Season 25 is going to be a disaster

It’s already a huge disaster on ptr, and any skilled player can see there isnt much they can do to keep these things balanced… It’s as bad as WoW with just adding on borrowed power systems that ruin the game.

Even ethereal were terrible. I know the community was fooled into thinking ethereals were fun, but really, just look at it, it was just another 4 slot kanya cube season, it really was at the end of the day.

Instead of some cool lore and maps or content, we get this and it’s unbalanced beyond fixing. We’ve been begging for druid for 3 years now. There’s so much more that could be done to make this game great again, i’m very disappointed with this season 25 theme…


I actually like the idea troll!!! It might just be the season that gets me involved. And FYI no one Cares what you think.


The fun part is the itemhunt these 2 seasons has given us, don’t care about the powercreep… more items to hunt the better.


If you have fun, you have fun. What an idiotic argument.


While I’m not against the druid coming to Diablo 3, there was simply no way that we’d be seeing the druid added for season 25, especially after considering there was no prior announcement regarding the Druid being added in the first place (at like Blizzconline for example).


Best comment today, look who started the thread. :clown_face:


ignorance is bliss- KL

You’ve been told this before, you do not speak for the community. Some of the community may agree with you, but as others have said in this thread some of us do not. I had fun with the ethereals personally.


And how do you know the community was ‘fooled’? At least provide some evidence before making absolute statements like that.


Where did You get that info in first place ?! There was never even an idea to bring druid to D3. Nobody was waiting for that. Also… haven’t You heard that the development of D3 have been closed long time ago ? Those seasons and season themes is all we got.

Stop trolling and deal with it…


Well, the rumors have it that a Druid was in the works for the expansion that was scrapped, what we got was the added zones that was part of said scrapped expansion. Now, this have as far as I know never been officially confirmed.

No one can trick or coerce you to have fun, you either have it or not. If you do you would have had it regardless of how you got into that activity.


factually inaccurate. literal magicians and hypnotists

Ah, another “enlightened one” decides to share their knowledge and enlighten the masses… While I agree that s25 is way OP right now, claiming “s24 was terrible and the community was fooled” without any evidence is just plain troll.


No, their act is trickery, but they can’t make me enjoy it.


Oh, no! People were having fun wrong, you say?
Concern troll must be terribly concerned.
To the forums!


Ethereal season is the longest time I played so far in all the seasons. I beg to disagree on it being terrible.

Seasons are designed in such a way that it will never ruin the game. That’s why some features in the season does not carry over to non-season.

Where did you get the idea that we are going to make Diablo 3 great again?, from Trump? Druid will definitely be in D4, and that is the game where devs are focused to make it great!


We’re not haveing fun in the way he wants us to, so we are the fools :rofl:


I care about what you think and we do appreciate your input. Never mind the haters who call you names an bully you and your post into oblivion.

Why actiblizz support bullies? I don’t know but you see it in D3 NPC speak, and apparently the bullying is something the actiblizz workplace culture is found guilty of doing. :thinking:


It’s not hate, it’s pity.