Set dungeon pages question

You haven’t been any help either.


I offered help, you are just trolling along, with not an ounce of help offered.

You offered nothing of worth. You are very quick to call everyone else troll. You are the biggest troll here.

I’m just gonna ignore you from now on.

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Only you.

Again, you offer nothing to help, just spill angry chat towards me.

I offered real help which I used myself and works.

OP must be new and doesn’t know how to play the game much.

How else would someone not have the final 4th of four pages on a node so simple.

It’s been an entertaining read, but the OP clearly knew how to get the set pages for their class, since they had 3 of the 4 already. What they wanted, and what ONLY Timberwolf answered for them, was how to determine which set they needed to focus on to get the last missing page. It was not hard to imagine that they didn’t have all the pieces available in their stash, because they could just go to the lectern and get all 4. It was implied by the way they asked their question that they needed to farm up one of the 4 class sets, DMO in their case, since they were probably auto salvaging anything that they had no intention of using and had forgotten which sets they had equipped when they got the 3 pages that they had. Your help WOULD have been useful to someone who did not know how to get et pages, but the OP was NOT in that situation, and it is endlessly amusing to see how oblivious you are to the actual point that the OP was asking about. By the way, the popcorn was delicious!


Why auto salvage when the node is not finished?

Why would someone not finish such an easy node then come back and act like their brother posted a question to figure out what is going on?

For me:
When I finally finished the node did I then salvage the undeeded sets.

I wholeheartedly agree with you and that was how I did it also. But my understanding of the OP was that they wanted to know which set they needed to acquire (or dig out of their stash) to complete the node. The idea that they had salvaged the pieces of the set(s) that they didn’t have or were not using was pure speculation. If they had all the pieces in their stash, it would seem weird to start a thread about the topic instead of just equipping the 6 piece of all the sets and just portal back and forth to get the pages. On the other hand, if they had Typhon’s and Tal’s in their stash (how my wizard currently does), then I could see asking for help to target which set to focus on farming up.

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I ran into a bug on my monk where it wouldn’t give me a page while wearing the required set. I ended up logging completely out of the game and then when I tried again, it worked. This also happened when I tried to get the conquest achievement wearing that set. I ran it two Times on GR55 and once on GR56. Then I logged completely out and when I logged in again I had the achievement.

Now that I am back playing on PC I have found all the pages so I am ready for it when I need them.

Thanks to all who helped.