Season 29 Visions of Enmity – Now Live

There are a mixture in these forums of both hardcore and casuals.

And non season is not an alternative, since it doesnt have any of the seasonal mechanics

Was it so much to ask for ONE non capped seasonal option?

Why most people pushing for cap wanted to leave it as the only option, while most people pushing for non cap wanted both options? Were people so afraid that if options were given, very few would pick the capped one?

That should tell you something

BTW, the “maxroll” content creators initially praised Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.0, untill they saw the backlash it had, and even then wudijo made a podcast with 3 other maxroll content creators and tried to justify it. So yeah, i think they are really out of touch with the players


That is in part the whole point. The complaint is there is a seasonal paragon allocation point cap. That is the major seasonal mechanic. The season has other features but that is the biggie.

So the argument is to remove the seasonal mechanic of the cap to make it more similar to non-season. If one does not like that mechanic play the game mode without it.

There has been 28 uncapped paragon seasons. What are you talking about?

I was ok with added options; however, to reiterate, there has been 28 uncapped seasons. The sky is not falling to have season 29 with a paragon point allocation cap, especially in light of non-seasons remains uncapped and the other seasonal features are quite pedestrian with the exception of the cap.

The cap is just one of the seasonal new themes. The portals and SSF are others. SO no, it doesnt even remotely make it similar to non-seasonal

And i am talking about a seasonal optoin for the current season, not the past ones, but if you want to include the past ones, its NEVER a good idea to remove power from your players, Diablo 4 learned that the hard way

Its like Blizzard doesnt communicate AT ALL between teams

What power is removed from players? Since no character has been created in S29, no power was removed from any player.

A player can choose to play S29 or not. A player can choose to grow the power of their non-season character.

In S29, any character that is created will have its power grow with time. It will simply not grow due to main stat due to paragon after level 800. S29 player power will continue to increase throughout the season due to better gear, augments, legendary gem levels>

You are removing power, to anyone that played all the seasons, you are doing so.

Again, the D4 example is accurate, they removed power for Season 1, and it ended up with a huge backlash in one of the worst patches in gaming history

People dont like that, even if you want to conceil it within a season


Absolutely not. This change in S29 does not affect the power of any current or prior character.

It removes power from the PLAYER, not the character

Again, the D4 example


What current player has lost power due to the season 29 theme? There are none because S29 has not started.

If you are making a comparison between seasons, then some seasonal themes are OP while other less so. Do you complain when an OP theme is followed by a less OP theme? Do you complain that player power was removed as a result? Does every single season have to have more power than the last?

A lot of power has been removed, even if the Season hasnt started yet

Again, the D4 example is accurate. The backlash came way before the Season started, because the power removal was clear. Same happen here

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Removed is past tense. Please show me any player that has lost power due to a change that has not gone into effect.

Your non-seasonal characters always be stronger than your seasonal character starting from scratch but will get stronger in time thanks to Season theme anyway.

So you are being obnoxious just for the sake of it

I see what is happening here. I will only repeat you what i told you already. Go see what happened with Patch 1.1.0 in D4

People are not stupid, they know whenh they will have less power even if the Season hasnt started yet

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Not only, so that’s somewhat dishonest simplification.

I’m not sure what happened in D4 as I don’t own the game or follow news about it, but did this 1.1.0 patch affect only the season or non-season also?
Because if it affected non-season, then it’s a whole different story than what’s happening here in D3.

I am being factual. The simple fact is players can continue to play non-season with uncapped paragons.

Again, you are comparing one seasonal theme to another. This is a nonsensical argument. If true, every season would have to be more powerful that the prior or a “player” was losing power.

See what I wrote in their entirety. No player is having power removed. Seasonal themes vary in how strong their theme is in terms of power. That is reality. One can choose to play non-seasons.

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The story here is that the developers want to gauge power before going into S30 strong.
You said all “it feels too low, it’s too short of a journey” then become the arm chair developer with “bring it to 2400/3600/5000 and it’d be fair, cuz I’m an expert, trust me, br0”, and I assure you, they definitely heard it the first time you said it. It just didn’t make sense to them after getting their play test results.

They run their gameplay tests and on the measurement of player effort/stakes ratio, guess what they have realizedd? The moment they have decided 800 paragon limit, it would serve its purpose. This is how you react to fan feedback; you silently run tests and don’t owe anyone an explanation. How do you think they all make those changes to the Sets and builds? It is inner testing circles with developers themselves and a very large team of QA.
They wanted to improve to reward of human decision at pushing GRs, since speed GR rushes were exploited for their efficiency and push GR wouldn’t feel rewarding. They make pushing GRs worthy by making speed GR mentality nerfed; for a Season, if you would take it as a challenge.

