Season 29 Visions of Enmity – Now Live

Such a good patch that after a month and a half they are still trying to do damage control and get the pieces of the game together…

Yeah, lets do that again with D3… sure…

Below you’ll find patch notes for the upcoming update to Diablo III: Patch 2.7.6. It goes live on September 12.

Does anybody have an idea when the patch will drop? Coming back to the game after a few years off so I don’t remember how these things happen. I was expecting 5pm just like for new seasons, but we’re past that here in EU already.

I’d say in 2-3 hours, 4h at most. Live patch deployments typically have quite consistent timings.


That isn’t the fault of the patch however, that is just Blizzard having their usual weak spine and zero vision.
The patch itself was fairly good (doesn’t exactly take that much to be the a top Diablo patch). D3 could have been in a great spot today if Blizzard had dared to reign in the power creep.

Well, the patch is taking its time to deploy. Come on, I want to go horse around and Fist enemies to bits!


I heard 1-2h downtime for patch.

A small claim about Season Cosmetic Rewards!

steep yourself in mythos with the Greyhollow portrait

emm why again Greyhollow portrait? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: We haven’t received a portrait frame from the 4 season since this season ended in 2015 year!

Greyhollow portrait in season 5, season 17, season 29 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Soooo… the patch notes are still saying paragon cap is for SSF only. They said they will updates those… what happen ? Managing website is too hard ? I wouldn’t be suprised after failur with stash tabs for D4 :rofl:


I thought so too at an earlier point. But if you read further then it says: “This change is exclusive to Season 29 and applies to all modes.”


Yes, but the earlier sentence contradicts that. Is it really that hard to write clear couple of sentences in english ? Come on…


The earlier sentence is not contradictory. It’s inclusive.

Contradictory would require exclusivity. Such as, “You can now assign a total of 800 Paragon Points to only your solo Self Found character.”

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It doesn’t matter end of day. s29 is clearly similar to s23, a test season for metrics. PTR draws too small pool for data. The focus is on SSF mode and they wanted to completely discourage group plays hence nerfing Rat runs and xp incentives in order to en mass player participations for SSF, which will be a foreseeable permanent feature. As a group centric player with over 30k hrs in 2-4 man plays, I am welcoming SSF mode for others and do what I can to enjoy this season.

Its ok to sit a season out, let metrics inform Blizzard the repercussions of their decisions. Do what you want for s29 and call it a day early.


Was S24 the last major rebalancing?

I dont think theres a massive patch on balancing in recent years. Devs have been quite active since 2.6.9 and the sum of all following patches after that do add up significantly. I would rate s23 follower rework as major since it does have a BIG impact on solo and not to be mentioned xp/hrs.


I’ve been telling this to people. They don’t wanna hear it, or too busy contemplating a separate special mode just to opt-out from statistics. As if Blizzard would allow that to happen when they want results.


Oh, here we go ! Here’s the embodiment of Blizzards toxicity ! Read again if you need to understand simple english. That paragraph speaks exclusively about SSF. And only at the end adds something about the rest of the game. Why you constantly needs to prove that you’re so entitled ? Even your supervisors admitted that and said they will fix that. But you’re still here… spreading your toxicity towards Diablo community.

Aren’t you a former streamer ? So what… now you’re gonna hate us for not watching you ? oh dear… go find a new hobby.

Go check highlights from Diablo 4s Korean event and you’ll see what yours and your colleagues entitlement does to Diablo community.

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We are a little more chill here than the D4 forums lol.


Season 12… patch 2.6.1. This is what a major rebalancing looks like…

It didn’t get everything performing at the same level but the gap between the top 50 builds did narrow so it was definitely a step in the right direction. This patch came after the Necro DLC and lasted 4 seasons so it was very much looking like we were in maintenance mode then.

But then seasonal themes started and whilst quite lacklustre at first, the themes got better and we’ve had 5-6yrs of more content keeping the game alive and interesting.


Not the same Leviathan, nice fail :slightly_smiling_face:


If you do not even know who you are talking to maybe you should stop talking.

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