Season 25 is going to be a disaster

We should create a GoFundMe account for him so he can get some help.

Don’t think it would take much funding for a trip to the woodshed.


We should all block him and watch him talk to himself.


Rumors are always bad because You never know if someone is trolling or not :slight_smile: That being said… Blizzard confirmed years ago that Witch Doctor class was a mix between Necromancer and Druid and that they will not add those characters to the game. Thats why Necromancer was a suprise… but there was no info at all about Druid.

Just because someone in the depths of the Internet said Druid was planned doesn’t mean anything :slight_smile: At this point it’s not even a rumor.

Did you just repeat yourself?

It’s been floating around for years, so I would most definitely call it a rumor.

Op is right. Always boring powercreep nothing new. Last 10 seasons i only did season journey. Season 25 will not be different. Boring boring boring. Grifting grifting grifting to go one grift higher. Diablo franchise used to be about loot not going up in grifts


As mostly a party player I will speak from that PoV. I don’t solo push.

D3 has lost one thing I liked very much - ‘pushing’. And by ‘pushing’ I mean ‘achieving something through skillful party gameplay, farming better gear etc’. Now you have nothing to push for. 150s is as easy as a walk in the park. Nothing to strive for. And that is sad. I can only speak for myself , of course , and express my own experience and how I feel.

I remember previous seasons where you actually pushed one GR level by another up towards 150 and when you 've finally done it you got your deserved 'gz!'s from the clan and FL. Now nobody cares because 150s is nothing special.

People say ‘nice! I can do 150 solo in 2-3 min at last!’. But WHAT FOR? Ok you will have big paragon and all 150 kaldesanns then what? Why you even need them? To run 150s even faster? in 1 min? in 0.5 min :smiley: ? I 'm might be exaggerating here but I hope you got the point.

Again other players may find fun in other aspects of D3 , I don’t want to argue over that. To each his own.


Imagine playing D3 uncompetetive, not striving for the fastest 150 clears, best primals and augmenting.

Anyways, I personally am happy if I get to GR80 in seasons because I’m not much of a “I’m gonna push and farm all day long.” typa person.

But given the overall nerfs of fun stuff… it’s not gonna be any fun.
The top players will find ways to push more despite the nerfs while the casual players get kicked in the dirt some more because they don’t farm gons like maniacs in 4-man groups for the first 2 weeks of the season.

I personally don’t even finish the season journey within the first few hours, I tend to take my time with things, not rush ahead like my life depends on the best records and leaderboards.

In my humble opinion, there should be two “servers” or realms. One for competetive players where they can nerf the everliving heck out of new content, and one for casual players that don’t have a leaderboard, where the devs could nerf the “too op” stuff down to a somewhat okay level, but not nerf it to death like they tend to do.

Well if that’s your goal that can be achieved with just about anything. Nerfs really won’t impact that at all.

Yess it’s going to be a disaster and I love it. It realy fits the game, because it’s a desaster also and I’m loveing it. BRING ON THE CHAOS!!!


Wudijo can probably get his follower to clear an 80.


Well, yes. It shouldn’t be too difficult since a follower gets a 2.5x stat multiplier. Just give the Enchantress perfect INT gear with augs and let 'er rip

Dude…be careful when saying this kind of thing here, or they will try at all costs to silence you XD.

I advise you to do the same as 99.9% of the really skillful players of this game: QUIT this game. It’s not worth wasting your time here. This game has gotten so dumb that it’s offensive. The leaderboard has totally lost its purpose, anyone is “rank 1”…

You see, most of the “players” left over here are happy to make GR150s in 5m, and say to themselves “ohh I’m a great player, I could reach the max game lvl”.

This game managed to get the kind of player it deserves…

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You’re not though, why is that?

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I like being overpowered and strong. Go troll elsewhere


You insist on not reading, why is that?

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I’d even be down to spend money to get druid or new content 100%


lol says the guy who only plays ZDPS classes, aka was carried in groups to his 150GR in 3 mins clear

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