Smoothest the game has been in a long time

No, they just vanished for you. I never had them. Others have been dealing with them for a year.

But it begs the question. What else changed on your system that makes it work now? Especially if you were having trouble in the past?


My system is the same as it has been for several years now, nothing has changed.

I think the issue here is that people are not distinguishing between server related lag and bugs.

The lagging and freezing was mostly with firebirds and the fix was the .dll file replacements (albeit while losing sound). It’s a bug and nothing server related. It is still happening to people right now. Nothing has been fixed as yet.

The firebirds lagging/freezing issue is NOT lag due to too many calculations.

A system change wouldn’t do too much. As far as I recall calculations are done server side.

That’s quite strange OP because this is actually the worst the game has been for me in terms of smoothness…

in addition to running with firebirds lag/freezes/crashes…I have noticed that even by myself I get random stutter stepping/rubber banding…certain maps are really bad too.

I play zbarb and my buddy FB Wiz and it is really fun to watch chunks of health just being erased from existence…on a gr 124 we rand zbarb, zdh and wiz and the rift guardian went from half to dead it was amazing to watch.

anyway I got a little excited and off topic but yea the “smoothness” has been the worst for me in all my time playing this game and I’m not trying to be a jerk or even over exaggerate.

Take a quick look at…
[Main Thread] Windows 19041 - Freezing for 5-10 Seconds

There have been 44 new posts in there just since the season started a week ago, all complaining of the freezing. The issue has been ongoing for over 10 months at this point, through multiple season themes, this season’s lack of theme, and in non-seasonal play. In no way have these problems gone away this season.

You’re demonstrating the opposite.


Reading the OP I was convinced it was sarcasm,
guess I was wrong.
This season has been the opposite of running smooth.

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I still get that random 10 second freeze, playing as a Crusader or DH, in solo games.

I do notice multiple micro freezes with FB Wiz in the group, they are different symptoms.

I bought a new pc 3 months ago and always keeps it updated, I have had freezes/lag spikes and even got kicked from the game entirely and needed to reinstall it to fix the issue. I believe it is the socalled area damage that messes up their well, not to bad mouth, but old servers. But I’ve seen streamers as well with no issues… Possible there were more on Eu servers than Us and those where the ones you’ve read about, cause the eu forum is not busy at all and people tend to type in here instead

at first, i genuinely thought you were being sarcastic, but after reading the thread i don’t understand why you made this post other than to troll. you’re a jerk. can we have a mod delete this thread?

So you have never updated windows, never updated your video driver, never installed any software, never saved any files, never done anything to your system at all?


Yeah, with regards to firebird issues probably. I was talking about the freezing everyone is having with the DLL file.

Just for giggles I have been playing on both US and EU servers. Results have been the same. Smooth game play, no stuttering, no freezing, no lag, nothing. Well, with EU I do occasionally have higher latency, but I would expect that playing there.


Odd. Must just be unlucky then… But it is running nicely the past couple of days… Hopefully it will continue

Not for me ;.(
I get a LOT of freezes

Update: out of curiosity, I fired up the game on my previous computer. Same windows version, same current nvidia driver, but older CPU (Intel) and GPU, and different motherboard. Playing same content with same barb, and no hiccups!

In theory the components in the newer computer are all higher power, except maybe the sound chip on the motherboard. I’m going to have to dig into that…

I make a post saying the game is the smoothest it has been for me, and you all got so butt hurt its unreal. It has been my genuine experience this season. As I said, the 5-10 second freezes are gone, The random crashing to menus with a “report this to blizzard” box hasn’t happened once this season, the super low fps in rat runs is gone, etc. The game is literally running better for “ME” than it ever has. There is no trolling here. I was very surprised, and that’s why at the end of my OP I asked if anyone else was experiencing the same.

Finally, someone with a brain.

This is exactly why I think this is something like a more modern hardware or driver problem, specifically around sound.

If you get the chance, see if you can list the following differences between the two systems:

CPU exact model.
Video card.
Sound card. (hardware brand/version, if you can)
How you are connected to the sound card to hear it. (headphones, analog, digital, etc)

I just find it curious and have been trying to pin down possible common failings between everyone that has this freezing issue.

Not so much that, but considering the amount of people having issues, it was felt as if you were trolling them when the evidence is all over the forum.

You never did reply to my last question either. We both know there has to have been changes to your system over the years. Hell Windows 10 alone has put out like 6 or 7 major updates (that completely replace windows) in the past 4 years!


Unless you never update ANYTHING, never install ANYTHING. (which is impossible or you couldn’t even play the game) I’m not buying your comment about never changing anything:

Just saying.

Game on.

Sorry, I misread your comment. I meant I hadn’t changed any hardware and that my machine has remained the same. As for software, drivers, firmware, etc. I keep everything like that up to date. With the exception of windows versions. Sometimes I will revert to a previous version if a new one is causing issues.

As far as I know the firebirds freezes and the .dll file replacement fix are the same issue. The firebirds lag/freezes is not a server issue. It is tied to the audio issues. Which is why the current fix for the firebirds problem is replacing the .dll file.

In case I ever do Firebirds stuff this season, what is the “Current fix” to the Firebirds problem you’re referring to?

It is the same fmodex64.dll file replace procedure as before. Nothing new.

Some people suggest getting the file from another game rather than from any random source. You can copy the file from HotS for instance. You will lose game audio by doing this.