Screw your stupid game mechanics and this game!

i been trying to get a ancient puzzle ring for quit a few hours, and days i never had this issue with that before always had a few but now i can not finish the alter because this is the one thing holding me up i could finish if i had a ring an ancient puzzle ring

Use recipe 2 in the cube, reforge one. With Visions, it is pretty easy to get enough mats for this.


Recipe 11 works, too, if you have the ashes to do it.


This is true. From my experience, Shadow set pieces are much harder to get from drops than ANY other DH set. Karlies vs LGF is not 50/50 either, despite there being only 2 daggers in the DH drop pool. Duncraig vs TP ammy - 80/20% respective drop rates since s17. Chain of shadows is significantly harder than ANY other DH or general belt drop wise. Getting a HPS quiver with lightning/chc and impale? Good luck with that. Itā€™s also significantly harder as a drop than ANY other DH quiver. All other DH quivers are MUCH easier to get the right rolls on too.

Frustrating as hell. And the sad thing is, itā€™s 1 of the weakest DH builds. It begs the question, why is the gear for this build significantly harder to drop than any other DH build gear?

Interestingly, I had an ancient puzzle ring drop very shortly after reaching clvl 70 and doing T1 rifts. I remembered to put it in my stash this time LOL (s31 I used it and then went ā€œdoh!ā€ LOL). My screwup this season was cos Iā€™m sometimes an utter idiot and went farming for the wreaperā€™s wraps plans from Izual LOL. For 2 nights. Then I read a forum post and it said that it was a drop from Malthael. I swear Iā€™m losing the plot.

Sure. But FS are far outnumbered by act mats. I have like 1k FS and near 700 act mats. Blizzard could and should have balanced the FS mat when they introduced visions. I get 20 reforges from 1k FS. Thatā€™s 100 act mats. Thereā€™s that balancing act I keep on harping about.

Doesnā€™t that result in the same thing happening as recipe 2? I havenā€™t really looked too closely at ethereals since I detest the theme.

Concerning ethereals, 11 gets you get max stats on everything.


Recipe 2 is still a gamble if you are trying for an Ancient Puzzle Ring. Recipe 11 always gives a Primal, which works as an Ancient for the Altar Seal.


This has not been my experience.

Just as a quick and dirty test, I crafted 30 yellow daggers and upgraded them into legendaries at the Cube on one of my Demon Hunters. The resultsā€¦

30 yellow daggersā€¦

30 resulting legendary daggers (unsorted)ā€¦

30 resulting legendary daggers (sorted)ā€¦

So, from 30 upgrades, thatā€™sā€¦

  • 16 Karleiā€™s Point
  • 14 Lord Greenstoneā€™s Fan

Seems like a completely acceptable variance from the expected value of 50% due to small sample size.


This only shows that Greenstoneā€™s Fan is obviously weighted against the player and Karleiā€™s needs it rate reduced.


And what has that to do with getting an ancient puzzle ring?

If Pinoy wants the ancient puzzle ring faster, reforge is far, far, far faster than waiting for rngesus to bless you. If he wants to save the mats for a rainy day, then he has to live with RNG.


Come to Last Epoch, we have cookies.

ah. There you go.

It has been my experience every single season since s14. 100% consistently too.

Yes, I would agree. For your scenario. For me though it has been much different. There has been MANY seasons where I have had to do 10+ rare upgrades before I got a resultant karleis dagger. Thatā€™s 2^10. Certainly not 50%! And this has again, been a consistent problem for me over many, many seasons.

True. I was simply pointing out that having a gazillion act mats is worthless when you donā€™t have the FS to utilise them. Again, a balance issue.

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We can use the mats to spam-craft set items at the blacksmith. And when weā€™ve gotten perfect items we can spam-craft in the hope of getting primals for ashes for the cube. In the end we may still end up with a big surplus of unused bounty mats, but itā€™s like gold; there is no negative effect af having too much.

I too have been annoyed at the discrepancy of souls vs bounty runes. But it is what it is. If we want to reforge ad libitum, we have to farm hard for the souls needed.

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Iā€™m pretty sure that the PC version of the game Iā€™m playing doesnā€™t have different drop weighting than the Console version youā€™re playing but, hey, why donā€™t you do exactly the same test I just did, i.e. craft 30 yellow daggers, upgrade them to legendary, and see what the split is between Karleiā€™s and LGF. Post screenshots / links.

My evidence suggests thereā€™s not an issue and counters your claim that there is.
So, provide your evidence to support your claim.

Which is something that is impossible to even come close to balance. Everyone does content in different proportions meaning different players will have different limiting reagents when it comes to mats.

You obviously farm a lot of Visions, so your bounty mats are much greater than FS.
Someone who farms a lot GRs for paragon instead of Visions, isnā€™t necessarily going to have this problem.

A player who runs a lot of GRs and empowers them all is most likely going to run out of gold.
A player who runs few GRs and farms with gold gear is going to have billions.

A player looking for near perfect Aughildā€™s Bracers most likely will run out of A1/A4 mats.
A player who doesnā€™t use Aughildā€™s most likely will have plenty of A1/A4 mats.

Start of the season, I kept running out of Veiled Crystals as I upgraded a ton of rares for Conquests.
2 weeks into the season, I am running much more GRs and not upgrading rares, so my Veiled Crystals have almost balanced out.

All this being said, most players seem to have a shortage of FS while having far more than enough DBs. Good solution would be to switch the Altar node that ā€œdoubles DBsā€ to ā€œcuts the FS reforge cost in halfā€.

