Solo z-Barb GR150 solo in seasonal PTR!

Unbelievable, Rob2628 just did a GR150 solo with a support Barb in PTR, using the new seasonal theme (which apparently scales with area damage)… The second barb in the leaderboard had only done a GR125 solo :slight_smile:


So they fear WD / Crusader can solo 150 hence nerfing their builds yet allow season theme for zbarb to do it??

Interesting design perspective … Sometimes I ask my self, why do I still play this game.


and they will let it go to live that way! wow, just f***ing wow

You do realise they’re releasing an update to the PTR this week, right…
Let’s see if the theme gets changed.


The surprises are the best things about PTR.

Youtubers and PTR responses saying the theme is useless for the last week of testing.

And then one person thinks outside the box, disagrees and proves it.


My fear is after all the crying on the forum about the theme doing 0 damage blizz have buffed the damage and reduced the 2 min timer. So next PTR patch the theme will be uber op.

They’re not going to let this go live with the amount of lag it causes…it would be not only a dumb theme but terrible for their servers…in season I want to say 2 or 3 they removed krider slow ball for the same reason. It was very harsh on their servers so they removed the quiver/build entirely… hopefully in a few hours well get new patch and see what happens

the theme doesn’t cause lag.

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as i said so many times, the dev doesn’t play the game and has no idea about d3. it is obvious that nothing has been tested.
he / she looks at leaderboard (hello to all bots) and taps some nonsense with his / her nose.


No. it was found out by chance that this joke scales with something every 2 minutes. and who is playing with anything that does 0 damage solo?

That’s what PTR testing is for. It’s about trying new things instead of parroting what other people are saying.

There a people who actually test and try stupid stuff in PTR to see what works and what doesn’t. And there are people just accept what everyone else is saying.


What Rob found out is that the seasonal theme scales with area damage… his barb has no dps but has 200% AD :slight_smile:


ptr is used for troubleshooting by serious projects. and not for adapting the “innovations”.
players are not babysitters.

yes …
who should know how this joke scales every 2 minutes? correct! dev or does he not read his / her code?
epic flop.

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Finding out the how AD affects the season theme is considered troubleshooting. I tested WD and posted my results of what worked and what didn’t. Times - clears etc.

That’s testing.

Parroting what other people say on the boards and saying that the developers aren’t testing doesn’t really contribute much.

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So you want to say that scaling with AD is a bug?!?!?

what do you mean by scale every 2min? The theme proc every 2min and scales with area damage, it doesn’t “scale” every 2 min.


I’m saying that there are people who find ways to contribute. Rob’s testing contributed to finding something that shouldn’t be released live.

And there will always be the people who just whine and whine.


you don’t say anything. and still haven’t responded to my posts. content and meaning is empty.

@mightypug in 4p it will definitely cause lag… there’s no way this will make it to live. In the 4 player eggman did the crusader had to go to town on pulls or the game would completely crash… the theme will get adjusted and the meta will probably be zmonk/zbarb/rgksader/ + either witch doctor or scythe necro… this z group thing is mainly just a meme/seeing what the theme works with to troll blizzard…it’s not going to be like this on launch…