Why blizz was losing mind becouse:
- They take shielding pylon out.
- They don’t know the pixel not work when speed pylon is on for that rison 4players team Ewen not touching it.
- Need downolad illegal programs to see rotaton of elemental of others players to play with 4 ppl to make pixel before fire or dh need take pylon before fire element too.
- They pop in sezon where urs dps will be no defrent the on none sezon , will be deferent only on paragon the why high level paragon players shoot start sezon for pet? Joke
- They try to finish them nightmares to end in 4 players they will be need at last 7k paragon players to finish them sezon attraction and to make that 7k paragon u need play 3 months 24h/24h
- Is no chance to finish chocobo of nightmares till u will be 7k para means u not getting any rewords for doing it, for that rison better play normal rift at last u will be upg gems and get same items. On that funy nightmare no bady will be finish it to level 152 cuz is nerf making the u have no tools to make that 7k para on sezon to finish nightmare mode and get same rewords, evrybady will be die or losing on time all sezon.
Yes, the several thousand dollars they get from banned accounts buying new licenses every 3 months is certainly how they are keeping their doors open. Surely they are basing game decisions on this huge income source.
I actually read quite a lot and see points everywhere.
This being said, DR and damage aside, the leaderboards in off-season still have some players at GR150 so end of season probably will too.
Trying to be positive, it is better to play than its predecessor build. in my opinion.
Being realistic, I do not know exactly who they listen to. It is too ambiguous to say only the streaming people, that’s too generalised. I do agree that there were a lot of valid points in the PTR that were overlooked. Like every other class, it will be whatever it will be by season 27. I guess everyone just watches the Raekor space. It is certainly more playable, regardless of valid opinions on improvements needed.
I am not sure if YOU have read all the varied comments but while I won’t be playing hardcore, it certainly seems that the HC (Hardcore) players are being unnecessarily penalised in a supposed reward system where the reward is when you die? Yo udo not see this as almost being an oxymoron???
Please note BLIZZARD’s policy on HC, even SC players know it. Surely the logic for the ONE SEASON SPECIAL RIFT for HC players would be that they do not lose their character? Otherwise they will be rebuilding characters up to L70 each rift. That is beyond silly.
New Raekor is amazing honestly. Very quickly becoming one of my favourite builds. Lots of depth and its volatile nature makes it great as a skill showcase for top players.
It’s not without its flaws though and Rage very well laid out needed improvements in the ptr feedback. Some changes were minimal number tweaks and why these were ignored we may never know. Just like every other season with the lack of communication so nothing new there.
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Whelp, 500 para in the new season and no key dropped. Ways to go for a “seasonal theme”.
Great job “ballancing”, Blizzard.
Why my paragon level never carry forward in new season 26 EN.?
Over half of my HC clan is playing SC for S26.
I can’t stand SC as it has nothing to offer me.
I’m going to skip this season because Blizzard Diablo utterly forgot about the HC side of the game.
Why didn’t they just say this a Soft Core Dream Theme?
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The theme sucks even on Softcore btw… they keys are so rare, and the rewards do not make up for that.
Agree. I think they should keep the rarity, but increase the xp back to PTR levels.
Received my first one at P187, the second one in the next rift at 189.
600 paragons and (1) EN key drop. So the theme is to endlessly grind for a few keys. No thanks.
They should revert to the first version they had on the PTR, atleast that one gave some easy/chill extra xp, now we get 5% chance per GR to get like 5% more xp? Wow, what an event!
I said this in PTR…ENs are an absolute joke of a theme. A theme that only benefits SC players is not a theme. Never was.
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Why don’t you guys address the fact the season is a flop that would be even better
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Question…I have been trying to farm the GF guardians for the new key drop to open the new dungeon and no drops…what is the drop rate?..thanks
3-5% I guess from my own observation.
many thanks…that seems very unfair to players…1 out of 20/30 runs…seriously! but to be honest I play alone and just waiting for D4…cheers! getting a Diablos gem just took one run. Makes no sense to have us farm that long for one drop.
since I know a little about statistics…each run has the same extremely low chance of getting that rare key…theoretically you could do 200 runs and not get a drop…this is just one example why people are moving to other games.
Might as well play Non-season if the keys are so rare that you never see any. It’s not a ‘seasonal theme’ if it’s so rare that it takes 10 hours of /played to get 1 key to drop. Very disappointed with how this was handled.
I completed Guardian tonight (EU) and had obtained just two screams from around 45 GRs on the way. There’s not a lot of incentive to keep going a seasonal hero when the drop rate is that low, especially when I could just as easily be playing a non-seasonal hero with thousands more paragon, with better gear and augments.