- Warning: Please do not read if you avoid ridiculous complaints or do not like listening to a grown man cry.
I preface this post with an apology as this is a bit of a rant and not something I’m proud of either.
I really felt this season could be the one that I complete Guardian (out of work). I can usually get to Guardian 4 out of 6 before I just give up from exhaustion. I say this is no problem but this season it took me over 200 hours. I play completely solo which obviously adds time. I enjoy the game so I dont really push to hard unless I like a build, GR110 would be huge for me. I waste time with silly builds and leveling gems because I have wild theories about how they will work together. Clearly, I couldd get more serious and improve my game play if I wanted to. I say that as if ADHD weren’t a real thing.
I could spend just as much time reading some great guides and watching excellent you tube videos about the game (kudos D3 community). This is just as much of a time suck but this will ik only get you so far solo. If I get lucky with Gear, a good season buff and an exciting build I will some day complete Guardian, although my marriage wont be as lucky. Can’t wait for the extra inventory slot, Oh wait is there a cap on these?
Having said all this and my second apology for those still in it, I’m having a hard time believing all the posts about how easy it is to complete the entire season journey. No doubt, leaderboards prove that many have completed this and very quickly, however, how many of these were completely solo? No bounties with others randpm groups or grouping in anyway?
I performed a quick Google search with the terms “season 20 journey” and “solo” and “diablo 3” , Nothing! So am I to believe no one has done this solo? Can’t be, can it? I wonder how many hours it would take? What would be a good average level for gems and paragon? Any thoughts would be appreciated, even those that will inevitably tell me to suck it up, “it’s not that hard”.
Some of the conquests are admittedly fairly easy to compete if you really want to invest the time for a reward that is nowhere near the equivalent in time spent obtaining it. Having said that, other conquests are so completely ridiculous and overly hard, I personally don’t see me ever having the will power to suffer through that kind of grind and I love(d) this game since release.
So let’s recap this season with it’s fast approaching end date. I completed the Divinty conquest on 5/6/2020 early in my season as I started late. If you play the general Greater Rift meta version of the game and solo this is fairly simple. I plan on completing Years of War before the end of season another fairly straight foward conquest but a huge time suck and if you dont like playing other classes forget this one, hence the name, I guess.
That leaves me with a sophie’s choice this season Boss mode, first attempt 22 minutes using a Frenzy Barb w/ my own build maybe obtainable if I go meta or level my gems. Or?
An even worse choice, The cursed cursed peat event. This is my whole point, why this? Say Good bye to my season journey with this sorry to say “Turd” of a conquest. No doubt a build that can kill 350 monsters in a cursed timed event is totally DOABLE, why does it have to be so hard for me to find it. Seriously? Why! Sobbing into my pillow, now, be back tomorrow, damn you Diable 3.
Oh, and Thanks to Kanai and Kadala for the two excellent primals today even though they only ultimately shaved off 15 seconds off my GR time. Once, I get my Cal’s buffs back up to 100, this build is really going to sing right up to GR110, if only they extend the season and Quarantine another month. RNG gods willing.