So who's NOT pre-purchasing for early access?

Really? From what I’ve seen it plays infinitely slower than D3.

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I’ll need to test it before ordering/preordering.

I got more d2 vibes than d3.

Unless I am mistaken, it’s a one-off purchase with a game you can play for free online from purchase onwards until they decide to take it offline. If D3 is anything to go by, ten years online for what they are asking, is a small price for potentially a decade of entertainment. There may well be DLC’s but that’s pretty much the same for any decent game.

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It has been specifically stated by the devs, that yes you CAN solo the entire game if you so desire. No grouping necessary. There are some world bosses that will appear from time to time that will require grouping but those are entirely voluntary and not required in any way - they are merely there ‘gilding the lily’, as the saying goes.

There is no question - this has been repeatedly answered and stressed by the devs.

I also prefer SSF mode and dislike groups for the most part, but as I am playing along and the alarm sounds that a world boss is appearing, I will go, join in the fun, do my part to bring it down, share the loot, then go on about my happy little way. I don’t see that as breaking the game or destroying the ‘immersion’.


Thought they said somewhere that WBs would be required kills to raise your world tier, ima have to go dig.

Diablo IV’s World Tier difficulty system won’t allow players to increase the game’s difficulty with the mere press of a button, instead requiring players defeat powerful world bosses in order to move to higher World Tiers.

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No…   more…   pop — corn…

I had to have the Mount and Mount Armor too. (Recently upgraded to the Ultimate Edition).  

Are you sure about that? Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you mean by “grouping”. From my understanding, there may be other players in the World Boss area, but you don’t have to group up with them.

In any event, I prefer playing Solo too. (I’m not sure I could be considered Self-Found though. If I understand the meaning of that term).


I honestly wonder how can people get hyped for a Blizzard game these days. The company is nothing like in the old days.
We see the complete lack of communication from them in these forums everyday. Imagine this for the whole lifetime of D4.
I think it’s also clear that the lack of an offline mode is very detrimental to a game like this: you will NEVER be able to play a previous build that you liked and was changed. You can do that with D2/LOD. You are also very limited by the servers’ capacity (AD can easily break a GR in D3).
The game’s itemization is also lacking compared to D2, despite the enormous feedback. In the end, only legendaries will matter, just like D3.
So yeah, I’m not (pre-)purchasing this game. I’ll just watch a “longplay no commentary” on youtube to see what the story was all about.


For my purposes it’ll give me everything I need to know. It’ll provide the basic gameplay loop and give me the first several hours of gameplay.

Which if a game needs 20+ hours before it’s fun, I probably wont consider it a very good game anyway and it’ll just become a “maybe once it’s on a 50%+ sale”.

If there is anything else I need to know, I can just watch streams on release day.

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Well, groups as in lot of players at the same time, but not in the sense of joining a party. That’s my understanding.

As for World Tiers, I am under the impression that there are Challenge Dungeons, not world bosses, that need to be completed to raise difficulty, but even those are soloable.


I don’t intend to pre-purchase. However, it has nothing to do with D4 specifically, as I stopped preordering/prepurchasing games years ago and instead wait until release and/or some time after a game’s release before I buy.


Okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

You should probably phrase it this way when you share this information in the future. Otherwise it could be confusing. To say it “requires grouping” implies forming a party. (Just a friendly tip).  

I mean, that’s not what blizzard told IGN

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Perhaps, but others have experienced it as a dungeon as opposed to a world boss:

Each of these tiers from nightmare on requires players to beat a prerequisite dungeon at the previous tier (so in the case of Nightmare, you’d have to play on Veteran). It seems pretty straightforward, and as a Diablo player, I swapped it to Veteran tier right away, and it was manageable. It’ll be fun trying to break into higher tiers at lower levels.

Taken from:

As for how it’ll actually turn out, we’ll simply have to wait for the game to launch in order to truly see.

Obviously things can change, so we won’t know until its out.

But as of now I do trust a blizzard interview over an individual player.

Indeed as I already stated.

I mean they also interviewed Blizzard. That said, in the video that the interview (the ign one) was from, Blizzard didn’t mention “World Boss”, instead they simply said a “Boss” in order to raise the difficulty. Which could also be a dungeon boss rather than a world boss.

Could be very true.

I’m looking forward to world bosses either way :stuck_out_tongue: always fun to murder something with a bunch of other people.

Did you watch the embedded video? They said ‘challenging bosses’, not world bosses, nor did they mention having to group to do them.

Nightmare Difficulty (World Tier III)
Unlocked by completing the Cathedral of Light dungeon in World Tier 2: Veteran (Recommended Level 50)

Hell Difficulty (World Tier IV)
Unlocked by completing the Fallen Temple dungeon in World Tier 3: Nightmare (Recommended Level 60)

Hell Difficulty (World Tier V)
Unlocked by completing the Archives of Issalia dungeon in World Tier 4: Hell (Recommended Level 70)

Taken from Maxroll.

Not much different than from Diablo 3. You have to beat the Skeleton King to advance to Act 2. You had to defeat Belial to advance to Act 3, etc… Act vs World Tier is irrelevant, the principle is the same.


They are not World Bosses, they are World Tier Bosses. A special dungeon unlocks at a certain level, and in that dungeon you must defeat the World Tier Boss, to unlock the next World Tier difficulty.


I won’t argue with that. That can be very fun from time to time.