Thank you Devs!
Damn, was also hoping for an announcement about the next PTR… As I already own all the existing pets and wings (including the cosmic ones), this holiday thing is not going to make me come back to D3…
Is this available in non-season also?
I’d assume it is, there’s nothing mentioned in the blog that it’d be season exclusive.
No informations about that on the French blog.
Wow. Here I was thinking “no one can complain about this.”
“Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.” Lily Tomlin
I’ve had more than my share of complaints over the years but for this I thank you Blizzard.
No wonder, we were expecting patch notes whit this announcement. I’ll take a step further and say we expected the patch notes MORE than this event.
Early happy holidays everyone! Will be tuning in to listen in on feedback on this thread to share back with the dev team.
Don’t forget to share any bugs/issues you encounter - we will keep an eye out on the Bug Report section of the forums. Wishing you all the BEST RNG to get all the festive loot during this event!
Thanks! Patch notes when?
I like it! Looks like Non season can get them (yay!) and it is a great way to fill in transmogs, pets, wings, while getting mats without bounties!
I get off work in 10 minutes. Cant wait…
hi! is it not live on PC yet? i hear of console players getting an update and dropping grifts, but no PC players I talked to have received an update yet
if it is live, drop rate sucks - did 10 GR100 and 10 ancient vaults - 0 drops get rekt
yeah according to what ive been seeing other people say, its live on console but not PC
ah ok, typical Bliz… oof
??? No Patch on pc? whats the deal??
Welp. Guess I know what I’m doing with my next few hundred hours of free time.
Now the question is, how to maximize gifts/hr, RGs or goblins? 60 sec super speed GR90s vs. dash monk goblin farm? The blog post makes it sound like RGs have a higher chance of a gift vs. goblins.
And I guess does the drop chance of wings vary with source of gift, or is it independent? Does every gift regardless of source have the same drop chance for wings?
I can farm 45-60 goblins an hour on my route. Rifts are probably more like 30ish/hr (~60-90s clear, 30s gem + town time), maybe a tad higher. So I should be able to bag more goblins/hr than RGs/hr. But if the RGs have a higher chance of dropping a gift, that might win out in the end.
Will probably end up doing stretches of each just to stay fresh.
Actually now that I think about it, goblins are probably still better. Because if you do goblin farm, you’ll still have a chance to get the wings the normal way too, a sort of double dip if you will.
What are this:
- Sword of Mediocrity
- Coal (Glowing Ore)
Please tell.
No Event in Nonseason…