Settling the Private Loot Debate

But then you can’t play with many other people and we’re back into private games. No thanks.

I don’t even know if I’d use the ploot system tbh, but I wouldn’t mind it existing. It’s so weird how some of you are so against it.

Yes, every low level character in hell is just waiting to steal an item from the hammerdin. Who does not know it - irony off

Okay, so then what is your point? People do it all the time, so it will still happen in ploot games? Oh boy.

You got my point though. So now let us focus on the topic again. Shall we?

I (like many others have and will) already refunded until they add the option for private loot. But NONE of you idiotic forum fanatics will refund even if they add an option for it (even though you will keep on crying here for months on end, no doubt). Even the folks at Blizz understand that, so my guess is that they will try to please both camps.

Only time will tell.

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40% then. Still pretty high margin.
It is actually good that you are ahead. Give it a fight. Show us your real numbers. At least in the end you wont complain about an unfair statistics then.

Here, take your votes:

Private loot - Poll

Wait for beta to become public. Then we will see who has the higher number.:wink:

And you’re just afraid to lost your golden goose^^
But I get it, why share the loots in 8 while you can have it all for you?

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Can’t read The decline in value is the problem when everyone gets the same stuff regardless of their level, their skills and their items. Don’t you get that?
Oh guys
It won’t be changed anyway - then the pointless discussion is finally over. Stop hype the discussion.
Just because 3 loot system haters give 100 answers, the topic is far from relevant.

I’d rather play it with other players in pubs. With pLoot.

hahaha, i love how the young folks are so toxic about competition in videogames xD
on everyone who feels like this, there is some thing thats called single player and private games

so all i se is, you can break Tos, lets not try to come up with an ide to fix it so people cant break Tos.or an ide how to spott people breaking tos. but lets make a whole new game. (not only implement p-loot). alot of people want other stuff also. rifts.better drop rate. drop monster immune, corupt items. and alot more. wher does it stop.

why not throw pvp out? because you can break Tos in pvp to. heck just drop D2R. you can break Tos. must make sence to all the people who complain all the time.

ohh yer. what to do in uno? you can cheat ther also. make all the cards in to winners so no one loses?

Try to make sense if you’re going to reply to me. Thanks.

If you add personal loot, there won’t be any reason for MF running with low-levels in order to increase loot. Which has been done previously. In general, those people MF running were also giving all the stuff they didn’t need to the low-levels. And there are also other cases where personal loot would ruin ways how old D2 was played and therefore also the feel of old D2.
I don’t know how much the community will be similar to that in the past, but at that time, there were a lot of people giving away free stuff. Sometimes even high end stuff. The only reason to vote for personalized loot is, to already mistrust a community that has not even developed yet.
Furthermore, I think personalized loot will completely destroy the Diablo II feeling. If you really want loot for yourself because you think you are to slow, don’t want to compete with others for loot and don’t think there will be people dropping stuff for free, or just want more loot, do solo MF runs. It’s not that hard once the game has gone live and all acts can be played.

Blash you really like to talk and want to see just who has the bigger one. I will just say this one last time since you cant seem to get it through your head. They said in the beginning it was a Remaster not a Rework. If you did not like how it was then do not play it and go somewhere else.

Lots of adhominems. Zero substance. You are really running on hot air, it seems.

Anyway, let’s assume you are correct on all your assumptions. I would still have a point. Because i am a paying customer just like you. I (in your assessment) am one of the same agegroup as most diablo 2 veterans, so most likely you all will be in the very same state in the next few years of d2, begging for pLoot to become an option once you see how all the young hipsters pour over your items.
So in that sense, i am doing you a favor. Ahead of time.

Still searching for the argument in the rest of your post. There really is nothing in there. Just wild rage in a sad attempt to touch personal feelings.
Have seen better trolls. But then again, you participated, that still counts, right?

Anyways, bye!

No. Noone gets that.
Because good loot in D2 is still rare and needs to be farmed.
What people get with pLoot is not their endgear. It is some stuff that they can potentially trade. Noone will be able to find their full equipment that way. But they can still play without having to be super-focused to at least get one item every x drops. They can just get a bit less and in return play in enjoyment. Lean back, chat with their allies, play their character as its supposed to be played.
And later they can do the mf run for real gear.

You people need to make your mind up.
Are we too old or too young now?

Could it even be that we are just normal people like you who just have different taste than you?

Freeeeeeee STUFFFFFFFS!!!

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This right here. I was playing the original Diablo back in the day and then D2 and LoD. The whining I hear on the loot issue are from people probably not born or still crapping their diapers when these came out and then grew up on WoW and D3. If that’s what you want go play those. This is supposed to be a redo of the classic game is spruced up graphics and for us old timers leave us our nostalgia.