Season 25 is going to be a disaster

The pushers are done after 2 weeks in D3. This is normal. The majority are done by the 4-6 week mark leaving just the core/completionists.

If you look at games with shorter cyclical “seasons” they all play out the same, huge activity the first few weeks then it drops like a rock until the next one.

So you are saying you didn’t say those things and Meteorblade is literally making those statements up out of whole cloth?

Please go on the record as flat denying you made those statements.

Statements in question:
Under a year ago, you said you were in high school, i.e. 18 years old.
A couple of months ago, you said you were 89 years old.

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Do you need a hand as my RNGesus karma is very low lol.

You didn’t answer his question. Are you 18 or 89? Why the disparity in your posts? Or are you going to claim your account was hacked and someone else posted that content?

You make a few good points here and there, but some of your posts are just utter troll speak.

i dare you to actually prove i posted that age discrepancy. i will delete this account and log off forever if you can find a post where i said i was 18 and another saying i was 89.

pro-tip, you can’t, you just fell for the same tom foolery as the CNN/FOX feeds fools.

and you say i post utter troll speak? lol

i dont expect an apology when you fail to find it. i dont think there are many people here with the integrity to do something like apologize when they are wrong.


…but that has been pointed out to you before.

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did you post that because you failed to find and factual evidence, or did you post that to PROVE me right?

lol either way, i appreciate it.

Like you would if we did find it. Just another bodacious lie.

find it and find out.

Can think of a million things better to do.

i agree with you, it’d be a waste of time finding nothing. lol

Did you finish your homework? Mom says you have to do that before you can play on the computer.

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Waste of my time. I’m sure someone else care enough, provided that post hasn’t been edited or deleted already. Also I’m sure you mentioning you being a recent HS grad doesn’t count because you didn’t say 18 in it. But whatevs, we know.


Even the username checks out, being something unappropiate and of bad taste. At least in my language.
Anyhow, the most fed troll around the internetz. We don’t want to, but we keep doing it. We keep baiting.
http s : / / dle . rae . es / bravata

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WHOA WHOA whoa what’s with the bullying and piling on?

This is suppose to be a safe place.

If you feel that calling out your lies and pointing to the obvious is piling on, maybe you need to reevaluate what you post.

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It would be a safe place if you did not torment us with your nonsense everyday.

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well, calling out “lies” without proof is just trolling and literally lying. i have no doubt that you literally spent like 6 hours searching and failed and now pretend you didnt bother.

We’ve seen enough daily to know, not to mention you’ve been banned enough. Proof is in the pudding hun.

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i’ve never been banned

when are you actually going to post something with truth in it?