Has there ever been a worse released online game ever?

Not in my lifetime and i’m 89 years old. Literally the most unstable, buggy, unplayable scam i’ve ever seen. Which do they treat worse? Their customers they rip off and refuse refunds, or their abused employees? I will never spend money on another blizzard product for the rest of my life, that’s for sure.


Ok boomer. 20 characters.


Not sure you being 89 is relevant to the comment unless there were online games in 1944. :wink:


Yes there has been a worse release. Quite a few actually :slight_smile:
I’m an older game as well, and been through many bad releases, and d2 sits in the middle.

It has it’s issues, but I’ve been able to still play it as the game was designed, and have a great deal of fun with my buddies. It was up on day one, and I only encountered issues that stopped my gameplay temporarily a few times.

Compare this to just one release, and sadly from the same company, Diablo 3. servers were literally down for days after release. Real money AH and horrible itemization killed any enjoyment of loot, and the story was a mockery of the lore that D1 and D2 built.

D3 currently stands on it’s own as a decent game, but that’s after years of support and an expansion that IMO literally saved the game from death. That’s just one example.

But…I totally get peoples frustrations with the server issues and lobby issues, and I support their push to get them resolved. I just don’t see it as a horrible release, or the worst one ever. Just not as good as it should have been.


You were VERY selective in your game purchases then. This isn’t good at all but worst…

You must have skipped most early MMOs ><;


son, i was on The Realm online before you were even born.

this is easily the worst game release ever attempted. Even Vanguard soh was a better release.


D3 released with no team deathmatch

We still waiting on the key reason I purchased the game.

Warcraft 3 reforged man…


89 years old you said?


This one doesn’t even make the top 10. People have just gotten more entitled and whiny as the years have passed.


Look up Anarchy Online. You could only play it for 2 hours for the first few days because they forgot to link payment to your account, mountains (etc) did not have any collision detection so you walked through them to the other side, and many quests had no end point to them so you couldn’t actually get a reward for the quest as the trigger action was missing.

It was the worst I can think of. Unless you had AVX issues D2R is a bad server issue and stability problems for some - especially newer cards. It is FAR more playable than AO was


the game that the diablo developers went on to make after diablo 2; Hellgate London

literally none of these are as bad as d2r. we’re a month in and the game can not even be played normally. you’re either in queue or you’re about to crash after a few minutes.


I have 0 or minimal queue in the evening/night (8PM - 1AM MST) and as far as crashing I haven’t crashed since opening weekend minus when I shutting down the game which doesn’t matter.

As for d/c I’ve had a few since opening weekend but nothing really. Game has, more or less, run just as good as D2:LoD w/ glider wrap for me.

I don’t discount other’s opinion as the crashing has been widespread enough to obviously been an issue. The most recent patches though appear to have improved it a decent amount as many have stated it has been more stable.

Edit: I’m not discounting other’s issues but the fact that it “is not playable” is demonstrably false. Morning people (US) are absolutely getting screwed with the global queue system though and Blizzard should offer a refund period to people who want it

Yep I remember Anarchy. And EVE, and even wow was a bumpy ride.

Pretty smooth here. But again, I play mostly offline except a few times online with a bud on the weekends. I’ve put in many hours into game and only major bug so far is where my character would get stuck - happened only once or twice.

I know there are others with issues and I feel for dem.

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I’ve been playing d2r for hours and hours most days for the last several weeks. When the queue is bad or servers went down it sucked sure. But calling it as unplayable as d3 was at launch (literally couldn’t log in at all for days, then after that servers were just as bad as they are in d2r) is just wrong.

Imo WoW had a worse launch. That was probably the worst mmo I tried at launch, for weeks I could barely play the game and even after they fixed it there were times when it started happening again like big patches. It got so bad that blizzard started offering free membership days to compensate for outages. Imagine a company doing that now…

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Man I miss that game. It was so much fun but so terrible at the same time. It could have been exceptional in so many ways but alas it wasn’t meant to be.


literally 1 day, which is bad yes, but we’re going on 1 month now of horrendous stability here. It’s a dumpster fire.

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Turning Point for PS3 was way worse and that game was on the cover of Official Playstation Magazine. I do agree with you on 1 thing…Blizzard will never get another penny from me. A promise that will be easy to keep with all the games out there.