Season 22 = only Jesseths season

Obvious choices for necros are weapons.

As for the bonespear masquerade build, id say theyll just run nayrs (if they have poison spear runes) or reilenas for any other element, as reilenas is a flat 120% multiplier or even higher, depending on your secondary stats on weapon and offhand.

The rest stays like it is played right now.

I’ll take word of Wudijo over almost any other. He IS one of the best D3 players, if not the best (he doesn’t just “claim” to be a great player like some of the trolls in this thread). He feels that Shadowhook and Spike with SotC equipped will be the best Masquerade build. It is too valuable to lose the stats from a phylactery and he’s running Brigg’s Wrath to group up and proc Krysbin’s. He is running the full 6 piece with CoE, Brigg’s and Krysbin’s plus Haunted Visions and Dayntee’s and the new bracer. He’s using cold spear and using Lost Time but he says that Blighted Marrow is good too (which allows any well rolled phylactery). He said that Jesseth “could” be good in groups since your party would be doing a lot of the grouping that Brigg’s is giving you but for solo the manual curse is just too valuable.

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I love it when someone uses “Trust me, bro!” and thinks that’s a valid substitute for evidence or a cogent argument.

Phase 2 goes live later today. Shouldn’t we have the results by tomorrow?


See, this attitude of yours is why you get so much “hate speech”.

I will try…to make it clear for you.

“Do you even understand how big Nayr’s, Maltorius, and jesseth’s + the new bracers is? With poison spears? Do you?”

This is a rhetorical question. But the sentence you used to claim this rhetorical question also implied two times that you think he is dumber than you, by asking “do you even understand” and directly afterwards you’ve repeated it “do you?”

Implying that he is not able to follow you, as if you are smarter than him, which i highly doubt.

Bravata…do you even understand, that the way you write, is sometimes very offensive , provoking , insulting, arrogant and agressive?


But hey , mr.Knowitall i have a question.

I am real noob when it comes to necro, but you stated that with the New Masquerade-Set i HAVE to use Jeseths.

Why is that? Because of the 400% Dmg-Increase? I could wear Scythe of the Cycle or not? That gives me the same Multiplier.

You can also cube two 2h-Scythes if you don’t wear jesseths.

Just wondering if you understand that. And what do the 2 two Hand Scythes do for Jesseths?

Do they start to sing and dance until a Jesseth-Rainbow-Goblin appears to open a portal to Jesseths Neverland-Ranch?

Mhhh i am also strongly assuming at this Point that “Naysayer” is Bravatas second account.

Lol , its a free 500%. Yeah…terrible terrible idea.

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Haha…if you use command skelletons to get a 400% multiplier or Bonearmor…ahhm what is the difference.

In addition to that if i use command skeletons i can not use the poison rune and loose a multiplier if i use Nayrs.

If i want the highest multipliers available, me as a necro noob, just by logic, would go for this:

Weapon: SOTC and Offhand or Nayrs. Whatever i get with better stats

Cube Weapon 1: Maltorious
Cube Weapon 2: Nayrs or SOTC

Therefore SOTC > Jesseths

Next time you feel like provoking people, just ask your mom for a hug.

Here you get a free one from me: Hug


So, to be fair, the issue is which is more onerous:

  1. Losing off-hand damage and Bone Spear % in order to wear the useless Jesseth’s shield and use Command Skeletons.


  1. Getting the same 400% damage from Nayr’s in cube, but still having to use Command Skeletons.

If we all agree that SOTC and Maltorious is used, the question is between wearing Jesseths and cubing both of the above, or wearing SOTC, and cubing Nayrs.

Where Bravata’s argument sucks is that Nayr’s is very easy to fit in. If you use Blighted Marrow, Cursed Scythe, Dislocation, and any poison rune on Command Skeletons (which you would need for Jesseth’s anyway), you get the same 400% damage as Jesseths, but without sacrificing offhand.

For that reason, the final verdict is, ultimately, that Bravata is dead-wrong.


