Season 29 Visions of Enmity – Now Live

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This is not a discussion about the cap. I would have liked it higher or optional. But it’s a decision made by the devs and there is nothing to do about it but accept it.
Funny thing, though, since you claim they are so good at looking at numbers and all that, it would be easy for them to make balancing decisions on higher paragon numbers than 800.

Strange that you don’t understand this? 200 points in area damage makes a huge difference. Likewise higher allocations in other areas will make a big difference (like in how you set up your build and get optimal rolls on gear).

That’s an easy one. Just this season it was unintended that getting the 16 seconds power buff from the potion would override a power pylon. In previous seasons there have been several hot fixes and other quick fixes etc made after season start - and, likewise, several obvious bugs have not been fixed at all or have only been fixed after several patches have gone by. I’m not saying the devs are doing a bad job. It’s just that their resources are limited.

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Eh, easily one of the best patches in Diablo history.
This is what D3 should have done with each patch for years.

Riiight :partying_face:

Doing tests on your customers. Brilliant.
Anyway, nothing says ‘caring about the future of your game’ like announcing “last new season ever”.

Not that it is a bad thing of course. This is shaping up to be one of the 3 best seasons in D3 ever.

this will be the shortests seasons of all people playing till reach p800 and leave


Many people maybe, but not everyone.

I find it amusing how many people assume that everyone else plays the way that they do.
There really is a Silent Majority that never post in the Forums and just play how they like.
Blizzard knows how many players there are and Forum Posters are a tiny fraction of that number.


Yes, because then there would be incontrovertible proof of exactly how popular (or otherwise) the capped option was, i.e. how many people actually want it, rather than how many on the forums say they want it.

If you want to find out whether people prefer the taste of Coca-Cola or Pepsi, you give them a blind taste-test, let them try both, and say which they prefer. You don’t only give them Coca-Cola, and then get to claim no-one likes Pepsi.

Yes, that’s why people complained about it. This season’s mechanic makes playing after paragon 800 pretty much pointless. Depending on how intensely people play, that point could be reached in 24 hours, opening weekend, a week, a fortnight but regardless, they will hit that point, and then upgrades only come from gear / gems / augments, i.e. most seasons, if you play for a couple of hours and don’t find a single gear upgrade, at least your hero got a tiny bit more powerful due to paragon. This season your hero gains absolutely nothing. Players don’t enjoy playing a game for hours / days / weeks on end where their play-time is not rewarded with improvements to their heroes.

If this is the major season mechanic, it absolutely sucks, because it inherently disrespects the time players put into their hero.

Any player that has ever exceeded 800 paragon in a season will have less power at the end of this season compared to any other season.

And, again, I’ve told you before, this isn’t a valid counter-argument for players that ask “What if I want to play the current season (i.e. with the fissure stuff) with uncapped paragon?”

Players that could achieve more than 800 paragon have had the ability to gain more power than that removed. The change has already happened. It’s already in the patch. If someone starts throwing a punch at your face, do you try and duck to avoid it, or do you wait until it hits you in the face? We can tell when thing happening in the present will affect us in the future and say, in the present, that we’d rather not have those things happen in the future.

Well, they had that data from the PTR.
There’s no need to ruin a live season with a cap.

I think you’re spelling shortest wrong.

No-one has a problem with other players playing how they like.
We have a problem being told how we have to play because it’s how some of them like.
Making the cap optional would let everyone play how they like.
Making the cap mandatory forces people that don’t like that to play it or leave.


I guess Blizzard will find out just how many leave the game because of one Seasonal mechanic. This is likely one of the metrics they are looking at for this Season.
I have a feeling that the number will be roughly the same as those who leave after the first week or two anyway.

It might be the same as Echoing Nightmares. That wasn’t a huge season for many also. It’s somewhat similar to S29.

I personally couldn’t care less about the paragon cap. Most players do not play D3 past finishing the season journey anyway and never got much higher than that in any season. Only a tiny minority of D3 players are actually playing D3 seasons for a meaningful amount of time past the journey. That’s been true for years.

I just wish we had gotten altar QoL stuff for S29 instead of skipping it until S30.

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The info on what to expect for the S30 is the best part of these notes… official blog confirmation that the Altar will be permanently added… and we wanted a balance patch and it’s coming. Hopefully they balance it right though… no nerfing… just bringing everything up to those top builds

Pretty much… but we got a permanent addition to the game that makes augmenting a less tedious experience.

If Fissures become permanent, then farming for bounty mats will be less tedious which is only going to improve the longterm experience of the game going forward.

