Season 29 Visions of Enmity – Now Live

Im okay with it as long as everyone else is

To MaXell:
It is still an EXPLANATION!!!
Sorry for shouting :smile:
It is still thee explanation. The official explanation given both in PTR notes and Season 29 preview.

7000 +800 paragons = fin lmao

Not exatcly… 800 is still very low :confused: but… at leat it will be exclusive to SSF. I wanted to play that mode but… oh well :slight_smile:

I think the limiting factor for them to not buff this further is the build’s effective range and the lingering lifespan of the created projectile entity. Hopefully at the next Season 30 with the Altar, they will listen. Take the changes to the FoH as a foretelling of what is coming.

I expect them to reduce the number of ricochets but increase the damage gain per ricochet for performance. Unless it provide good performance else at least, light on the calculation interaction required per second, don’t expect them to buff anything for promoting the build to a large portion of Crusader players.

Scroll down and read after my message. There was a slight misunderstanding.

Apparently not. Streamers have access to a private channel with the devs.

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oh ffs… great… so just gonna finish season jurney on day 1 and will be done with 3 months season… GREAT… so what exactly the feedback is for ?

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At least they apparently fixed the area damage… no lags anymore, I can’t believe it !

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A lot of the feedback was actually in favor of the 800 cap. Plus the team also had the PTR data and results to look at.

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Oh really ? Where does it say exactly ? Do you have an actual % to confirm what you’re saying ?

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From the wording seems like this asinine cap will only apply to S29, okay cool my decision is made then shortest playtime season and then grind the crap out of S30 because I didn’t expect balance changes also added to 30 that’s awesome can’t wait to see what they do and what they choose for the rotating theme!

While i agree Blizzard has no obligation to listen to feedback (mostly about paragon cap i’m guessing) it would’ve cost them no effort to atleast acknowledge the feedback and giving a reason for not changing anything.

This quote is still litteraly in the Season 29 preview post.

We chose 800 as our initial starting point and would appreciate your feedback on this cap.

not commenting on all the feedback seems they didnt realy appreciate it after all


They probably meant that literally, like they’re going to start with 800 no matter what then if players don’t like it they’ll raise it later and probably consider forum / PTR testers to be in the minority so they’re going Live with it for a season to test it on a bigger pool.

So if player numbers drop off a rock after a few weeks (which I don’t see why they wouldn’t) then if they bring it back it will be higher.

That would mean they care about Diablo 3 or Diablo community in general. They don’t. I said that before and they just confirm it… Blizzard wanted to bring back as many players to Diablo 4 as possible. So in order to do that, they needed to ruin Diablo 3 season. And thats what they did… they think people will actually come back to the nothingness of Diablo 4 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

For example, I will play on day 1 just to finish season journey and get the pet and portrait… and thats it :slight_smile: season will be over for me :slight_smile: but… i’m not going back to Diablo 4 unless they would actually pay me to

Few weeks ? I already heard from multiple people that they have no intentions to even start this season :confused: couple others (including me) will play for a day or two just to get the pet and portrait and thats it… this season is dead on arrival


To use your own words:

I explaind that in my post above :slight_smile: just because you didn’t understand simple words doesn’t mean i need to repeat myself and try to explain it to you.

I’d still take laggy AD over no incremental progression between gear upgrades for many hours…

and some people will play more. Not every seasonal theme will appeal to everyone.

Having S29 being capped in terms of paragon point allocation to me is not a big deal as we have had 28 uncapped seasons. That is <4%.

Non-seasons remains uncapped.


No mater what Blizzard does someone will complain about it. This is for you :point_right: :ice_cream:

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