Seriously, you don't need to take the risk

This, i can definitely agree with that. I think 99,99% players will love the QOL changes, but they are mostly afraid that changes could somehow affect play negatively. Well i am not suprised after fail with warcraft reforge and even diablo 3.


I don’t know – I think the graphics and old network are huge reasons people aren’t playing it now. They’re why I’m not playing it now - I don’t want to play D2 with those graphics. I enjoyed it for a while, but no longer. But I’ll play D2R and enjoy it for a long time with these great graphics.

I’m sure there are tons of people like me out there. Just fans who love D2 but don’t want to suffer through seriously outdated visual issues and a fonky network.

Since D2R is essentially honoring D2, I really hope the option to play in a community of D2R-as-it-was-announced-at-Blizzcon will always be available. I’m really repeating myself a lot in here now, but the way to accomplish that is an entirely separate community where loot filters, charm invs, and p-loot just aren’t possible. Then another separate community with survey-driven changes would be totally fine and cool.

The problem I see is I don’t think Blizzard will want to figure out the complexity of all these separate communities. But just adding loot filters and charm invs and telling us to not use them if we don’t want to also adds a ridiculous amount of complexity. So it seems that any decision Blizzard would make here would be pretty convoluted. Hence this topic. I really don’t think any of that is necessary, because a pure D2R couldn’t really deserve much scorn. I’d rather separate communities are made so everyone can play what they want, but it just seems like a lot of extra work. But I’ll root for em.

And thanks to the moderator who edited my first post - thanks for the edit and not a suspension or something =P

I keep responding to you about the same matter but I get no response back

at first i was against all these other changes as well, all I wanted is the new graphics and better connection and support from blizzard for the game bugs(I was even reluctant for the artistic changes from the graphics stand point), but I saw how it turned out and I also got to test all these features in mode after

don’t rule them out before all of you actually test each and every of these changes thoroughly


Graphic isnt the reason, new nice graphic is useless if you dont like to play the game for a long time.

People playing and stopping after few weeks will be failure.

I find this very strange. Are you really sure if is just a graphic? Because you will usualy get use to bad graphic when game is excelent. Unless its super ugly of course but thats not case of diablo which is pixelated but has nice look.

I want people to stay 2+ years and just new graphic will not be enough to accomplish it.

I dont think fans stopped playing D2 because how it looked. I think they eventualy stopped playing because they just moved on and had enough of diablo 2. You think they would keep playing same game again for long time just becouse of good looks? I dont think so.

No, this cant happen, we need one strong player base without separating it. We already will be separated to SP, ladder, non ladder, SC and HC which is more than enough.

Why do you think maphack was/is so popular? People want to see map just like in single player, they want to filter loot.

I have played on many D2 private D2 servers filled with players who were fed up with battle net and broken economy and bots. But you know what? Maphack with loot filter was allowed on most of them because people wanted it as its excelent QoL improvement.

From what i remember a lot of players on battle net back in the days i played used maphack there for loot filter, to see map and to have protection from tppk cheaters.

I dont need charm inventory. I want bigger horadric cube.

I dont need rune and gem stacking, i want rune and gem bags.

I definitely want loot filter to eliminate certain item types to be visible because vanila doesnt allow to see all items on ground where there is too much loot.


Loot filter is a no brainer for 95% of all players. I mean it is a fact that a loot filter doesn’t change anything in terms of balance or something like that.


Evidence against it, tbh.

You’re just wrong here, that is the fact.

Nope. I guess then you don’t know how a loot filter works.

I can use the filter that I only see uniques or set items. I mean, even without a filter I only grab uniques or sets most of time. That’s it. A loot filter is only for visuals and has NOTHING to do with game balance. That is the only fact here, no matter what you will try to argue against it.


It affects the balance of drops Re: a player that uses the filter vs a player that does not, ergo you’re clearly wrong.

It does not affect the balance of drops. It does affect what drops are collected and by whom.

In single player, it makes no difference, unless a player would normally collect items that are filtered out based on how they setup the loot filter.

In multiplayer with FFA loot, it does make in whom collects items for “competitive” items, because it restricts attention to a small subset of drops making it easier for loot-filter players in multiplayer games to target items of their personal interest.


Yeah I thought the way I wrote it was self evident, but yes, clearly we are talking about drops collected, not drop rate, here.

