Screw your stupid game mechanics and this game!

I have seen 5 primals since I started. The last one I got was 3 days ago and obtained over 5000 legendaries since while my friend got 4 in 1 hour. I cannot get my altar finished. I also cannot get passed 131 gr cause in the last 50 hours I get a pylon after 25-30% and its a stupid speed pylon every time in every Grift. On top of that, I will get a second pylon around 50% and its another speed pylon how the hell. I seen 1 power pylon in the last 50 grifts I ran passed 130. Your game is broken or you are intentionally trying to make people fail at this game. Why intentionally try to piss people off and frustrate them.

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Well streamers are cheating, I saw one that showed pylons and mobs on the map before it was even discovered. I have reported several cheaters on there, with evidence and nothing is being done.
Guess that is a possibility.
But what you are talking about is rng in this game. It sucks for some, while others get lucky.


Wow, 3 days since the last primal! That’s almost noticeable.

I’ve gone almost a week without a primal. I still need 2 more to fully unlock the Altar. Does that mean the drop rates are broken? Of course not. That’s just the nature of RNG. It can be super fustrating but it’s not a definitive proof of anything.


Getting two speed pylons in a GR shouldn’t be possible??
I know about break points (more or less) but I’ve always clicked speed pylons no matter what build I’ve played, even if it was “forbidden” and I didn’t notice much difference (I know you can run out of resources fast of course with extra speed).

Another thing: if you can run GRs up 130 you could level your gems up to that level (they show 115 and 125 now, but your profile may not be up to date).

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I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve essentially posted the same thing…

  • Chance that a legendary will be primal = 1 in 400 (0.0025)
  • Chance that a legendary will not be primal = 399 in 400 (0.9975)
  • Chance that none of X legendaries will be primal = (0.9975)^X

So, for 5000 legendaries…

  • Chance that none of 5000 legendaries will be primal = (0.9975)^5000 = 0.0000036687

If that’s true, only 1 in 272,570 people would get that result (on average).
Or, you know, you could be exaggerating for hyperbole.

With this hero?

I’ve done a GR130 with my hero, with around 200 paragon less, less ancients, less caldessan’s and lower gem ranks…

Their game is highly RNG-dependent.

You might find these useful…


Then your friend will get a dry spell that could last for days. I haven’t seen any Primals for a whole week last Season and after that I got 5 of them in a single sitting. You can not tell when your luck going to turn.

Yes. How the hell. Unless you are playing Nephalem Rifts or specific Set Dungeons there is no possibility of getting multiple Pylons of same type in Greater Rifts. Either you are exaggerating or don’t remember rightfully.

Speed Pylon is a mixed bag, and a double edged sword. When you have enough active recovery, such as life per hit and life per resource spent (fury, wrath, spirit) it is a blessing; you can stand your ground and dash forward when needed if you were to be overwhelmed. Speed roughly doubles your effective LpH and resource spending speed, so you have to mix and match to be sure you have enough to dump resources.
When you don’t have enough life sustain however, it only make you run around and stack crowd control resistance of monsters. When monsters become immune to crowd control, you will get surrounded in no time and you won’t be able to recover when you are in a dire situtation, so you have to consider standing to put up a fight when you can exploit life recovery. Even with failure to follow the instructions in mind, you can dash forward and find the exit to skip the floor.

I haven’t check your profile but I have a feeling that you lack Area Damage% as that makes the biggest impact in high tiers beside Elemental skill Damage%. The marginal difference of one tier in Greater Rifts are 17% more monster health an 2.5% more monster damage. Requirement of dealing 17% more damage can easily covered by having more AD% or higher gem ranks

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That’s not really so unheard of 13 days into the season (the lack of primals, not your purported ratio). I just finished my altar on NA yesterday and that was after running a LOT of visions back to back for many hours (cumulatively over these last two weeks). I still haven’t finished my altar on EU.

The higher you go with the more kiting you do, you’re going to start seeing what is called pylon buring. Essentially, your play actions are causing less pylons to spawn.

And thus, nothing that you presented indicates that the game is broken.

As for “intentionally” making people upset, that’s more of a preference problem. The game may not be for you (as evidenced by your pissed off frustration with the game’s mechanics). There’s nothing wrong with that. You may need to find something more up your alley, or at the very least take periodic breaks from the game.

Good news is, now that you’ve complained on the forums about it, you’re bound to get more primals and pylons.


“We do not want players to waste all their time on the gear, and want them to enjoy the game play more.” Director of Blizzard Diablo 3, 5 years ago. Bluzzard made you sign waiver when you entered the game now. Why? Because they know they been destroying the game you paid for long ago. Ghetto mode is in full play since season29.


I have always said primals drop when they drop. I don’t go by the Stats and it doesn’t matter how many time he throws those stats up.

My Grand Daughter has only 1 primal so far this season. She has finish the 26 seals on the altar. I talk to her today and she said now she has finish the season journey and still only has that 1.

So at this rate she’ll never finish the Altar. But by the rules on the stats on drop rate she should have finish it already.

Plus there is another account in the family. Last season got over 60 Primals. This season has not got enough primals to finish the altar and has done the season journey too. This season the primal drop rate is really bad.



