AnyOne can tell me, How to finish SET ME FREE?
You need a different Set than the ones in this Season’s Gift. They do not have Dungeons.
Some sets are very easy, others, not so much.
I made a similar post about this, and a lot of people have told me to farm for a more respective set a gear that contributes to the set dungeon. For example, say you are a Demon Hunter, the easiest set dungeon in my books is Unhallowed Essence.
Note: You only need to complete 1 of 2 primary objectives to get Set Me Free completed.
OP can you tell us what class are you playing?
Class Set Dungeons
- Immortal King’s Call
- Legacy of Raekor
- Might of the Earth
- Wrath of the Wastes
- Armor of Akkhan
- Roland’s Legacy
- Seeker of Light
- Thorns of the Invoker
Demon Hunter
- Embodiment of the Marauder
- Natalya’s Vengeance
- The Shadow’s Mantle
- Unhallowed Essence
- Inna’s Mantra
- Monkey King’s Garb
- Raiment of a Thousand Storms
- Uliana’s Strategem
- Bones of Rathma
- Grace of Inarius
- Pestilence Master’s Shroud
- Trag’Oul’s Avatar
Witch Doctor
- Helltooth Harness
- Raiment of the Jade Harvester
- Spirit of Arachyr
- Zunimassa’s Haunt
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus
- Firebird’s Finery
- Tal Rasha’s Elements
- Vyr’s Amazing Arcana
Easiest is the natalya
Thank You
For me, Mauraders was super easy. No special gear needed. Just lay down sentrys and mow them down. Best build for Echo Nightmares also.
Hm, I will have to farm for the set, weapons, and gear in general. I’ll give the dungeon a go once I have it all.
I did it with only the natalya weapon and quiver. Super easy really
You can do the set dungeon with just weapon, and quiver? Don’t you also need the 6-set bonus too?
Note: I’m still farming for the armor set, but no luck on the drops through Greater Rifts, and Visions of Enmities.
Yes but you wrote :
you don’t need to farm the weapons that buffs trap damage, you can just use some random weapons
I see the error I made; you’re right.