Season 29 (Start Players at 70)

Here is something novel lol. Start players at level 70 in addition to what ever the season bonus is :slight_smile:

This might also get more players wanting playing Hardcore! When people die in HC they basically look for someone to Power Level them to 70… So, why not have an option next season to start at 70 to begin with :slight_smile:

PS: If people want to do the season journey from level 1 they can opt out of the level 70 start.

Thoughts :slight_smile:

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I never understood the point of getting boosted on additional chars, with a minor time investment you can make sure that you can level secondary chars solo from 1-70 in 10 mins or less.

First char, fine, that can save you up to a few hours depending on how slow you usually level, but yeah, subsequent chars I really don’t get.

And regardless, the leveling is so easy as it is I really don’t see the point in bypassing it entirely. Rather they remove the restriction on difficulty sub 70 so the people that require boosts can get them at T16, less hassle for everyone involved.


Do not bother. D3 is death now because of S28. Too many buffs destroyed this game and leaderboards will be populated soon by maniacs who play 16h+/day with 12.000+ para in none-seasons.
I left this game after 8 years of playing 2 weeks ago. It has complete nonsense.

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Agreed. Once I create a character I always have a Gem of Ease ready, a hellfire Amulet and a Hellfire Ring. With those 3 items I can level a new toon in about 10 - 15 minutes. 1-36 is literally hitting a mob twice at level VI. 55 -70 takes most of the time. Also, I always save items with reduced level on them.


Obviously you haven’t left since you’re still here. And just because you “left” doesn’t mean everyone else should leave also.

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Yeah, the main time consumer after dying in HC isn’t levelling back to 70.

It’s getting rolling again with another set of decent ancient gear + augments. Farming a full set of ancients + augments is what really really consumes your time. Not that few minutes spent getting to 70.

The issue with starting at level 70 is gear. If you only have the level 1 starter weapon (+ follower weapons) at level 70, you’re literally going to be unable to do anything even on Normal. It’ll take ages to kill even a couple enemies.

Sure, you could use the challenge rift cache to be able to craft a set of starter yellows, but what about players who accidentally did the challenge rift earlier in the week, or are unable to complete it? They’d literally be unable to play the season (at least until the challenge rift resets), because they aren’t able to kill anything even on Normal.

You could do some shenanigans like run around dodging everything and opening chests until you get a few pieces of gear, but that’s not really fun either.

If they were to implement this, I think they’d have to start you with a set of random level 70 yellows.

You think levelling to 70 is a turn-off for some players now? Wait until it takes you 1000+ hits to kill a level 70 zombie on Normal with nothing but a starter weapon or the Enchantress staff. The challenge rift would suffice for many players, but not for all. Some players make mistakes, don’t read guides, can’t clear it on time, or don’t have it unlocked yet (brand new players don’t have challenge rifts unlocked, even for a season, it requires you to clear at least 1 GR on your account).

We should start people at minus 3000 paragon at this point. If they make D3 easier im going to play Last Epoch full time.

Season 28 already basically starts players at level 70…

Given the no level requirement on items, it’s easy enough to just craft a full set of level 70 Rares and hit level 70 in just a few minutes.

It takes under an hour to get to 70 in a 3 month season…you want to start 70???

Do you want your backside wiped for you too?

Jeepers creepers man.

If S29 starts at the same time D4 launches, how many people will play S29 vs D4?

Why don’t you just play Last Epoch full time anyways? doesn’t sound like you’re having fun.

Keep turning D3 into a kindergarden level difficulty game and i will lol

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I left the game but not the forum. That`s different. :wink:

Getting to level 70 is a challenge on its own to optimize it. If you don’t enjoy it, perhaps you have no idea what are you doing with the class. In that case, I don’t think you’ll enjoy Set Dungeons ahead either.

I will unless some other game has caught my eye.

To be fair, does anyone “enjoy” them? Tolerate, sure, but enjoy?

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assuming there will be a season 29…even if there were it will be the bare minimum a season can offer which might actually be a repeat of a previous season and probably a skeleton crew working on it

i mean thatd be neat but id be down to just keep the “level 1 req on all items” thing tbh

glorious self rushes equiping lvl 70 jank crafted gear. max level in one round of t1 bounties. ezpz no need for rushing community heh

I like where your mind’s at. What about just removing level requirements for items?

Why wouldn’t it be? They still provide ladders for D2 that’s twice the age of D3.

That was always an option though, just requires you to level a few Gem of Ease to 25. Just 3 and you have a fair advantage, remove level requirement on a Leorics Crown and Signet and craft a Hellfire Ring and Amulet use the last Gem of Ease in an ancient weapon and you level quite fast.

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1-70 needs to be gone. So damned boring.