Not believing or not understanding the statistics doesn’t mean the statistics are wrong.


That is right I don’t believe in Stats in a VIDEO GAME!!! I understand what statistics. I work for one of the biggest Plastic companies in the world for 30 yrs in RD. How many numbers and charts do you think I made for 30yrs. WOW

So you can throw up all your little Screenshots & Stats. I really don’t care about this crap. There is no guarantee you will get one at 400, 800, or 1200. Blizzard never guarantee anything in the game. All there said you might have a chance to get something.

Come guy this is a VIDEO GAME not Live and Death like you people think it is!!!


So you DO know the difference between the term “average” and “practical”? Primals have 1 in 400 legendaries droprate at average, but legendaries are like 10% in weight of entire loot including common items such as rare, magical and normal quality.

You can see same Legendary or Set in the slot for 300 times and score a Primal grade or see another Legendary for 700 and never get a Primal but game still rewards you one another later. That doesn’t budge averages in a grand scale.
You can have next Primal after rummaging through a thousand legendaries and next one can occur after only a hundred legendaries. That still doesn’t change averages in a grand scale but your own experience.

Still, you have 0.25% chance to get a Primal grade legendary while you still have 99.75% “failure” rate. Between all that 99.75% “failure”, you still can score a near perfect Ancient and use it reliably which a Primal only would have a few stats advantages over.

You also should know that you can score a Primal by crafting from blacksmith, upgrading rares or reforges. After long sessions of farming, you should have enough material and bloodshards to land one from artisans or gambling. If pure looting takes too long, take it to the farming to change gear.
If luck is not on your side it may need a small budging but perhaps you don’t need to hear any of this.

This is just math and statistics. You are saying this as if you are not the one who refuse to believe statistics of the average and chose to ignore it for the sake of what you saw as an individual. Your own practical experience doesn’t deny or dismiss averages of the crowd which has a sample size of millions of Legendary and Set items. You must have acknowledge this if you were into statistics but sample size matters. Small sample size would have recognizable patterns (unexpected hanging paradox problem could be a good example) while bigger sample sizes have wide spread patterns which is harder to guess and will give true ratio of averages.


This is not a personal attack. The fact that you worked in the plastic industry doesn’t qualify you to have any knowledge of computer programming and how digital games work.
Everything that happens in this game is based on data and algorithms, including drops and drop rates. You can’t have things happening just “out of the blue” or by strange coincidence.

This doesn’t preclude bugs or unintended things happening, like in cases where data becomes corrupted, server fails and other stuff. Another example from some years ago was that some accounts weren’t able to get the Crimson plan to drop in season. This issue was corrected.

Nobody says that computers are flawless and that applications always run flawlessly of course.

PS. I know that good old Davey doesn’t read my posts :grin:


Where did I ever say that you would?

Primals being 1 in 400 legendaries is the Expected Value.

In probability theory, the expected value (also called expectation, expectancy, expectation operator, mathematical expectation, mean, expectation value, or first moment) is a generalization of the weighted average.

This is closely related to the Law of Large Numbers.

In probability theory, the law of large numbers (LLN) is a mathematical theorem that states that the average of the results obtained from a large number of independent random samples converges to the true value, if it exists.

Importantly, the law applies (as the name indicates) only when a large number of observations are considered. There is no principle that a small number of observations will coincide with the expected value or that a streak of one value will immediately be “balanced” by the others

Seemingly without understanding that the result from small sample sizes might vary wildly from the statistical average of large sample pools, e.g. whilst you would accept that the rate at which heads comes up on a coin toss is an average of 50%, you’re more likely to get close to that result if you toss the coin a million times than if you toss it ten times.

Your personal results, or any other individual player’s results, are nowhere near a large enough sample size to work out the expected value as being 1 in 400. However, there was a site which recorded the legendary / set drops of all players using a particular piece of software. The site recorded millions of results every day, for multiple years, i.e. it had a sample size of billions of legendaries and the drop rate for primals was, indeed, very close to 1 in 400, or 0.25%


Looks to me as if it is Davey who is adamant about turning this subject into a matter of life and death?


I think that’s pretty much the point of Meteor’s posts. So what’s the aurgument?

But that’s not really the impression you’re giving with your replies.


tRollNG gonna troll. I finished my Staff of Herding within the first week, but I’m at P700+ now and have found exactly one (1) Primal in addition to the GR70 drop.

That said, I feel the OPs pain, lol. Sometimes it feels like the game IS actually trolling you…


I have never seen duplicate pylons in a GR yet. And I’ve ran MANY GRs.

You’ve had 5 primals. I’ve had 1 (from the GR70 clear), although I haven’t played much in S32. I have only around 1k FS.

You have another 10 odd weeks to finish the altar. What is the rush?

I had 4 primals drop in S31 from over 5k FS. It seems to rain primals for everyone else that I see and I typically get bugger all every season. Last season was the first time that I didn’t get to complete the altar (primals weren’t simply dropping for me). I went 2k FS without a primal dropping.

The issue is that RNG is not truly random in this game.


Sounds like a skill issue to me

It’s not truly random in any game but it’s close enough. The problem with this game is there are so many layers of weighted RNG.