Season's going pretty well

I bought an alt account not too long ago and after finishing the Altar and putting together a Shadow on my main account, I decided to go for my alternate. Put another Shadow set together. So far, I’ve got just over 2300 paragon and am in the Top 10 on the Solo DH boards with a GR 145 clear.

The highest paragon I’ve ever earned on my main was somewhere around 2900 paragon in a season. Thinking I’m gonna match it.

Good Primals are dropping too. Got 2 useable, helm and gloves for a UE set, a Karlei’s Point, a Yang’s and perfect DML. Have the cube about half-way filled up to boot.

Spent a couple of days getting the Steffon’s Heavy Lance transmog, and farmed up the Falcon Wings so my paragon could be a bit better. But I wanted that transmog so it was worth the inefficiency.

Anyway, that’s my season so far.

I hope yours is going as well. Feel free to share if you want to. Just wanted to toot my own horn a bit.


I’m working on farming up well rolled ancient/primal versions of gear that I only have as normal grade in NS.

And whilst doing that, about half my primal drops since unlocking double primals have been decent… including weapons needed for my barb builds.

Still yet to complete my LoD HOTA build but I do have IK HOTA running.

Ancient IK pants eludes me… hopefully when it drops, it will have AR on it.

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Yeah, I’m looking for a better helm and chest for my Shadow Set. I mean, what I have is at least ancient but the Helm rolled low on the crit chance, and the chest came without AR. It did have physical resist as a secondary though. Just want the chest to be a bit better.

Since I’ve got so many good pieces of the UE set, I’m thinking I put that together too. Even found a Primal Odyssey’s. I accidentally salvaged the one I had on my main account that I earned in some season’s back. I’m also going to have to farm some bounties if I want to complete my cube for the DH. I’ve also been raising my whisper gems to 140 for augments.

Anyway, I hope you get what you’re hunting for.

Happy Hunting.

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Sanctified is one of my favorite seasons. I got over 5k paragons last time because the spin to win impale DH was so fun. What makes it better this time is server stability. I can play pony sader over gr125 and its not a slide show lol.

I started with crusader. Then made a barb. Then a necro. Decided the blood nova power was lame so made a demonhunter. Augged up an unhallowed essence and shadow set. Rocking an echoing fury impaling stuff is very satisying. Gonna try 150s for most of them. Monk is too ezmode so i probably wont do that again.

Ssf btw :laughing:

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This is surprisingly a season where Necro isn’t the most fun one would have.

The first time this theme came around, I played Wiz and Necro… and spent like 95% of my time with Wiz. LoD MM is insanely fun to farm with.

I’m happy to have rolled Barb this time… really enjoying getting some barb time in and getting the items I’m missing as ancient in NS. Just down to finding a good lamentation belt now.

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Just completed the entire cube and must say it was fun to mess with all the classes. I usually stick to DH and dabble in Crusader, but this season was a good one to branch out with all the crucible powers. The DMO Wizard was by far the most fun of the classes I don’t normally run, but they all had their upsides.

Quite enjoyable.


And I found another primal piece for my UE build. So now I have Helm, Shoulders, Gloves, Yang’s and DML. And I haven’t used ashes to cube up another. So, I could get either pants or chest too. This is unusual for me. It’s by far the most useable primals I’ve found for a single set in any season I’ve ever played.

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I have completed the Journey about a week ago, and completed Altar four days before that. I was lucky on Primals but haven’t found a good RoE yet. I was planning on heading for Helltooth but I stuck with Mundunugu.


I finally hit 3k paragons in SSF league. I plan to do lots of different 150s


Very boring season, had 2800 paragon in 65 hours played and quit playing already a few weeks ago, had top1 score in zunimassa at 1800p, and around top 70 monk without even trying at all in both cases.
This game is dead, almost nobody is playing it, very boring season, there is no competition, and no team play either, because the chats are dead too.

