How hard can it be for people to understand.
One player having 10000 paragon points pushed a 144 with Barbarian and I saw A LOT asking for nerfs. Why is that?
Every other classes except for Monk pushed to 139-144.
With the nerf, you bring down Barbarians below ( again ) than any other class.
Why are you asking for nerfs for a class that has been underperforming for a long time now?
One guy, having an INSANE amount of paragon points, WHICH makes him stronger than most other players. AND having almost max’ed out gems to use. That kind of player are not representing 99 percent of the playerbase total.
So now you finally got your nerfs to Barbarians. Are you happy that yet again, people can’t enjoy the class at the same level as others?
No Barbarian asked to run as a zdps. Remember this is a hackNslash game. I am fine with roles to support others, but this should be about having equality among the classes to slash through the same levels and be able to achieve the same.
I am so dissapointed in those of you asking for a nerf to a class not needing it at all.
I just don’t get it.
How is basic knowledge of a game so hard to understand.
One guy sitting with a hell lot more paragon points than 99 percent of the players will never get…
With that much power to have, how can people still sit there and say “nerf them to hell!”… It’s a tragic that Blizzard even listen to people like that… Or that they can’t even calculate or listen to those whom actually knows stuff. So sad.