So D4 is going to have a battle pass

just more clueless assumptions made out of emotional anger instead of logical thinking and facts.

why couldn’t my significant others parent be much younger, if that were the case? These are simple possibilities that any average intelligent person could understand, but your mind is clouded with anger and emotional hatred of me so you once again make a silly assumption that fits your gotcha narrative.

that’s strike three, and it only took three pitches. you’re no barry bonds, that’s for sure.

They have a name for your condition please get some help.
I will contribute to a GoFundMe account to help you get your medicine.

i mean that’s basically every good mmorpg tbqh. WoW cost full price and a subscription. I think battlepass is simply a subscription, but it’s a sleazy developers easier way of adding pay2win later.

i feel this is also the case with D4 and they are just testing us as they slip MTX’s and pay2win in after we’ve settled into the game.

but if it were just Buy full price and a monthly batttlepass without pay2win then i’m okay with that until the cosmetics become an issue.

Battlepass is cosmetic only. Do not confuse with DI.

A) Its optional. YOU DON’T have to get it!!!

B) Level of Support is inline with Revenue.

People here seems deluded or have no idea how business work. Business are not “to make enough”, but to make as much as possible (while being ethnical & legal).

Thats like going to a cafe and complain why they are selling sandwishes & demand they stop selling them or you will not visit them again. Shouldn’t they make enough selling drinks & cookies.

For gamers, we can
a) Give us a way to show support
b) Hope that integrity of the gameplay/competition is not compromised.
c) Gameplay NOT gated behind paywall.


What scares me and get me angry.
Buying a full price game and have battlepass in it like in some f2p game.
Its sad how they try to use model from path ox exile and from warzone together… i was excited after disappointing D:I finally play diablo game without this premium currency. Just enjoy the game and maybe by one per year some 10€ cosmetic what I really like. But not that game will force me through the battlepass play everyday or pay im fullprice game. I played all diablo games and spend thousands of hours with this brand… and I’ll be very sad if diablo 4 will have ANY extra currency, payed stash or battlepasses. Im very disappointed about diablo immoral… Im ok with cometics in ingame shop but not with battle passes etc. I hope that will not happen

Edit: wings are for angels or demons… not for a heroes… please get rid of this nonsense :smiling_face_with_tear::expressionless:

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Dude, PoE ALREADY has battlepass.

Also IT IS OPTIONAL. You don’t have to get battlepass if you do not want to.

Pretty much every live service game has in game currency.


Unless of course they think they can get away with it, then legal becomes a suggestion rather than a rule. As for ethical, that’s pretty much irrelevant as long as what they do don’t affect the bottom line.

I am not suggesting business should go all out to squeeze every juice out of thir customers. But merely business is out to make as much money within reason, not just “enough money”.

Telling Bliizard not to sell battlepass or cosmetic MTX is like telling a cafe not to sell sandwiches or potato chips, because selling them make them NOT a “true cafe”, when when these are not force upon.

Now, if cafe insist you get a sandwish with your coffee, then there is a point, or they use artifical suger instead of normal one without choice.

if battlepass give in game advantage, I will be the first to call them out, but it cosmetic & people can choose NOT to get them.

Do people realised that DEMAND Blizzard NOT selling cosmetic & battlepass (with super value Cosmetics, if they use Fortnite model) is depriving people that wanted to deck out their characters, or support the dev financially, or see the game get regular update the ability to do so?

There are many decisions (e.g hard respec) and stuff I do not like as well, but at least I have the rationale & humanity to know others may like them & at best I present my counter opinion, or I learn to respect the choice.

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We had that with D3 and look how that turned out? there is no money to continue making content for the game.

If you want a game to keep churning out content then they need money to pay employees to do it.

I like how path of exile works, theres no pay2win but they make enough off the store to continue development of the game.

Don’t assume a cash shop = pay2win. They can sell cosmetics, people love cosmetics.

Don’t compare DI to D4 because DI is a mobile game and mobile games are pay2win nearly exclusively. No one should have been surprised when DI turned out like that.

As long as it’s ONLY cosmetic i don’t mind.

But if it’s more than cosmetics i’ll stop playing diablo game
Not a threat, they have millions users, but i hated diablo Immortal with all my soul : it’s a great base game but the Pay2win factor (and the forced multiplayers thing going on) make it one of the worst in my opinion , if they do something even a little similar despite diablo IV being in the main series , i’ll simply stop there.

