Season 21 - Idea - Double Ring & Amulet slots - Allow Ring in Amulet slot and Amulet in Ring slot

Season 21 - Idea - Double Ring & Amulet slots - Allow Ring in Amulet slot and Amulet in Ring slot

Objective 1
Allow new & creative jewerly combinations, without using the cube.

Objective 2
Highlight, in early game, previously unused Rings and Amulets, because formely you had to make a choice, limited by the number of slots.


  • Legacy of Nightmare rings set + other LON rings
  • Halcyon’s Ascent + The JohnStone + … = Able to embrace all Land of the Dead runes instead of only using Frozen Lands
  • Pandemonium Loop + Rechel’s Ring of Larceny + Band of Hollow Whispers + + Krysbin’s Sentence + … = Use Fear to boost both damage and speed
  • Squirt’s Necklace + Unity + Traveler’s Pledge + The compass Rose + Lornelle’s Sunstone / Rogar’s Huge Stone + Bul-Kathos’s Wedding Band = Helps you to keep your Squirt’s Necklace stacks
  • Countess of Julia’s Cameo + Mara’s Kaleidoscope + Talisman of Aranoch + The Star of Azkaranth + Xephirian Amulet = Prevents Elemental damage and heal you)

See Also:

Season 21 - Idea - Cube all sets

Season 21 - Idea - Allow bracers in gloves and gloves in bracers

Cube Oathkeeper for all classes

While you’re at it: Season of boots on head and hats in feet.


Guys, stop coming with ideas which affects other classes more then rest.

It should be a “universal buff”.

You cannot make a buff based on some legendaries and/or buffs to skills which are only good for say … half of the classes ( like the "Cube Oathkeeper buff - Since not all Classes are using Primary Skills in such way to be somehow, balanced ).

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That could be a great idea.
That said, not all stuff is designed to be used in end game.
Some items have to remain for start and mid game.

That would be extremely fun :smiley:

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I had some suggestions for Seasonal events someplace, let me see if I can find that post.

Here it is, some ideas that I threw together, some sounded interesting:

Here’s my idea for season 21

Be able to put legendary gems into armor sockets and touching a shrine or pylon with nemesis bracers summons a nemesis.

This nemesis summons up to 5 clones from your friends list or random people base on the number legendary gems in your armor sockets.

Nemesis gets stonger with each legendary gem in your armor sockets.

Killing this nemesis gets you 4 progress orbs and plus 1 for each clone if you kill it in a rift or Grift.

I always like the nemesis system in the ps4 D3 but it was so weak it was a joke and I’d like to see if they could do something fun with the legendary gems

Here’s a few ideas for Seasonal Themes:

Season of sockets:
All jewelry comes with a socket (it is still mind blowing that some jewelry always comes with a socket and some rarely come with one).

Those chest and pants pieces that tend to roll with less than max sockets will now always roll with max sockets (again, this should be standard one way in the game or the other for all pieces)

Season of Useful Primals
For this season, it will possible to roll more than one attribute on a primal only. For too long perfectly rolled gear has rolled worse than most ancients. Now, when you finally see that primal piece drop that you have been searching forever for, you won’t cringe when identifying it.

You mean like season 20’s buff? :upside_down_face:

Here’S a idea, Make the season a lot harder, like way the F. harder.

Objective: Make player reach Level 70 in a month, Paragon 1000 Cap, if ever reached. Thus would allow player to play low level longer and make then use all combination of skills in a new ways, so that they don’t reply on SET to clear everything. Make Set items LvL Req. 30 and allow only to reroll sufix to lower level req by 15 or 10.

People would have to create new way to work together or just push it harder solo.

PS: If it would be a season where reaching level 70 would take like 90% of the time allowed, it would be like back in the D2 where you could Power level someone up to 80 in 2 hrs but pass that it take forever.

Call it : Season of the past.

I think most people would call it, “Season of I am going to pass on this Season”.

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That’s a Universal Buff! Is balanced enough.

And gloves on pants… ahem… hey hey!

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In first versions of Diablo 3, some weapons could have 2 sockets.

That was fun.

Having a weapon with 3 sockets and being able to put legendary gems in it would increase gameplay flavors


Season 21 the season of belts and bracer

All sets get a belt and bracer so that you can mix and match the sets easier.

Some set Have already belts… what ia your point?

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We always focus on increase our damage but as thinking out of the box, would be fun as a theme where a theme is focused on monster that we used to slay so easily to become alot harder than it is now.

" Season Of Monsters " monsters and elites and bosses deals double the damage ( without increasing their health )

Another seasonal theme " Season Of Struggle "

Make legendary items drop as rare as primals or at least less to be dropped, not as the drop rate we have now, make us embrace the legendary item when it drops and make the drop has a meaning…

I doubt those themes could be implemented but I know for a fact we are saturated of power creep almost for 20 seasons now … in my view this will give slaying monsters and demons and the less legendary drop would provide a new aspect and meaning throughout the seasonal theme.

Season of Vanilla.

All Vanilla sets (with the bonuses that have now) are active for each specifics class. So you can build 2 sets at the same time.

And also let blackthorne be active, just to try to give something to that set

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Season of ptr
A complete season with balance updates every week

All those ideas mean only one thing : we can’t wait for season 20… to end :slight_smile:

My point is all sets should have them and not 1 class set and craft sets.

That way you can create some interesting 6 and 4 combos with RoRg.