Season 21 - Trials of Tempests: Double Bounties

Double Bounties! Free Sets! Guaranteed Primal drop! Leaderboards at 150 for all! 150 Gems!
Good grief! What is the point of season? Easy-get-everything-gifted-to-you-immediately-mode.
Season 21 the season of “Working as Intended”, (please dont leave we need the numbers).
And the non Star Belly Sneeches in regular mode get the giant Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis shaft again.


Want additional challenge? Come to EU.
After you make a record, it’s like 33% chance for it to register. Want double bounties? Well, maybe you will get them. Or maybe not very.

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I completely agree with you and I did post something similar on this forum like 1 month ago.

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This issue has been addressed. The buff wasn’t fully populating to all game servers for the EU region. It should now appear on all instances. Thanks for the reports!


Yes. Blizzard should do away with the full screen ‘weather effect.’ Why? Because It hampers vision. This is Diablo, not WoW so it won’t work. Now, in D4? I can see something like that working, but not in D3. It’s not that kind of game.

As for the actual damaging effects, all they need is a little tweaking here and there and problem solved. Will everyone be happy? No, of course not.

People getting headaches and/or getting sick? That I don’t know and/or can’t understand. Why? Because I haven’t gotten a headache, yet, nor did it make me sick, yet. I am not saying that those that said they did were lying, I believe them.

I am sure some have a legitimate case, medical concerns. Many people that play computer games were glasses. Anything out of the ordinary can really mess things up for the ol’ eyes. Others? I am not so sure about. They just want to complain about something. It’s life.

Not to be mean, but if your mental and/or physiological constitution is so dang weak that a mere screen effect causes you to become sick, you need to see a doctor and maybe stop playing computer games for 8+ hours at a time. Same thing with watching TV. If you do so, don’t be so dang close to the screen. I am sure anyone 30+ heard that when they were kids.

As for the bounties? I am not saying its a solution, nor did I say that it would remedy the toxicity of the current season. I just merely said that it’s better than nothing and that it will be taken full advantage of, even by me. Who doesn’t like double bounties?

Personally, again, I just wished they fix the dang season, but that won’t happen. I see some decent potential for the season to be really fun, but Blizz opted for an easy way out, hence Double Bounties.

Excellent. Thank you.

Is the Xbox situation under investigation too or are those reports mistaken?

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It would be nice if double bounties also applied to non-seasons.


Saw them in concert. :metal: :stuck_out_tongue:

Arch Enemy opened for them, you know the good one w/ Angela Gossow.


\mm/ <---- too much metal for one hand!

Edit: Something about D3 to make this relevant. Go Double Bounties go go go!

Serious question? Quality Control? Change Management? Does Blizzard employ these methodologies?

You make a change to a Season…to enable double bounties…is there any policy that checks the intended change has been successful or a measure of quality control? Like monitoring to check all the servers have the buff?

Is it just me that finds the constant issues with D3 that are related to these two things is just…well…baffling.

Most profit organisations want to ensure their customers are happy and buy more products and to do so ensure smooth services by using methodologies like Change Management, Quality Control etc.

The Console version has had its Season ended a day earlier for many seasons in a row as an example…today is another example…the XB1 has the buff but not double rewards…why does these things continually occur? Why has Blizzard not used whatever means they have to test things?

Does Blizzard not see this as poor customer service? Why is there no policy to ensure changes are implemented correctly?


Blizz, ignore all the idiots that express some displeasure or criticism. Accept my thanks. I see this as a complement to make up for a less than stellar Seasonal Theme. And it actually helps! So, for what it’s worth, thanks!

I have a hard time believing that is the motive for the double bounties since historically they have done the same in the past leaving non-seasonal players out.
The mere fact that you have folks playing in S21 that would generally play in that 110-120GR range now capable of doing 150s with the seasonal buff really makes the leaderboard a joke. They might better put an asterisk from here on out for anyone playing S21 since they have been able to pad their aug’s in a manner they never would have been able to.

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The Xbox issue was related to the above. It was affecting all platforms.


How about instead of giving something that no one needs (double bounties) most boring content ever, u do something good like remove area dmg from th game and fix the lag so ppl can play

Some players raised the issue of the season theme causing headaches / migraines / epileptic fits and asked for the option to turn off the visuals. Their requests were ignored but I don’t think they were idiots.

I’m glad you’re okay with the theme. Enjoy your extra caches. But please don’t belittle the people who had legitimate medical concerns caused by the theme.


There is so much to unpack with this ablest post that I just can’t with all that right now.

Great… new think. And why you dont fix EU servers? Double bounties with error 1016? Imposible…

The issue with double bounties on EU was fixed a couple of hours ago…

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Yet, you posted that?

Perhaps you should delete that, gather your thoughts, come back and use your words? Or is that too difficult for you?

That is a generic disconnect error that can be caused by anything that causes a hiccup along the route between you and the game server. Lots of things can cause that.

There was a previously identified issue with EU connectivity that was resolved a few days ago. However, after that some more issues surfaced. Last posts were 2 days ago here on the EU Tech Support forum.


Don’t forget about the problem with not recording highiest personal GR clears on EU server…

You could also make the elemental effects (season theme) from other players “less visible” when playing in group (like the WD pets when you have a WD in party, they are barely visible)…

Lowering the opacity on most of the elemental effect by at least 50-75% could also work and would make the elemental effects less painful to our eyes…