So today, Patch Notes!

they keep it hush so people dont disrupt their lives over a game. aka time off from work. games are here to enjoy not run our lives like the person down on 5th ave looking for their next fix. We are all on the same page and now I know when to come back and check the dates

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naaaah I need to power up! Knowing in advance, and taking off work is Fiiiiine.

Thanks for the heads up, just 2 more days! :slight_smile:

Well, it seems I was only off by one day. I wonder if they would make any extra changes at the last second besides those tweaks about the Pylon potion power.

Natā€™s probably, to spread auto traps with a different skill than Strafe. Maybe Raiment gets a direct buff. And hope for Saders and WDs they will atleast buff the Haedrigā€™s gift sets.

Thank you for the heads up. Much appreciated. Keep it up, please.

Thanks dude, itā€™s often understated how much we appreciate a heads up.

Knowing when to check back for the next update instead of constantly checking for an update helps me focus on other things for a bit!


Yes they will. Reason why they will release the patch notes pretty late, is because they need more time to test things and such.

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I used to work for somebody who would promise a certain completion date for this or that project, but would only actually begin work on that project after the client started complaining. So we would often not even start the work until after the thing was supposed to be finished!

Glad Iā€™m not there, anymore. Letā€™s check in about stuff.

Summer is closing in. I only play games in the winter, cause why sit on a computer when itā€™s nice out?

Hope they get S28 going soon.

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Where do I find the Preview Blog?


Thank you, very much.

Iā€™ve been searching for ā€œblogā€ all this time lol


Ohhhh come on Pez. You broke the radio silence! tststs

Is it Friday yet!!! :mantelpiece_clock: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


hey just checking in to see if its friday yetā€¦ nope dang back to wows rss to suffer more

The children are back at it I need more :popcorn: for the comedy hour.

omg, like, I hope the Barbarian will [finally] stop spitting. That would be the best patch in all blizzard history across all their games combined.


Now because of you, i want them to scratch their bumm hole, than take a big wiff from their finger. To pick their nose and eat the booger. How can you be such a sissy to be annoyed by a Barbarianā€¦ a BARBARIAN!!! spiting?

Curious on what they do with the Pylon potion powerā€¦ nerf it to the ground, replace it or just remove it? :stuck_out_tongue: