Smoothest the game has been in a long time

As the title states, the game is running in my opinion the best it has ever ran this season. I don’t know if it’s the lack of an actual season theme, less players, or what, but none of the annoying freezing, lagging, crashing, etc issues are present this season.

Out of curiosity, are you all experiencing the same thing? I cannot believe how issue free my season has been so far.

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Same here.

I like it :smiley:

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I basically have no issues either, BUT.

Communities tend to be a problem earlier on, in the last seasons.
When you were in a big amount of communities, lag could appear more often.
But this time, it was way better for me and as a solo player, that just helps out for boosts, it is/was smooth.

Overall, i still see potential for this old game/engine, but i know,… Maint mode xD
In terms of fighting/load times, one of the best games in this genre, my opinion…

So, you’re not playing as, or with, a Firebird Wizard using COE + Mirror Images then…


Anything with intense calculations lags like always. No need for the condescending response. I’m talking about the random crashes, and lag that had been plaguing the game for a very long time.

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say it was the season themes causing the issues. Either that, or they cleaned up some code behind the scenes.

I play solo whirlrend barb on Windows PC, and I am getting small hiccups this season that I never had in previous seasons. I think there was a regression that may be particular to specific abilities and/or sounds.

There are literally dozens of threads about lag with Firebird wizards and there’s a thread in tech support, about 5-10 second freezes in the game, that’s been on-going for over 10 months now. This has nothing to do with a seasonal theme or lack thereof.

It’s fine if you were unaware of these issues, but it’s not condescension to point out that lots of other people are experiencing them and that the reason you might be unaware of that is if you haven’t played, or partied up with, one of the classes that’s suffering the most from it.


You are literally missing my point. Yes there is an issue with Firebird Wizards. Just like there are with Firebats WD, Rend Barb, or anything with heavy calculations. I know exactly what I’m talking about. What I’m referring to are the lag and freezes that were causing people to replace .dll files etc. All of those issues seem to have vanished this season.

I can tell you there is plenty of server lag in my experience. In groups I die to attacks that haven’t even shown on screen yet. The same thing happens to others in the group. This is with a ~150ms ping at most. It’s a server issue, not latency.

Whatever the problems are, they are still there.

First two days of play and there were tons of freezes.

I’m on a Necro this season playing mostly as a Masquerade BS build, so it shouldn’t be the contributing factor perhaps.

No, they just vanished for you. I never had them. Others have been dealing with them for a year.

But it begs the question. What else changed on your system that makes it work now? Especially if you were having trouble in the past?


My system is the same as it has been for several years now, nothing has changed.

I think the issue here is that people are not distinguishing between server related lag and bugs.

The lagging and freezing was mostly with firebirds and the fix was the .dll file replacements (albeit while losing sound). It’s a bug and nothing server related. It is still happening to people right now. Nothing has been fixed as yet.

The firebirds lagging/freezing issue is NOT lag due to too many calculations.

A system change wouldn’t do too much. As far as I recall calculations are done server side.

That’s quite strange OP because this is actually the worst the game has been for me in terms of smoothness…

in addition to running with firebirds lag/freezes/crashes…I have noticed that even by myself I get random stutter stepping/rubber banding…certain maps are really bad too.

I play zbarb and my buddy FB Wiz and it is really fun to watch chunks of health just being erased from existence…on a gr 124 we rand zbarb, zdh and wiz and the rift guardian went from half to dead it was amazing to watch.

anyway I got a little excited and off topic but yea the “smoothness” has been the worst for me in all my time playing this game and I’m not trying to be a jerk or even over exaggerate.

Take a quick look at…
[Main Thread] Windows 19041 - Freezing for 5-10 Seconds

There have been 44 new posts in there just since the season started a week ago, all complaining of the freezing. The issue has been ongoing for over 10 months at this point, through multiple season themes, this season’s lack of theme, and in non-seasonal play. In no way have these problems gone away this season.

You’re demonstrating the opposite.


Reading the OP I was convinced it was sarcasm,
guess I was wrong.
This season has been the opposite of running smooth.

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I still get that random 10 second freeze, playing as a Crusader or DH, in solo games.

I do notice multiple micro freezes with FB Wiz in the group, they are different symptoms.

I bought a new pc 3 months ago and always keeps it updated, I have had freezes/lag spikes and even got kicked from the game entirely and needed to reinstall it to fix the issue. I believe it is the socalled area damage that messes up their well, not to bad mouth, but old servers. But I’ve seen streamers as well with no issues… Possible there were more on Eu servers than Us and those where the ones you’ve read about, cause the eu forum is not busy at all and people tend to type in here instead

at first, i genuinely thought you were being sarcastic, but after reading the thread i don’t understand why you made this post other than to troll. you’re a jerk. can we have a mod delete this thread?