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the charm inventory idea gives you no more extra space than 40 squares

with 40 gem slots, if stackable to 3x, you save 80 more slots than you would otherwise

stacking gems actually saves more space. Sounds pretty powerful actually considering how much of a big deal people make about the choice for inventory space

I’m actually in favor of both changes, just pointing this out

No one is carrying around 40 gems though so it’s not really a valid comparison.

So because you don’t experience something, no one does?


are u telling me u dont have a gem mule?
i have an entire mule for gems, runes, sets, jewelry, jewels, uniques, generally 2-3 mules for sockets (because they take up the most space)

Mule. No one is running
nihlathak with 40 gems.

It’s an absurd comparison.

i have a sudden urge to run keyruns naked on a sorc with only gems just to spite you XD

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maybe not, but they might CHOOSE to drop that unstackable gem because its not worth the space. Which is the exact argument against a charm inventory lol

its only absurd because it highlights your hypocrisy on what is and isn’t a valid change

The only thing a charm inventory would change is that instead of going back to town every 30 seconds to dump loot, you’re going to go back to town every 2 or 3 minutes.

Because let’s be real, there is no actual choice involved in whether you should carry more or less charms. The only downside is that you have to buy TP scrolls a bit more often and use them a bit more often.

It’s inconvenient and not fun, but it isn’t what I’d call “choice”.

No there’s no hypocrisy, it’s simple nuance.

I’m against both, but acknowledge that charm inventory is a much bigger change, so if they change one, I would prefer it be the stackable gems. Where’s the hypocrisy?

A full 4x10 40 space charm inventory is clearly a larger gameplay change than stackable gems. It’s laughable anyone would argue to the contrary.

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Ignoring the already mentioned parts regarding splitting the community based on ui settings (which is also a horrible idea in terms of in-game economy), i have to strongly refute your most central point.

Your unterstanding of competition in a video game is utterly flawed.

Having to hold down a button to see loot on the ground has close to zero impact on balance/competition. It merely comes down to preferences and - at best - levels the playing field between players who enjoy playing with or without it more. I for example, would not use the toggle. How do i know? There are dozens of games out there with a toggle and they all clutter your screen at times when you dont need to see the loot.

And even if it would. What does it have to do with competition and “staying competitive”. What is competitive about a PVE game? Storming the ladder or farming items? Not really. And PvP doesnt have alot of looting involved last time i checked.
So can you level up faster or more reliable with a loot-toggle? Most likely not.
Can you farm items better? Well, that might be your beaf. So players might actually have different ways to steal your loot. The way with pressing the button while doing it and the way with pressing the button before doing it. Not a big difference and the main problem is not the loot toggle, it is the stealing to begin with. Why on earth can the person with the fastest PC or the smartest mouse-scripts pick up an entire boss loot? How is that competitive? That is bull!

What this game needs is a proper way to share the loot among a party. Not a useless and misdirected discussion on loot toggles and amazon not looking like kardashians.

Another benefit of the loot toggle might be that you are less likely to miss loot that was dropped on screen edges. Like HRs in trav. Is that a problem of competition or should the game not make an ultra-rare drop be displayed the same way as a stack of gold or a key? I’ll leave that one for you to figure out. Hint: you are looking at the wrong problem again.

Charm inventory. Here your competition argument has a point. But the game design of limiting the players inventory significantly is just flawed. It would be so nice if we could come to a proper redesign of this mechanic as a community. Again: the problem is not the charm inventory but the fact that you end up with close to no space in your inventory.
Instead of steaming on the balance topic, maybe search for a solution that appeals to both sides. Is having the cube as your only useable part of the inventory really a good feature? Is it skill? Is it what makes diablo appeal to you?

How about switching it around? Increase cube size by factor 2. Change charms to only be active when they are inside the cube (which needs to be inside your inventory).
As a result, you will have more free space, you have still limited space to pick up inventory and store charms, you will still be able to use your precious cube and it even has another effect in the game.

And lastly, the stackable topic. I agree that this might raise some brows. But how did we solve it in the past? By adding mule after mule after mule. Lots of tedious work that - again - was far easier for people with more or better computers. No skill, no competition, just silly useless muling to dodge a suboptimal design.
I think we should reach a compromise here and make runes in the stash/common stash stackable, while only allowing single runes in the playable inventory. This brings the stash inventory space required for gems/runes down to 33 (runes) and 7*(1-5) (gems). Which is still more than enough. You could have your balance and we all could play instead of switching between mules.