You wanted a split mode, but they want a test; they want accurate statistics and measurements that envelope the entire playerbase for the sake of game’s future. This way they can decide what features will be left at S30 Altar after tweaks and don’t budge the balance too much. Statistics and tests have priority over your unbased claims and feelings. That’s simply it; their tests are unbiased and methodical. They care about how game make you feel, for sure but they can not deny the facts and their plans for the sake of your “feelings”.

You complain about getting a test, “feeling” punished and what not. Can’t you just endure a challenging season for the sake of betterment or try to use your head? If you think it is punishing, can’t you take this as a challenge? Why? Or why not? You can always play non-Season if you are not happy with the season and skip it.
It won’t last longer than 3 months, they have promised and Altar will make a return at S30. Relax and try to theorycraft for it because it’s perhaps the most stable power surge we got so far. There are no procs, no stacks, no dice rolls, just pure power surge that adds 5-6 GR tiers to all builds without even trying or requiring any input besides optimizing it. After the season, SSF mode will have keep the capped system and that’s fine.

Any chance for a tournament map rotation? fishing for the GG map to optimize your .0001% chance of beating a GR150 with zombie bears is going to promote key bots.

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If we got a legitimate balance pass for things that desperately need it, like pets and outdated sets, it would easily be the best season of all time.


Well, and I say it again, you have absolutely no idea of what’s in the minds of the developers, and you’re the biggest arm chair developer in this forum.

And all this nonsense:

Which is just pure speculation… Also the fact that you can now allocate 200 points in a different way now in the categories makes any test results invalid for further patches where this isn’t possible.
You also claim that they do a lot of testing and have a large QA team. Time has shown us again and again that this isn’t true.


If you are angry about the cap it’s too late, Jazz.

They have told us time and time again; S30 will arrive with Altar. We all said that it’s a huge undertaking for the team and it need to be tweaked down at the start of S28. Now they’re trying to do it obviously; by taking a break. You all wanted it, and this is the cost; they need information before ensuring the power gap between groups and SSF in an even match.

For example; S28 Altar, arrived with pets auto-salvage and pickup, so you could make the best of extra buffs that offer short duration to its fullest even while farming. The gist is; picking up something is a backdraw for your buff duration, this what kept the T16 somewhat interesting longer. S29 didn’t bother with such passive buff duration feature, so it didn’t have any kind of extra QoL that Altar offered either.

If there wasn’t a huge response for Altar as a permanent feature, they wouldn’t prolong this Season for 6 months. Something was cooking at that time, and they might have decided to gauge everything real time now that SSF is in the process of balance. Since SSF and regular grouping has a power gap, potentially they will make Altar abit more powerful in SSF mode but they need information and statistics for it.
If you didn’t ask for Altar, we might not even have a capped Paragon this Season. We might have a very different one indeed.

Not entirely speculation if you keep up with their social accounts and watch their streams; especially when they are attending game jams and slip some knowledge on game design. There’s always a trade off in game development, backdraws and decision making.
When I look at this Season theme, I see nothing wrong with their design as it encourages player to decide for themselves and throws them a curve ball for teaching how it feels like to be a high Paragon level player with least effort. It has no dice rolls, no stacks, no randomization, just pure passively granted power; so you’d know it was inevitable for them to nerf something if that was the path taken.

To add, I know how servers work to a degree. I know they have logs, statistics and what have you. This is their edge on how to balance the game, but this also lacks soul at the long run. You know how people have been unhappy about how WoW lost its charm long ago as well.
This is a blessing and a curse at the same time for game designer. You keep statistics and game may become soulless, but make the top players happy; you keep listening fan feedback and game lose its challenge but appeal to a larger crowd. That’s the pitfall.

What do you even mean? Something changes after the 2.7.6 patch applies?

Previously, you were only able to assign a total of 50 Paragon Points to each attribute within the Core, Defense, Offense, and Utility categories, but now you can assign up to 200 in each attribute. Each category can only have 200 Paragon Points placed into them.

Doesn’t seem that way to me. PTR and incoming patch seems not different.

I know they have been doing testing because some fan site (Diablofans) also datamined their test equipment items with a developer’s name on it (Sean’s ring or something, no idea if it’s still there), years ago and placed it in their build creator.
This is a clear sign of internal testing done by developers themselves, for me. Some hints they dropped on social media supports this as well when talking to other developers. Also Tripple-A game studios have large QA teams, no exception, because they usually come as they go.

How it shown you? And how you come to that conclusion? Let’s say I’ve been deceived and fooled with what I have seen. Enlighten me. Riddle me why this Season prolonged for 6 months if you have a better theory than both D3 and D4 team helping each other.