"Set me free" achiv. not working

I have successfully completed twice the set dungeon for the Rainment of a Thousand Storms, and neither of them have trigger the season achievment “Set me free”.

This must be an error/bug. Because the first time i completed it i though i may had done something wrong, but the second time i me sured what i was doing and checked that it was all ok.

Same issue - S23, Set me Free Achievement not registering. I’ve tried with several sets (old ones as the newer ones do not have pages or dungeons), on 2 diff characters/classes, collected the pages, but can’t get the achievement to trigger.

Is there a workaround / solution?

They’re not bugged.
Which classes / sets have you attempted?
Do you have screenshots of the dungeon completion dialogs?

  1. Copy the URL to the clipboard
  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
  3. Highlight the URL in your post
  4. Click the </> button in the editor
  5. This will turn your URL into pre-formatted text
  6. Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this… http://www.ThisIsAnExample.com/HowToMakeLinks.htm

Even though it does not specifically say so, the Season Slayer Chapter Objective, Set Me Free, only requires you to complete the Basic Tier of a Class Set Dungeon.

Correct. The newer Sets do not have Set Dungeons associated with them.

I’m sure you must know this, but you DO NOT need to collect the Pages. You DO need to complete the Basic Tier of the Set Dungeon of the Set you have equipped.

The Season Champion Chapter Objective, Mastermind, requires you to complete the Master Tier of a Class Set Dungeon.

Just as confirmation they’re working just fine, here’s a screenshot of me doing the completion / mastery of the Barbarian’s Immortal King set dungeon tonight, about an hour ago, on the PTR…
