item with new power…

Jealous of others highier that them in leaderboards…

First of all no one is whining about anything, we are just talking about an item that clearly is dangerous for the game balance (because this item is not something tied to multishot gasnick…)
Atm you are just talking crap because all your arguments were destroyed with maths and proof, you give likes to players that just post things against it without giving a decent argument, just emotional things that do not matter in the balance of the game.
And no one is jealous of nothing, as i said i’m a casual player and i’m doing really good in the ladderboards without even try to push, the only one jealous about players with big paragon, or that play builds like shadow impale are you lmao.

I guess if GRs didn’t have a timer you would be happy to complete a GR 135-140 in an hour or 2 than instead of 10-13 minutes. I don’t get why are there so many masochists on this forum…

No one is masochist, you just want to play like you play in t16 at high grifts, and this will not happen, since greater rifts were introduced all the game balance is all about greater rifts, so ya, things like hoarding, fighting 2 or 3 elites together and fishing are part of this soup, and probably the only one that could change atm it’s fishing, if you don’t like this, you should probably just avoid high level greater rifts and stop asking for more powercreep because you don’t like and don’t know how to play higher greater rifts.

Also there is another thing that seems like you and the guys that defend squirt necklace seems that don’t understand…

Squirt necklace is a global item, that thing means is not tied to any build so any character can benefit it… having a piece of gear that doubles your damage it’s super dangerous to balance, and let’s be real, after 7 years d3 is still not balanced, squirt makes things even harder to balance.

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