Season 29 Visions of Enmity – Now Live

You didn’t “explain” anything. You just made some unsubstantiated claims and guesses.

I will enjoy this last season with a new gimmick, I hope most of you will as well. I want the new pet.


Its a bird right? or a bat?

A popular streamer said we will also get wings that were not included in the blog.

At 0:56 I think I already have these wings but others might not.

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The portrait frame is also quite cool. (Repeating the above…)

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Wait. What?
Patch notes say Paragon cap is for Solo.
But some saying the 800 Paragon cap applies to all modes this season?
What is it.
Really? A season with a Paragon cap of 800?
Are they actively trying to drive players away?

D4 Twitch views hit a new low of under 600 earlier today.
All Devs from D2 and D3 are tasked to bring D4’s popularity up.

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For people who have an obsession with twitch views, I wonder what they will look like when S29 starts.


It’s a raven. Quoth the raven. An Edgar Allan Poe reference.


Yes, that is exactly what they’re currently doing. They want D3 players back to D4 so they made new D3 season dead on arrival

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I wonder how much overlap there actually is. The two games does not really cater to the same type of gamer.

Or at the very least make sure D2R and D3 not beat their flagship title in terms of player participation :rofl:

In all seriousness though, I’m looking forward to a rather casual season. I won’t be going SSF… probably will do some cosmetic farming and build up some bounty mats from the fissures for NS, and work on crafting a primal Yangs and Dawn for my DH to use in NS.

This has probably already been suggested, but I will go ahead and do it anyways. If they are going to put a cap on paragon, they should increase the gear cap at the same time. They could just add one or two primary attribute rolls to each dropped item (similar to how it was when D3 originally came out). This would make finding best in slot items very difficult, and would return D3 back to a gear based game instead of an experience grind like it has been for awhile now. Then, they could just decrease the set damage bonuses to compensate for the increase in the power curve. Or perhaps this is asking too much of a nearly dead game.

Speaking of dead game, I have a second idea. I kind of wish they would make playing in each season cost money. Say, like $5 or something. This would better fund the labor cost of making changes/additions to the game, and incentivize Blizzard to continue making significant and positive changes to the game. Personally, I wouldn’t mind paying a little amount each season if that meant getting worthwhile additions to each season.

So the theme of the last season of D3 is a hole with mobs and paragon cap…
I even don’t know what to say.
It’s just terrible. D3 doesn’t deserve it.
Sorry, I won’t play it. It is a disrespect to a great game.


General observations

  1. You better have a really super fun key farming build. Cause you are gonna be using a lot of keys.

  2. Does Blizzard have a report due about paragon creep or something and they don’t want the numbers to move, hence the 800 cap? They don’t want to run numbers again or what? lol

Unfortunately, -as expected- no auto salvage / pickup from pets…
With all the junk dropping, especially from fissures, this QoL will be greatly missed and quite negatively impact s29 experience…

S29 could have been good… :frowning:


No changes, ptr is useless… Lol


Phew. It was starting to get absurd if they had caved on that.

This change is exclusive to Season 29

Hopefully they decide to make it permanent, maybe with a few changes, after S29 anyway.

There is quite a few people in the D4 forums complaining about D4 not being D3 at least :frowning:
Or maybe they are just loud. One of those two.

Well, I don’t know the numbers… but every single person that I know from D3 went to D4 (thats around 30 people). So amongst people that I know it’s about 99% ^^ BUT ! After 1 week of first D4 season… everyone left xD soooo… GG I guess :slight_smile:

It was always like that… people were sending info about bugs and exploits but they never fixed it… only after leaderboards were compromised they pretended to care


Of my friendlist one play D4. 15+ that tried the beta.