Simple compromises for solo play

PTR can potentially last for months.
Of course you can analyse live server performance on PTR.
It is the same game. Fewer players means a little higher uncertainty, but absolutely nothing prevents us from getting useful data on the changes.

I completely agree. But then, I was not the one trying to act like I was playing a lot vs. others. For some silly reason.

The issue is quite apparent if you play for like 5 hours in a season.

This is not just about the “1%” at the top.
The solo/group imbalance exists all the way through the playerbase, from #1 on the leaderboards, to a fresh lvl 1 character (well, lvl 2 I guess, need some XP for it to become apparent).

Is it really that hard to grasp?

Obviously someone playing 5 hours a week should not get as far as if playing 150 hours a week.
It is apples to apples.
Someone soloing 150 hours a week should have the potential to get as far as if they were playing 4man 150 hours a week. (With same effort, skill etc. We dont even need to compare people. Make it the very same person in both cases, as Tallaron did with the case he presented)
Someone soloing 5 hours a week should have the potential to get as far as if they were playing 4man 5 hours a week.

The ‘paragon 200 char want to compete with paragon 5000 char’ is a strawman, as you are likely aware.


  1. Same XP buff for everyone. Heck, make it 20% for 1man, 30% for 2-4 man, that is a good start too.
  2. Bounty adjustment for 1/2/3 players.
  3. Reduce monster HP for 1/2/3 players
  4. Buff follower with new/better items. Make them immortal as default.
    Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list - some ideas for follower items/buffs in this thread

This would address the imbalance for the 1%. As well as for the 50th percentile, the 75th and the 99th.