If you want to really push it with Nayrs you can use 5 Poisonskills and just autocast Skellis + Bonespirit to boost you up to 500% with Nayrs.

I however will do what i just tested on the PTR. Just 4 Poison-Skills and the Fratality-Cruse with the Aura-Rune.

Then i will roll every secondary to +2 Pickupradius and use Briggs Wrath.
This way you are like a vacuum-cleaner. Whereever you go…everything autopixels right below your feet and you just need to shoot it. In addition you dont need to manually cast a curse to get your dmg-reduction.

Very comfy and fun to play. Cleared 120 today with ease like that on the ptr without the 4th cube slot.

So i guess this will be my build for S22

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Hehe, nothing new xD

Then I assume you dropped both Serration and Zei’s, since you are playing close-range style?

I just kept them as i dont have any other gems lvled up at the moment.

but yeah i want to try pain-enhancer instead of Zeis. Serration…well i think i will keep it as there is no other passive that catches my eye at the moment and if there is an enemy somewhere out of range of my aura…he gets a little extra-love

2nd cube weapon should be Shadowhook. Going with Nayr’s has a higher damage potential, especially in groups, but you lose a curse (all 3 from Masquerade 2 piece) and the DR from Dayntee’s plus the grouping from Brigg’s since you need to stack poison skills. In groups, you can rely on your party to group things up for you and help your survivability.

Huh? How do i loose a curse?

My Grim Scythe applies a random curse.

I have a huge Fratality - Aura where everything gets pulled in with briggs.
Still i can apply 4 Poison Skills: Bonespike itself, Grimscythe, Bone-Armor dislocation , Bone-Spirit on Autocast or whatever. --> + 400%

If i have my Essence-Simulacrum selected im currently just at 400 Essence -->200% dmg.

I would need 800 (or 400 raw) Essence for the same dmg-potential.
I might try shadow-hook for speeds maybe as it allows me to use the AoE-Dmg rune (i think its called shatter).

If i want more tankyness id just drop the offhand for a Stormshield and loose 20% dmg and could still stick with Nayrs.

So i will definatly use that one instead of Shadowhook

4 poison skills with Nayr’s is 5x damage. With max Essence, you have 330 Essence which is a 4.3x multiplier (free Reservoir rune). Going with Nayr’s you lose Blood Rush, which gives excellent mobility, and you lose manually casting a curse to group up enemies at a distance.


So what are the leader boards showing? Was he right?

How so? You can easily use 4 poison skills. Seems like you are making a big Oooof.

I think the Mod can close the Thread. Bravata has been proven wrong multiple times by many people now


I’m sure he understands this perfectly.
It’s how he guaranteed that the thread got lots of attention.


Not so sure about this. He also sees himself as a “visionairy”.
Maybe he is just somewhat delusional

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Well…in the end it turns out i wont use Briggs at all probably.

For normal runs, after a hint in another thread i tried Focus and Restraint. And not having a phase at all but being able to just permanently pew pew with high dmg feels more rewarding to me.

But i still have to try. Maybe it will be Briggs + CoE in the end. I dont know yet.

CoE gives me a x3 multiplier + an option for grouping with the help of another ring and Focus and Restraint an x2,25 Multiplier

For Pushes it will probably be CoE + Unity or this other Defring (sun…something?)

You won’t need Unity lol, Masquerade is insane DR as it is, add Dante’s belt for 50% more and if you are not good with movement (to use the boots) can opt for shoulders for another 50% DR in cube.

You really want CoE + Briggs equipped and Krisbin cubbed. Being able to group up annoying mobs like ghosts / goat spearmen / flyers is insanely powerful (and using decrepify with the root rune) which holds them in place for your full poison CoE cycle pretty much.

I mean think about it, having the power to group up and CC all mobs on your screen at a button press is just insanely powerful you can’t get that from anywhere else. It’s more powerful than WD piranhdo or Wiz black hole (wider range for suck in, no cooldown so you can keep adding / stacking mobs onto the pile as they come on screen etc).