So which do you think will be harder to get

I forgot about that case, but since it’s a very rare case, it wouldn’t change the probability much.

I’ll just quote what I wrote in another subject related to the group meta.

And if you’re wondering about the paragon or if they did in season on the PTR or non-season.

Here is a link to a Holy Point Shot quiver.

Quivers have no damage range on them. They’re just a quiver with 20% attack speed.

That being said, A usable holy point shot doesn’t need impale. It can easily roll this way

(Cold / Lightning)
Vitality / Life %
Attack speed
Crit chance

If you get those rolls but with CDR not Vitality then you may go with more area damage or attack speed on your other slot. After all shadow requires one item to have an 8% CDR roll.
Another outcome is area damage as the 4th stat, which is can help out in solo.

The fact is that you can adjust your gear to lightning or cold, and can use a HPS quiver with Vit / CDR / AD / Impale.

In my opinion it’s way easier to get a usable Holy Point Shot, and way harder to get a usable Flavor of Time.

I was thinking wizard offhands… my mistake!

He’s talking about the new HPS where it was with a +75-100% Impale Damage as a legendary effect.

New affix will read like this…

You fire three daggers when you use Impale and Impale gains 75-100%


Oh, sorry I was mistaken. My bad.

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Oh yeah you’ll want a good number on the legendary affix. It’s a multiplier! :robot:

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A 100% quiver will be about 14% more dps than a 75% quiver. So yeah, you’ll definitely want a decent roll! Anything over 95% should be good, a 100% quiver is only 2.5% more dps than a 95% quiver.


the one I have on this toon
is the best I’ve ever had drop (with correct element) and it’s not even ancient (so can’t aug). But it rolled 18% lightning, 20% AS, and 15% impale so I was able to roll CHC onto it.

Usable? Yes…but nowhere near ideal. I can’t even tell you how many I’ve had that dropped with neither Crit or Impale.

I’ve had 2 primal HPS drop - 1 with fire/vit/elemental arrow and 1 with physical/AD/and some useless skill i rolled to impale…both just waiting to be souled since neither can have CHC+Impale and both are crap elements.

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Last I looked, S20 rank 1 on Demon Hunter had a non-ancient FoT.

I haven’t looked at their FoT, but in LoD builds, a non-ancient trifecta will beat an augmented ancient with mainstat + CHC + CHD (or mainstat + elemental + CHD) for many players, particularly at higher paragon.

We’re talking 12 vs. 13 ancients, and remember that LoD gives half bonus for non-ancients. Then 80 vs. 60% fire. Then let’s say 1500-1750 mainstat (depending on what value the amulet rolls and the level you aug it at). The difference really ends up depending on how much mainstat you have.

At 20k mainstat: (1+12.5*7.5)*1.8*(1+20000/100) vs. (1+13*7.5)*1.6*(1+21600/100), non-ancient trifecta is ~0.2% more DPS.
At 30k mainstat: (1+12.5*7.5)*1.8*(1+30000/100) vs. (1+13*7.5)*1.6*(1+31600/100), non-ancient trifecta is ~2.7% more DPS.
At 40k mainstat: (1+12.5*7.5)*1.8*(1+40000/100) vs. (1+13*7.5)*1.6*(1+41600/100), non-ancient trifecta is ~4.1% more DPS.

Particularly at higher paragon, if you don’t have an ancient trifecta amulet, a non-ancient trifecta can still win out pretty handily for a LoD setup, even despite the lower LoD multiplier.