Season 29 Visions of Enmity – Now Live

dude THIS SPECIFIC SEASON PTR, no i have nothing to point at. They definitely didn’t listen and just rolled with it. I agree with you.

I’m just saying in the past they have listened and they have made changes after the PTR. and i don’t think its fair to get mad about a one time season where they didn’t make as many changes as usual. Especially with D4 out right now. There is for sure a lot of things happening internally.

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I’m asking about past patches. They almost never changed what was already presented on the PTR. Mostly just exploits and huge imbalances.

They haven’t.

The elephant in the room…

I knew capped paragon would be controversial thing so I expected some sort of other reward system to motivate players to keep playing past P800. It was suggested numerous times. Nothing was done for this. People complained massively about the cap and nothing was done in any way. All feedback went down the toilet.

Could you at least pretend you’re listening to the feedback?


If the powers were placed in bracers, FotH will become a very broken build after S29.
Not only you will gain almost 60% more damage from interaction with Capt Crimsons, your ability to proc and reproc Prophet more often means Sader AoV becomes another Immortal build similar to any sader builds who have 100% uptime on Prophet.

Pretty unfair to other classes.

Even though I wanted it to be optional, I thought that in the end it would be SSF-only. We can only conclude that the percentage of players that actually go over 800 in a season is absurdly low.

It’s always been what the streamers wanted has been considered, even if it went against the grain of what players on the forums have wanted. For example, there have been major issues that the entire console community has been complaining about for years, and have never been addressed by Blizzard (e.g. Nephalem Glory Globes). The same holds true with the PC. It doesn’t matter if you put a post that had 100 likes behind it. If you can’t get a streamer to address the issue with Blizzard, expect the issue to be completely ignored.


I hope so. I haven’t played D4 since a few days after S1 started. I have no desire to return until they roll out some type of leaderboard and more legendary gear. The season theme w/ story telling isn’t capturing me, it’s doing the opposite. I’ve formed an aversion to D4, a game which was expected to answer to D3’s shortcomings, which was supposed to be a forever game, turned into something way less sticky.

I do like the SSF concept and I’ll play this season, but when I fatigue from farming loot – the bond to Diablo/Blizzard fully breaks and another game will earn the privilege of home base.


Damn, ya that fair. If they do listen it comes from streamers. I don’t know usually the streamers i follow like wudji and raxx have pretty fair opinions. but ya i get it.

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Yes! Those “community” led changes are quite hilarious. The maxroll team filled a document and acted with the same MO as Blizzard: not change anything after asking for feedback. Sure, many changes are good but it was never community-driven, but streamers-driven.
It was quite baffling to see Raxx was the one who announced that this latest PTR was going to be delayed and now also confirming that the cap is for all modes.


Not directed at you but I think that they listen to the feedback. But that doesn’t mean that they are obliged to act accordingly. In the end all decisions are solely up to them and the company.

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That has been proven again and again.

If they actually listened, they could at least explain the rationale behind their most controversial decisions.


Even a simple explanation could go a long way.


800 is too low for normal season players. 3000 maybe lol


If the 800 paragon cap is indeed confirmed for all modes, this is going to be the shortest season ever (especially without an exciting theme nor the altar)…


They do explain: With the change this Season, we wanted to shift that power from Main Stat grinding to gameplay knowledge and gear hunting.

The thing about that they chose 800 as a starting point and that they will appreciate our feedback on this shouldn’t have been in the preview notes of course… :frowning:

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I meant after the PTR. Not changing things is still a decision.

They could have written something like: we carefully listened to the feedback about the paragon cap. And we decided to keep it at 800.

Doesn’t change much though.

That’s not an explanation. It’s just stating a fact that we already know.
Anyway, this discussion is pointless, as they never explained anything and never will.

It is an explanation.
I repeat: They do explain: With the change this Season, we wanted to shift that power from Main Stat grinding to gameplay knowledge and gear hunting.

Jesus Christ dude.

That explanation you are insisting on quoting was already there when they first announced the PTR.

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