Shadow Set/Holy Point Shot [Consolidated PTR Feedback]

That would mean only Cold rune is played.

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Cold or lightning. Cold would be better, but lightning could still be viable as well to a slightly smaller degree. No different than most other sets anyways


I always like the season of free RORG where you could wear gauntlet of frost with overpenetration. You could freeze a elite and other demons so you could get a improved change of actually hitting the elite with the 75,000% damage. Worked great with dervishes and molten giants that reflect damage. As it stands now the shadow stinks fighting those especially in a multi player game. Its best 6 pc skill is what one shots the shadow the most.

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In group play they get cc immunity from freeze. Barbs dislike that.


That’s going to result in non-meta RGK clears, even if you hope for adds and go heavy on area damage – we’ll come out missing our goal. Like shooting point blank with a stronger multishot.

What you describe is exactly what Multishot should be in patch 2.7.0, regular 80T hits going through everything, 240T on cycle.

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I have some well rounded gear in seasonal PTR as Shadow Impale. I will be making a push soon, won’t stop until I get rank 1 to give some perspective of where the changes stand for season.

From what I have examined, a large buff is still needed on top of the changes to Holy Point Shot, either from other sources, or just buffing that number higher.


I ts over no more buff’s just a little rework to the new DH set a little damage buff to the 2 piece basically 100 to 200%, and nothing else, same meta as last season and seasonal buff is still horrifying


Updated PTR patch notes show no changes to the HPS values, still at 75-100%.
So, if it stays that way for live, it gives Impale a roughly 4-5 GR increase from 2.6.8


Just adding my input for support - I also agree that the buff, while nice, isn’t enough to push DH into the meta as a RGK or an elite killer. Would be nice for HPS to go to 200-300% increase on Impale.


Too bad they left the damage values on HPS the same. Hopefully they’ll increase the values to 250%-300% in the final iteration so that DH has a chance to be a RGK in parties.


There is a red dot after the HPS line. It seems like the patch notes are incomplete and some of the changes didn’t make it to the patch notes. There’s a few more red dots at the end of some lines.


Conspiracy dots.

Seriously though, I hope they undo HPS ‘buff’ and make the set and KP better. Impale definitely could use some love and more flavor with skills, etc.


Disappointing but still a week left for them to do what’s right and needed for the DH community.

For it to be the season of the DH (Necro also) that such an easy adjusted to hps if ignored it will make it crystal clear that the DH is a lost cause.


Lost cause? The new patch notes make the new set actually work. It could be a viable support DH and the fastest speed farmer in the game.

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I hope you are right. Maybe they first want to see how the new DH set performs in the leaderboards before buffing the HPS… or not.


I don’t disagree with you on the speed farm but as this is a hps topic and if the DH will ever make into a meta group (sort of) I think unless we see a decent boost to hps/impale we will have a watered down barb WW build without rend and no place in a meta yet again.


Either way, they need to make the impale bonus either a flat amount, like 200%ish, or make it a damage range and put it on KP. Putting it on HPS makes it easily the hardest item to roll in the game. Even harder than FoT.

On a side note, the new changes are live and GoD is mostly working as intended. It’s super fast. Bolas are a blast. Hungering arrow is more powerful, but not as fun as dual Entangling Shot + Bolas.


I don’t mind grinding for a new HPS, but we definitely need it buffed at the very least to 200% damage.


Agreed, set and impale need to be buffed, still hoping they revert HPS and fix it with KP and Shadow.


I don’t know about others but for me I could care less about having a build for speed farming. DHs can do speed farming vey good with the builds we already have. Even Impale with seethe, nems and boon hoarder gem can be excellent for speed farming.
When other classes (e.g. wiz, wd, crus) were buffed they became OP with no way for DH no matter what to be on par. Now it is DH turn so at least treat us the way you did with other classes.
Thanks for your efforts, I know it is easier said than done.