Any season is about the ‘meta’ and 5k or more paragon. Without it, good luck doing high gr playing solo.
The diff is huge between group and solo play. Please close that gap for a change.
Preferably definitively, but at least for a season. To see how that works out.
I’m not saying it should outperform group play, but solo play should get much, much closer.
And while you’re at it, ensure this for D4 as well, please.
They can try reducing the reward we get from the “strength in numbers” buff. But I dont really understand your issue here. Do you not like playing in groups? Can’t seem to find other players to group with? Boosting solo exp lil bit or reducing group exp wont fix the fact that “Grouping will always give more exp than Solo”. It seems that what your really looking for is an SSF mode? A true solo mode? That is what I think you should be suggesting for, though it has been requested multiple times in the past and D3 has yet to implement a SSF mode, posts like those pretty much gets ignored and/or goes straight into their trash.
Just do these to various degrees.
- Same or at least nearly same XP buff for everyone. Make it 20% for 1man, 30% for 2-4 man, that is a good start.
- Bounty adjustment for 1/2/3 players. More bounty rewards for each of these group sizes.
- Reduce monster HP for 1/2/3 players.
- Buff follower with new/better items. Make them immortal as default.
Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list - some ideas for follower items/buffs in this thread
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While I’m for increasing solo efficiency (especially for bounties), I don’t think it should be done through a season theme as it sounds like players playing in group won’t get anything out of it; and a seasonal theme should have benefits for both sides.
Yeah. Make it a general change.
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Reverse the current system so that it looks like this:
1 player: +30% XP
2 player: +20% XP
3 player: +10% XP
4 player: 0% XP
Multiplayer groups run higher rifts than single players. If the multiplayer group is capable of doing 5 GRs higher they are already getting 30% more XP than a single player and if they are running 10 levels higher it’s about 60% more XP and if you are running 15 levels its closer to 90%.
If they were to reverse the player count XP bonus to favor single players (as above) multi player runs would still be getting far more XP than single players. Plenty of incentive to run multiplayer!
While true, I’d rather that they make solo and groups gain similar XP AND reach similar GRift lvls. Instead of giving them different benefits each.
Seasons are all about the speed racer four man GR fishers, do not expect anything for solo players.
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I’m not expecting anything when it comes to D3, yet I always leave disappointed 
The bounties are the only really annoying thing that seems to over-reward groups.
Make it a season of bounty equity. The townfolk are tired of getting over-tithed so they provide the same reward regardless of the number of players.
- 1 player - gets all 4
- 2 players - each get 2
- 4 players - each gets 1
- 3 players - each gets 1, 1 drops on ground, grab popcorn…
They could combine it with the double-bounty season theme so that even 4p groups would get some value.
- 1 player - gets all 8
- 2 players - each get 4
- 4 players - each gets 2
- 3 players - each gets 2, 2 drop on ground at opposite ends of town, grab popcorn…
You might think “ermagerd, 8 bounties, why would I ever group up?” except that it does take 4x longer to do the bounties solo and when you don’t really need that many bounty mats for most of the season, doing a quick 4p for a double set of bounty caches is still a lot less time for a reasonable amount of mats than going out solo.
As some others have said - specific legendary & primal items for the Enchantress, Scoundrel, and Templar.
Of course, it would also be great if we could hire ALL of the followers at the same time.
Why do we even need Strength in Numbers? I don’t even know why they added that.
I’m assuming its to incentify grouping. Play with others and gain more rewards. I’m not sure if there’s a specific reason of having it but yeah… I mean I enjoy it, I play with my friends and the game rewards me for it. It’s nice. But I also see it as unfair for those that play only/just solo. So for those that cant or wont group with others there should be an SSF mode, instead of trying to cripple “strength in numbers”… Is just my thoughts.
No need to cripple strength in numbers. Just give the same bonus to solo.
Also for group, it is completely unreasonable that 4 players should be rewarded more than 2 or 3 players.
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Tbh the strength in numbers made more sense pre-RoS when monsters were more powerful, as during that time groups didn’t have the formidable synergy that exist today. Today the synergy between party members is so great that even removing strength in numbers, group play would still be more advantageous in comparison to solo.
That said, I wouldn’t want them to remove it this late in the game.
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We’ve talked about this. If something does the same thing as Solo as in group play, why is it there? Just raise XP by 30%, and you get solo and group xp parity.
I see no need to cripple or change anything in group play. Groups do not have to “pay” for solo improvements.
Solo improvements will not chase away any significant amount of group players to solo.
I usually have issues finding a good group. I do not have tons of paragon (sub 1000), so they don’t want me. And honestly, I do not need a group to achieve a gr level that I can get solo…
So yes, I’d be in a group to get further then I can get solo.
And no, I am not asking for any kind of solo only mode or self found mode. There is no need for any “attaboy” when achieving anything played purely solo. To be clear, such modes would not harm current modes. So if they come, fine. I won’t play it though.
Any solo play improvements, I would like to be general changes. But Blizzard may have concerns about any solo improvements, so a season would be nice for a 3 month test period. Along with whatever season theme they have in mind, if needed.
Solo improvements I am looking for should entail reaching gr level close to group play and ease like in group play. Also gaining xp much closer to group play than currently.
So, the damage, damage reduction and more xp could be achieved by buffing the followers. Perhaps by using legendary follower gems.
Also the xp buff decimation could be reversed. At least for solo play.
I have no issues with group play. Solo play should be more rewarding.
Yes that would be the effect. It wouldnt need to be counted as a bonus. Just a new baseline.
Point only is, that by increasing baseline to 130%, you dont nerf current XP gains. Unlike if you removed the bonus without increase base XP
Boosting solo play would entail boosting damage, toughness/recovery and xp in order to reach gr levels near groups can do (compared to similar paragon).
As a few ideas, what do you think about:
- legendary gems in follower gear that also count for you. Ideaal to make use of the damage redection / recovery gems.
- special follower gem for the follower special item (including those rolling with a socket)
- It should boost your and the follower’s damage for each level.
- The second bit provides xp boost. The level 25 thing (or higher).
- undoing the xp boost stats, at least for solo play.
- add all the stats of follower gear fully to your own. Greatly boosting damage, toughness etc. So the follower items slots would act as if they are your own. This would also allow for greater build diversities and play styles.
I believe this could be balanced in a way to make solo play more rewarding without affecting or surpassing group play. (Because all is gained through the follower).
Makes the follower more useful too :).
Hijacking this thread to repeat a similar idea posted earlier.
Randomly fill out the 4-man team with other heroes from the players’ roster.
One person playing? Three of their heroes join in.
Two? One from each player.
Three? One from the current party leader.
Four? No help.
AI to run them already exists. Use either the Diablo shadow clones AI or the Asheara’s Vestments one (possibly the same).
Of course this would be a temp thing at first. PTR, Season buff, etc. Unexpected issues always crop up.
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