My ideal concept is having to attend seasons with a seasonal character, I wouldn’t feel forced to buy any battle pass unless I really want to.
A paid battle pass should only exist to serve as a filler for players finding different tasks to complete with a higher requirements and unlock optional cosmetics. You can even tie PvP events, achievements with repetitive quotas or group events to paid battle pass. Keep seasons easy to join with a journey paved with short tasks. If there are people who just love self-found then add a free or whatever season pass and allow an easy to opt out when they’re done.

As I’ve said, think it as a three matineé movie; season journey, optional season pass and paid battle pass. At any given time or model, season should stay as a staple so you can experiment and people can be enticed to return.

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Quitting like you quit D3 are you

That’s what a battle pass is. Squeezing every bit of money out of people they can. Gaming corporations have become giant wasteful money hogs and it’s time they slimmed down a bit. The extra money isn’t going into the game. It isn’t going to their employees. It isn’t even going to their investors. They’re just wasting it.

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Next step will be 1$ fee to login on their server.

So WoW? Because that is WoW. :laughing:

PoE is not pay full price though, D3 sold 30 million copies its first week purely based on the name Diablo and even after Blizzard more or less destroyed D2 after the changes they made after patch 1.09d lod.

Now agreed many were disappointed by that release of D3 for many reasons, but the reason D3 did not get a second expansion was not money made, but Bobby could not make even more money online after the federal government had some problems with way they did it and it was up to Blizz to proof they did not support fraud or terrorism with their Auction House. Second reason might be that D3 had so many underlying problems with itemization and char power balancing it would just take too much work to rebalance game and make campaign and whole game viable again as a good base and yeah sales might have disappointed after those of main game. What a surprise, you flipped the bird too many of the old fans on release D3 and they did not come running to buy the XP and eat :poop:, while non of their concerns were addressed in Xp, but made even worse in the name of forced online grouping and endgame meta. (hell D3 was better received overall by WOW players even if the game was not really exactly their thing as by old Diablo players …).

Still D3, XP and DLC sold over 60 million copies. Someone suggested 50 million copies first week for D4 if Blizzard, even bigger gaming market nowadays and with consoles added from day 1, sounds like could easily have been a thing .

Still I am not sure of that after the debacle as an ARPG of D3 (it is a fun action endgame meta game), but not what D1 and D2 1.09 players wanted, fact is online only again and old Diablo players are aware Blizz will not budge on it after D3 and fact Blizz also tries to force and advantage grouping instead of leaving that to players in their games and of course with the release of D:I the name of the franchise has been debased with players also not longer sure what kind of game they are going to get. Something they can still at least call an ARPG like d2R even if that is no longer old Diablo either anymore or another esports endgame meta game more action oriented as ARPG.

D4 might still make those 50 million copies first week, I suspect though there would be an even bigger sales possibility if there were less doubts and Gaas was less obviously advertised and well this battle pass (including early access as well) and in game valuta will not make many people happier either that belonged to the old base that were a major part of the 30 million D3 sales first day. Blizz has been going out of their way to estrange a big part of them in last 10 years in the name of that pipe dream of online sales in games.

Edit: Now I think any install of D:I is one too many, but is it not pretty sad that the franchise that sold 30 million copies in its first week with D3 only had 30 million installs on a f2p game with the release in China (if remember right original D3 was not released in China even in first week and unlikely they are all Belgian and Dutch players that make up that difference or Blizz made a real strategic blunder not releasing there :stuck_out_tongue: ). What a success if compare that to original D3 sales, it rather sounds like big part original market was lost over the years.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support

The 30 million D3 copies sold was announced August 2015 which was more than 3 years after D3 was released. Its first week sales were 6.3 million.

Diablo 3 lifetime sales top 30 million units - Polygon


Ah my bad, somehow the 30 million figure stuck in my head, that was first year (Well clearly not :stuck_out_tongue: )? Rest of arguments still stand though even if those 30 million according article include China since way later in time after RoS. :stuck_out_tongue: So slightly less bad reflection on D:I installs.

It’s like watching Skelos dig himself out of his hole of wrongfullness. It’s so easy to remove and edit posts around here, any of his lies could have easily been erased by now.