Set dungeon pages question

Hi, with the altar and sacrificing page I am at a loss of which ones I already have. Is there anyone who can tell me which one I am missing or a link that tells the corresponding set to each page?

For Wizard I have the following pages:

Page 112
Page 130
Page 126

Thank you for anyone who can help me.

All you need are the pages for sets that have a set dungeon.

The last set doesn’t apply: (There are no pages for these sets)
Barb- Horde of Ninety Savages
Sader - Aegis of Valor
DH - Gear of the Dreadlands
Monk - Patterns of Justice
Necro - Masquerade of the burning Carnavile
WD -Mundunugu’s Regalia
Wizard- The Typhon’s Veil

Hi thank you, I Understand but I have 3 of the pages listed above I just don’t know what they are and which one I need to collect for my 4th :frowning:

Just grab all the sets for your class and then go to act1/Leorics Manor Courtyard/page giver and get all the pages.

Then you go to altar.

This node is one of the easiest and fastest to finish.


Here are the 4 sets for wizard. All you need is 5 items of each and RoG ring and teleport to Leorics Nanor. I don’t remember which number corresponds with which set, you’ll have to look in your stash and do some deductive reasoning to find the one you’re missing.

  • Delsere’s Magnum Opus.
  • Tal Rasha’s Elements.
  • Vyr’s Amazing Arcana.
  • Firebird’s Finery.

I looked at your profile and see a Season lvl 1 wizard:

I would get to level 70 and run through Chapter four then start getting your pages.

Both Argos and I have given you the information you need to finish this node.

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My computer is broke, I am playing on Console (Xbox) this season , i assure you I am over 70 on my wizard and have been running around leveling my altar :wink:

Though I do appreciate all your responses , my question wasn’t answered.

I am shocked that this information isn’t some where on the www or even Maxroll. I just wanted to know which page matches which set because I’ve already collected 3 out of the 4 .

I just want to know which set i need to target instead of collecting ones I already have completed.

I did answer your question.


So go down to the guy that gives you the pages and use the 4 sets (not the typhons veil)

and get all four pages and finish that node.

Here’s how to do it with all four sets.

1, open a tp to the guy in Act1/Leorics that gives pages and one at a time put on one of four sets and get the page.

If you already have the page for a set them most likely you wont get that page again.

2, put on next set and go through tp and get a page.

Just do this and it is over real quick.

Believe me you are making this much harder than is necessary.


I already knew NOT to use Typhoons. So you did not answer the question.

Than use the other 4 sets:

Make a portal to the npc that gives pages in Act1/Leorics

  • put on each set of four one by one and go get your page

  • now with all four pages for a wizard go to the Altar and turn them in.

You @Chelsea have made one of the fastest and easiest nodes to finish so hard because you can’t change the way you think this issue through.


All these replies, and no one has bothered to answer the actual question.

For Wizard, the set pages are 112, 121, 126, and 130. OP is missing page 121.

  • 112 = Firebird
  • 121 = Delsere Magnum Opus
  • 126 = Tal Rasha
  • 130 = Vyr

OP needs the 3rd of 4th wizard set’s to finish the node.

He obviously doesn’t know how to go down to the npc giving pages for sets in Act1.

Cause that is all he would have to do to get all 4 pages to present to the Altar.

If you have 5 pages while at the Altar then it takes two tries to get it right.

If I remember correctly, the Altar tells you which pages it needs

Did you even bother reading the original post? The OP already stated that he/she has 3 of the 4 pages, so clearly knows how to get them.


Then he needs to take that last set down to the npc.

The Altar tells you which pages it needs.

OMG how can you be so dense. OP already knows that.


The OP is cornfused about the process.

And you are a little winky about the whole Altar node setup for this easy one.

Where does it state that? You clearly have a problem with comprehension. OP stated that he/she has 3 of the 4 set pages, and wants to know which one is missing, and what set it corresponds to. That is it. You have not provided either answer, but instead a whole pile of useless information.

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I told OP what to do to finish the node:

Since you didn’t get the 4 pages needed and you know which set to NOT use:

Take all 4 down to npc and get the 4 pages and then go to Altar.


Which, again since you can’t understand, doesn’t answer her actual questions. Boy, are you dense.

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That would require farming 2 or 3 useless sets. TimberWolf was the helpful one here.