Season 26 | The Fall of the Nephalem | Has Ended

Well, now when your 2nd chance procs, you can run around faster.

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Like a lot of people here I am disappointed. I have been playing this game for many years now and this is the first season I think I will not be playing. I am ok with everything getting harder if the rewards were greater. I wanted another game mode and now I am not sure why you would do ENs. an extra GR reward that is a bit quicker I guess? I don’t know. Blizzard is looking at other game production and D3 is going to be dead soon I feel like. to bad D4 doesn’t really look that great to me ether. All well, all good things must come to an end.


Ugly portrait, ugly pet, no wings and no Crusader compensation.

Season 26 SUCKS. And I can easily say I won’t be playing it.


As a casual hardcore player I’m 100% OK with more deaths to random stuff post level 70. Currently the only time where you’re at threat is when you push higher GR above your ability.

Time to make Diablo 3 deadly again. Thanks for the great work and looking forward to this season.

I agree that the season doesn’t seem exciting, and I agree that base inna really needed a nerf, for water speeds more than anything, but this is a bit of an exaggeration. S25, yes, inna was mandatory, but S24 was the season of firebirds (although inna had a role), and if inna will be stronger than DH S26, it won’t be by much.

Blizzard going to be able to harvest a lot of salt from this thread.

See you all season 27 unless you’re going to unquit like Bravata.


I don’t need to, because this issue is about communication and expectations.

The extra toughness would be great, but I was really hoping to see Charge damage get buffed. Guess not…

I don’t expect every season theme to be amazing, I think it is natural that we will have some duds along the way.

But it is a bit sad that this is the theme we get for the season of the 10 year anniversary of the game. That somewhere in the planning of future themes someone didn’t say wow this shard idea seems great but we need a great idea in hand for the anniversary so let’s keep it for then and work on something else.

Same for someone not saying wait if we prolong each season in 2021 by just a little bit then we can have season 26 not only take place during the anniversary but have it be the actual season start, sure the exact day is two days later but wait wow what luck it will mean a Friday the 13th season start then and that is even better.

We just had a season that was received with great fanfare and had some cool lore tie-in and not just “extra power” and was the most powerful buff we have had yet, would have been perfect. And if the season started 1 month later, that is 1 extra week per season starting from this time last year.

Look I know it is not a big deal but it is such an easy thing to spot that would create extra excitement for the game.

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We have zero insights into what’s happening behind the scenes at Blizzard.

Maybe they did/do have something. Maybe something went wrong while it was in development and they decided it wasn’t ready for deployment. Maybe there is something coming but it’s going to be a surprise. Like the 20th anniversary Starcraft pet.

There might be an event like the Darkening of Tristram. There might not. We don’t know.

I’d say save your misery for May 15th or whenever it was.

Personally, I’m all for reverting the game to vanilla D3 1.0 for a day or two just to let people remember what the game was like on release. Including the infamous Error 37 that stopped anyone playing the game. :speak_no_evil:

I don’t see any reason to play HC next Season. Maybe not SC either.
A pet with a Giant Lollipop? Really?


Good point, they could be hiding something great or something out of their control happened.

Would be real cool if 15th comes around and suddenly we log on to have some cool theme like the legendary gems in armour bug or a combination of previous ones.

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New update : * Adjusted the damage done by Exploding Lunatics and Meteors to be more deadly. The meteor in PTR already so deadly and the new update to be adjusted the damage done by meteors to be more deadly. In PTR testing I had been killed by the meteor in EN so many times.

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Do you even play your game?

  • Arreat’s Law: Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear deal 150-200% increased damage.
    • Weapon Throw generates up to 25 50 additional Fury based on the distance of the enemy hit. The generated Fury can go above the maximum cap by 200 Fury.
    • Ancient Spear refunds up to 25 50 Fury based on the distance of the enemy hit and resets your Fury cap to its base maximum.

What’s the point of this change? Did you actually know that Ancient Spear has a very slow activation between one skill and the next one?. WTF

No damage mitigation, no better interaction to make AS and MotE another style option for playing it, literally nothing that we asked, more fury generation…, well Support barb say thanks after another 20 seaons I guess :man_shrugging:

No the issue is entitlement and a lack of understanding of how things work. Just because good feedback is given doesn’t mean it needs to be implemented, and just because it isn’t implemented doesn’t mean they didn’t listen.

There are literally dozens of reasons why feedback isn’t implemented, considering D3, it’s almost assuredly a resource issue with the lack of a full development team, there isn’t enough time and possibly money to go around to make changes despite the quality of the feedback given.

Other reasons cited by devs(not necessarily D3 devs) include it’s not in their vision or philosophy for the game. They tried it internally and didn’t like it. They tried it but it didn’t work. They tried it and it broke ke something elsewhere. The feedback just wasn’t considered good despite what some in the community thought. And many more that escape my memory.

So, as I’ve said in the past, just because an idea is good and not implemented, doesn’t mean it wasn’t listened to or even tried out.

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There’s a similar argument for not implementing bad feedback too. But then hardcore players looked at the patch notes about the changes to Echoing Nightmares and realised the only feedback listened to was bad feedback.


The forums must be hell for the CMs trying to create a filtered response. maybe they need to reduce the PTR to a closed beta type arrangement and select players who have given useful feedback. The sheer number of moronic posts on the PTR feedback forum was cringeworthy and probably drowned out the voices of those who had actual good ideas… which in any group or society is usually a very small percentage of the population. (Otherwise we’d all be CEOs of multi-trillion dollar corporations, right?)

Starting to think the player base* that uses the forum is a bunch of toxic no-lifers.

* If they even play the game.


What is the points of giving feedbacks when the dev. ignore our feedbacks after playing S26 PTR?


I understand, but there is so much whining that goes on with zero understanding of how game development works or the current situation surrounding D3.


Again, just because feedback isn’t implemented doesn’t mean it was ignored.


Blizzard, I think you really need to give an incentive for players to play this Echoing Nightmare.

Slightly faster augmentation doesn’t seem to be an attractive incentive to play.

Maybe you can recycle one of the old seasonal themes to S26, so for those who have no interest to play Echoing Nightmare will have other things to look for?