Why would you need another account? It seems bizarre

Luck was with me last night. I was reconfiguring my build so that I wouldn’t have to click “equip” twice when I switched from GoD to Strafe Impale. Had a bunch of crucibles so I used them on a HPS and got one with the following stats…

Cold Element
10% Crit (rerolled from Dex)
Impale Damage
Strafe Sanctified Power.

Then I did the same to my NCS since I use a Primal Yang’s and got…

Resource Reduction
Hungering Arrow (re-rolled from some other skill)
Strafe Power

Since, I only use GoD for speed content, the quiver didn’t need to be perfect so this was good enough. The Strafe power works because it allows me to put Wind Chill/Multi-shot into my build.

Then, I was just going for an Ancient Squirts and used the cube to reforge one and within three re-rolled got a Primal with…

Cold (Re-rolled from Dex)

Dude, that was awesome. Was down to only 3 Crucible’s left when I got that NCS.

Anyway, that was my night and my must say it was a good one.

Nice you got the perfect Squirts for any class, since you can roll any elemental damage type you want.
I recommend to augment it with VIT, so all classes can use it without any strings attached.

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I Augmented with Dex since I’m a DH, but I could switch the element and re-augment if I decide to go for another class. That’s a good tip though to Augment Vit on a universal item like that.


As I remember top players have been doing that. I remember seeing a couple of Wizards on leader boards of previous Season who augmented their one or two of their equipment pieces with Vitality.
When you are low on paragon, it’s good to augment with Vitality and keep it that way until you gain enough paragons to reallocate later. After you gain really high paragon and need every bit of damage output you can get, you should be able to afford swapping that Vitality augment to your class main stat.

I got 150 in ssf barb with hota. Ive done it before with reakors but first time with lod. I might do WW reakors for better time lol.

I think i can do it with sader but holy lag. When the lightning lingers around tough targets it’s something else. Good thing we got pause.

I got a few more days of d3 left in me. I participated in the poe2 race yesterday. No deaths but i played sloooow. Im not a big racer though. I like GRs more.

I was just thinking, when season is over, I might re-roll that Cold on that Squirt’s to Fire and add it to my UE Primal collection I got this season. Helm, Shoulders, Gloves, Yang’s, DML, an Ashes Crafted Chest, and now a Squirt’s. Just missing pants for the set itself but will need the Captain Crimson’s Belt and Boots and Bastions of Will to complete the set. Not counting on all that this season, but it’s a good start on season’s to come.

Gonna be bringing a tonne of mats back to NS. Currently have…

  • 5k of each bounty mat
  • ~31k of white/blue/yellows
  • 47k DBs
  • 7500 souls
  • 495 ashes

And likely will have more than this. Now I’m just hunting down one last thing… an ancient, well rolled Lamentation belt.

I might have a fiddle with MOTE Seismic Slam or EQ… I always enjoyed that set and those skills but it’s just not a competitive set these days.

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Do you know you can load both accounts on same PC/laptop?

In early season when I’m hurting bad for those last two pieces of gear to make my build right I load up my alt’s; level them to 70 and run some 70+ gr’s.

This is the fast way to gear up your main and playing HC you get yourself an alt to level your main if you rip.

I’ve heard you can do that. I don’t know how though. And sometimes just loading one, I’ll get a message that I have to click that says something like “D3 can’t load twice” or something similar like I had clicked “Play” twice or something.

This is a legal and fine with Blizzard.

The Diablo III icon you see on your desktop should be brown in color.

Right click the icon, then left click properties…

I put my Diablo III folder on the C:\ drive.

You just change your Target to this:

“C:\Diablo III\x64\Diablo III64.exe” -w -launch

and save it.

Now your Diablo III icon is blue and you can load up as many alt accounts as you have by running as administrator.

It is really easy.



I did the same thing with my alt accounts in the past when I hunted for cosmetics. PC slows down though… but I don’t have a high end gaming PC.