I decided to test this out as it usually craft 5 rare daggers and get a KP in the 5. Since I plan on possibly pushing Shadow this season, I crafted 3 sets of 30 to hopefully get a decent ancient, my results (K-Kareleiā€™s Point, L-Lord Greestoneā€™s Fan):


so out of 90 upgrades, 51 KPā€™s and 39 LGFā€™s, so 56.67% KPā€™s and 43.33%. I did have a couple of pretty long strings, but not terribly off 50% for that small a sample size.

An apology to MrTheoden because it looks like I am getting his share of KPā€™s. If it is any consolation, the 5 or 6 ancients I got were all crap.


What ethereal will you use for that? :grin:


yes that is true. Still, not exactly great is it?

Yes. At least someone gets why I am annoyed.

Iā€™m not going to waste mats just to prove a point. Also, at the start of the season, when I want that Karleis and get like 10+ LGFs in a row, itā€™s across multiple sessions, since I donā€™t have the damn mats to bloody well craft 10 in a row in a single session. Pray do tell how I ā€œrecordā€ that scenario to satisfy your wants?

Yes, that is true. But then, why have visions in the game at all? Why have the bounty act mats so high as drops from them? Thereā€™s no need to be getting 40 of each bounty mat for a t16 visionā€¦

Thanks Captain obvious!

Yes, that would be a great idea, but the fun police at Blizzard would never agree to such game balance design changes.

All good. Ultimately though, everyone elseā€™s drop rate is irrelevant - what matters to me is MY drop rates. I can only report what I experience in the game. Over many seasons. So, occamā€™s razor would suggest 3 things:

  1. Iā€™m lying
  2. Iā€™m just really very very unlucky
  3. something is indeed oddly up with the RNG in MY (stress on the word my) game.

with regards to point 2, continued bad luck, over 18 seasons?

I have had the same thing with 60% chance lgem upgrades being closer to 38% consistenty over said 18 seasons. I hate having to upgrade lgems.

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The whole point of my response was that any player who focuses heavily on one activity is always going to have a highly disproportionate amount of mats. Again, balancing mats is completely impossible as everyone has a different priority on the activities they do.

  1. Your memory of past seasons is exaggerated towards the negative spectrum

For the longest time, I said this too.

One season, I actually tested my feelings. I went the entire season only upgrading gems at 60%-90%, never at 100%. At the end of the season, with several hundred data points at each percentage, the averages were all within 2% of 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90%.

Like I said above, negative memories get exaggerated over time. Same as positive memories take on that nostalgia effect.

Trust me, I love a good conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, every one I have checked in this game so far, be it Urshi upgrade chance, ancients rolling lower percentage than regulars, Screams drop rate, or GG drop rate, the conspiracy has failed.

Feelings are feelings and have no merit unless you put some data behind it. Chart your upgrades and get enough data points to prove your conspiracy, and I will totally champion your cause.

Believe me, no one hates RNG for the sake of RNG than me, but there is a big difference between too many layers of RNG and RNG is broken.


Youā€™re unwilling to use materials to provide evidence which would substantiate your claim, especially since I have already used materials which disprove your claim. If you make claims without evidence, and ignore evidence that counters your claim, then itā€™s perfectly valid to dismiss the claim.

The drop rates of Karleiā€™s and LGF arenā€™t different in seasonal vs non-seasonal. Do exactly what I did, and go to a non-seasonal DH and do the crafts. Iā€™m sure youā€™d have huge amounts of materials non-seasonal to do this.

So, craft 30 yellow daggers, upgrade them and show us your drop rates.


Running visions is far more profitable for FS tooā€¦certainly far more than running GRs. I have to run 8 odd GRs on average to match what FS drop from 1 single vision on average. Time spent for both activities is pretty similar. The only benefit to running GRs is paragon points and gem uprades. But, since I rarely bother to push paragons and get above p1300 or thereabouts, itā€™s moot for me personally. With seasons being as they are, and no more balance patches, Iā€™m not even fully augmenting these days, let alone doing a final push. I think i finished rank 64 in s31 for DH and thatā€™s with the cheatersā€¦(SSF). Without a final push, only 4 or 5 augments and lgems nowhere near as high as they should have been. Granted, less people are playing D3 now, especially on PS4 given the runaway cheaters who go unpunishedā€¦

Or, it isnā€™tā€¦

Again, I dispute this. Letā€™s look at an aspect of this - Iā€™ve had 5 GRs in a row where Iā€™ve empowered at 60% and got 1/5 for all 5 GRs. Thatā€™s 20%. Now, to balance that out, I need to get a bunch of GRs in a row at like 4/5 or even 5/5 over a shorter number of GR runs. Funny thing is, Iā€™ve never had 5 GRs in a row with 4/5. I get the odd 1 here and there with 4/5, some with 3/5 and most with 2/5. If the vast majority of my upgrades are 2/5 (40%) then it is much harder to hit that 60%. And of course, I get the 1/5 and 0/5 too. I once had 3 GRs in a row at 0/5 for all 3 GRsā€¦

Iā€™ve never really been bothered by it. Only time it sucks is when RNG isnā€™t on your side and you get some really goofy stat multiple times in a row.

Youā€™re being sealioned. Donā€™t take the bait.

Yes, it is quite high. Itā€™s nice for those who like to use them but sometimes things like that render other activities obsolete.

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Since when is it bait to ask someone to provide evidence to substantiate their claim, especially when evidence has already been provided which disproves their claim?