Season 25 is going to be a disaster

For once i need pitty pitty pittah cos of that stupid tree.

Burn it!

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Actually, getting sued does not mean you are guilty. If they lose said suit you might be right, but getting accused is not a sign of guilt.


If it were a permanent change it would be a disaster. As is it’s just going to be a lost season for anyone who desires a real challenge. Honestly seasons haven’t been much of a challenge to most people for years. So why not just yolo your way through everything? In fact I may just keep playing longer while racking up paragon at an absurdly fast pace. Make hay while the sun shines.


same. i played like 2 months longer than any other season. tried many different classes which i dont do usually. broke my record in gr’s and so on.


Poppycock. Druid wasn’t planned for a second expansion. A few years back they already said that the Necromancer would have originally been in that. The other elements of the scrapped expansion were items such as the cube and they all got brought in anyway via future content patches.


Dude, I’m just relaying the rumors, take a quick look around on the interwebs and you will see that it’s quite widespread. (And we got quite a few new zones as well)

Bravata, you could always skip it?


Well if he was a man of his word and not a bad faith troll, he would have skipped like the last 7 seasons, since that’s about how many times he’s officially quit according to his look at me I need attention whine posts.


Every season is a disaster until they start.

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Everyone doing 150s solo in 3 mins? ROFL.


thank you, glad to see there are some other good people still here. :+1:t6:


Relax, its the PTR, aka Public “Test” Realm. Once the exploits are fixed, it would be about the same power as the ethereals…or less if we keep making threads like this.


There isn’t gonna be more classes for this game. Nor is this game gonna start becoming PoE with a mapping system. Those things are better off left for D4 instead of D3.

We still need to wait for the next patch for the PTR. I know some things will change. Like the dual wielding two secondary soul shards will be fixed.

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Known forum troll, nothing to see here.


I think its a great idea. More items to work on the better. As far as power creep, etc; it’s a seasonal gimmick, it will not have any long term effect on the game.

I always picture OP as the guy standing on the corner with the placard, screaming that the end is nigh.


Sadly, I have to agree. Even prior to Legion WoW was terrible, but the introduction of the artifacts in legion made the game ubearable.

People seem to like bowered power in D3, because it allows them to farm paragon and obtain high level gems more easily…

Ultimately, this is development recouces thrown on the wind, because the creation does not persist and remain in the game, and it’s instead removed, never to be seen again.
It doesn’t add anything to the game.

I remember years ago, when I and several other posters, were passionately trying to convince Blizzard to keep the Cow level in the game… my argument was the same then as it is now… if you take time and other development resources to make something, make sure it stays in the game rather than throw it out the window as soon as the next patch hits…

He does troll, but sadly he does have a point on this one…


It adds enjoyment to a season.


I mean, look who posted it.


am i the most popular diablo 3 forum user?

Rank 1 Troll-Bravata
Rank 2 Troll-Sinister