So who's NOT pre-purchasing for early access?

as of now you can play this gloriously hyped game with the standard edition before june, in mid-march and end march too(2 Fridays-Sat.).

myself, I’m too curious to wait till june. besides, it’ll cost the same then.

why aren’t you?

tell us about it. if you aren’t even planning to buy until you see some reactions, that’s fine too. put it here.

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I am gonna pre order next month, can’t afford it this month. Gonna play both beta weekends and I will buy the “middle” package for the early access on launch :slight_smile:

If you plan to buy it at some point in the future, then you may as well pre-purchase. The price is the same, and you get D3 wings and a pet.

Why do you care what others are doing? If you want the wings and pet, then pre-purchase.

Or don’t. No one cares.


This thread will be interesting when the Blizzard haters arrive I have my :popcorn: ready for the show.

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but how do they know if they haven’t played it?

If I haven’t been convinced to pre-order it by now, letting me play the open beta a little earlier isn’t gonna do it.


I burnt my self too many times to pre-orders. After the closed beta i was highly tempted. But i got my :poop: togeather, and stuck with my view of never pre-ordering again, no matter what. I’ll wait for launch, se how the first 1-2 week goes, and than i’ll buy.


so you’re gonna wait until you see more reviews which are more honest/what you’re aiming at?

that’s one strategy. but you could play the game and know for yourself.

I had missed quite a few gems because of bad reviews, of games i knew i would like.
one of them i wasn’t stupid enough to not give it a go. was a great choice via first instinct.

this…it’s too hyped to really know what this is worth, at all if any. so i get you.

There isn’t much need for reviews when you can just look at actual gameplay.

Not to mention there’s still gonna be an open beta for Diablo 4 that I can play that comes a week after the early access weekend.

So I’ll get to try the game for myself before deciding if I want to buy it or not.


I probably will to beta test next month. everything is looking good and we have had updates the whole time. the closed beta testers all saying really good things as well

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There’s not enough :popcorn: in the world for all the drama posted by the Negative Nellies popping up lately. I can’t imagine getting so worked up and whiny about a game. Especially one they claim they will not be playing (but we know they will).


How can you beta test the game without buying it?

Open Beta will be available to everyone from March 24–26 .


because i am that socially inclined…?

i was actually asking about your preferences…not mine, so i don’t understand your question.

its like…" why do you care what other people do?" and then “who cares what you do?”

my answer to this:
I do.

the question to you:
are you hype immune?
if so, more power to you.
if not- you are like me too…and you’re in these forums for the same reason as anyone else. you are not above it.

I am here to help others on the bug forums and occasionally I come to look at the general forums to see if there is anything new about the game.

Are you making your decision based on what other people with think about it? That seems silly to me.

If you want the game, then buy it. If you want the pet and wings also, then buy it early. Why would you let other people (that you don’t even know) influence how you spend your money?

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not at all. it is silly. and i’m not.

there’s a difference between enjoying the hype, and getting yourself influenced to buy the game because of it.

i know the difference.
not sure you do.


Maybe I misunderstood why you made this thread.

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daamn…I totally missed that. but i would have bought the game in anycase. it’s hard to judge just based on a few days of gameplay. only after a full run of the game i will know. or maybe after a few full runs. like in the disappointment in D3 :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t pre ordered. Might still do that.
They did not specify system requirements.
I am going to use the open beta (end march) to see if it runs. It probably will, but I want to be sure.

That micro transaction thing is still bothering me. Yes, I know, they made a promise. Promises are easily broken…

The open beta will also provide a glance at the game itself so it will help me to decide whether I’d like it. I probably will like ghe game.

Ow and there is still the question whether one can solo the entire game since there are rumours of some bosses requiring to team up. I do NOT like mandatory teaming up. One of the reasons I do not play wow…


Personally from what little game play I have seen on youtube, it looks almost identical to D3 except darker. I don’t understand the hype at all, and won’t be buying it.

I hope all those who do decide to buy it will love it however!

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