Shared Drops Are D2

I used to do that all tbe time

My friends have children too, it will make finding time to play together difficult, Still would rather play solo than watch seagulls teleport snatch anything and everything.


Keep D2 anti-social and unfun with strangers. It’s the way it’s always been.


I’d like to see a modern young gamer play online with strangers and record it. It would be absolutely hilarious! They would hate it, as they should. It allows for anti-social, psychopath-like treatment of strangers with no regard or consequences, because: humans. If you play with friends it is not a problem due to repercussions within the relationships. Once new gamers see that people will just greed, they will just leave.


The next generation wont even play the classic of it stays that way. This mechanic and other outdated mechanics are from the past and should stay there


I agree. That’s why shared loot should stay in D2


I’ve been playing D2 since 2001/2002. I’ve had a lot of fun times in D2. Whether playing in a public game with strangers(some became my good friends), or with friends, or with clan members, or solo! As far as public games with strangers yes there are times I didn’t get the drop because either I wasn’t fast enough to click, or was too far away from the drop to get it, etc… That’s ok because it wasn’t like that every game. Other games I had gotten some of the drops. It’s always been a balance of drops for me in public games with strangers which I’m not griping about because that is what FFA is. Once you find some good friends to make, or join a Clan then the drops become more shared because you eventually start sharing more between each other. Diablo 2 is like life. Sometimes you can’t always get what you want. But, with building relationships among the community there becomes more trust.


I still would like the option to play with strangers without being getting greeded. But if only friends or some clan or something then so be it. Or solo. I enjoyed the game solo too.


I agree. These mechanics shouldn’t be in new next gen games, they should only be in say…remasters of an old game that had them…oh wait…


You know what’s also D2?

Server crashes.
Duping. Botting. Maphacks. Pickup bots.

Should all those things also be brought back just to have an authentic experience? Come on. You can’t in good faith say “keep the easily abused loot system” but then say “oh, but fix the lag, server issues, and all these other things I didn’t like”.


You literally just listed the things to fix, improve UI, and leave it alone… minus you couldn’t really fix RMT without making everything bind on pickup, which if that’s what your wanting, scary.

Lol. Exactly! The basic truth…

Uh… of course we can. You know, that is exactly what Blizzard set out to do by working on D2R?

That is such an overly simplistic argument, I can hardly bring myself to type a response. But obviously, lag, crashes, botting, duping, scammers, are not Diablo II. You don’t need me to say that to you. These things are not a part of Diablo II’s design. Please. The loot system, however, is a fundamental element of Diablo II.

This doesn’t need to be explained, does it?


Look at all these guys wanting personal loot so they don’t even half to play the game. Yeah personal loot works for most games. But would be a total disaster for D2. It literally would change the entire game. In a couple days you could be all geared out just playing with bots. Not playing just following around the bots like a garbage truck collecting your personal loot. This is a insane idea. First off for those that have said your not quick enough to get loot. Why the hell are you playing with bots. PK THOSE MFERS.


Oh man, just you wait until the first week after it releases. Over here and Reddit will be flooded with posts of zoomers and family fathers crying to remove player hostility. They will want their utopian carebear D3 land forced into D2 any way they could.

Also, if there IS a report feature in there, I’m curious to see how many false reports there will be put in for Blizzard in that time.

“Reported him because he pked me :frowning:
"He hostiled me in a public game, please ban him! :frowning: "
“Griefing me with hostility in a baal game :frowning:

They’re going to have some fun with those. Winter is coming, my friends, winter is coming.