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For quite a few times I have said, speculated, whatever, paragon cap might have only exist for SSF after S29. I think blog post even slipped a hint toward that.

You can now assign a total of 800 Paragon Points to your solo Self Found character.

It still has the same line there, yet clears that Paragon ceiling is part of S29 as a theme in paragraph, and applies to all modes at the end. No result is invalid. You can call that speculation too, I don’t really mind. It’s not a guaranteed outcome but it is written there and I’m reading it as it is.

There’s a power gap between group players and solo; group players stack paragon levels then attend solo clears for leaping infront of pure solo players at leaderboards without getting the same struggle.
They could address this when SSF became permanent, so they can have an idea about if it’s justified to make Altar’s power differ between modes. My call is that there will be two different type of Altars once S30 arrives; the one in regular mode with uncapped 50 attribute Paragon and one in the SSF mode with capped 200 attribute Paragon.

Balancing a design and coding a game are different tasks usually. People who design this game are not coding it at the same time.
Engine is pretty old, so they might have given up optimizing user interface as it could have some loopholes or tighten up some restrictions for keeping the players in-game at lagspikes which backfired at them.

That’s all seasons were for.

With an oncoming permanent feature to spice every repeating theme.
I couldn’t possibly foreseen that they would spare an entire three months long season to gauge player interest and habits, but I was against Altar becoming permanent from the start. Simply because, it was overpowered and need to be tweaked down. Other people said the very same thing at the discussions, several times.

There are two reasons for why they didn’t tidy up everything after PTR.
Players differ in skill ceiling, bigger playerbase leave nothing to chance; they are trying to gauge the power gap between solo play and groups in an even footing. That sadly includes no difference in Paragon points too.
And, retrieving the cap anywhere to old system, actually removes the passive power surge offered to the player at the first place so they would be forced to replace it with something else. If you hope for them to keep everything but allow a huge chunk of main stat grinding, there’s no way that be balanced, nor would keep anyone happy for long anyway.


In the end everything in this game is coded. The small developer team on D3 is in charge of everything. I don’t know about the visual design of the Alter, the fissures etc. They may rely on artistic designers on this but it has to be coded one way or another.
Anyway your claim was something about inner testing circles by the developers and a large QA team. Of course the team has to test their coding to some extent before it’s released in the PTR, but the majority of the testing seems to be up to the gaming community (nothing wrong about that).

Anyway I shall stop my “attacks” on you. No reason to make the forum more negative or even toxic. I acknowledge that you have a great knowledge about the game and that you are entitled to write what you think is right. :+1:

I’ll be honest, I just tend to read game design documents of abandonware games as a hobby and have been interested in developing games which didn’t last long. I have a one or two friends that work at high grade companies, so I have an idea about their footwork even though I’m not in the big league.
Rest of my so-called “knOwLeDGe” is coming from following developers and a few big game journalists over at social media the best I can. Also I have been comparing this game with other gameplay elements I have witnessed from other games, so that helps.

Blizzard and many other companies clashed with their QA teams in the past. I have read their tweets over at X, and you can easily get the impression of how large they actually are and how many game studios rely on them.
To add, coders are humans, and they make human mistakes or have oversights, just like designers; as they both have deadlines to catch.

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I looked at your reply and was planning a point by point response but decided against it.

There have been several seasons where I disagreed with Blizzard about how they were handled. I decided not to play those seasons. Instead, I played non-seasons.

Prior and during those skipped seasons. I advocated on the forum for change. Change ultimately happened.

Personally, I think many of your arguments are either factually wrong or lack merit. Irrespective, the paragon allocation cap is exclusive to S29. It is a temporary change that does not apply to non-season.

I definitely don’t disagree on that.

Imo it is great Altar is becoming permanent. Best new content they have added in a season.
However, yes, it should be heavily nerfed first.
Sadly wont hold my breath on that one.

That was their goal…

A week or two is all my old hands can handle. I played a couple hours yesterday my right hand is stuck in a death grip. Reakors the only build i can sniff 150 with at 800p and thats the worst one for grips.

D4 set up with evade eliminate the need for other movement buttons so my grip is relaxed & no stress can play forever (double swing barb).

So, we asked for the cap to be optional, thereby allowing people that wanted one to select it, and people that didn’t to not select it. In that way, everyone gets what they want, i.e. to play the season, with all the fissure stuff, with or without a cap. Your response to that is that I should either suck it up, or play something else and you think it’s my argument that doesn’t have merit? Okay. I think a lot more players than Blizzard are expecting will decide to do precisely that, i.e. play something else.


This was the most important info for me and reason why I will play S29 a lot.

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